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Imagine that every computer in the world has stopped working because of a computer virus. Write about what happens.

Text 14

What do you think computers and technology will be like in future? Read the text and do exercises that follow.

The future

I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.' This prediction in 1943 by T. J. Watson, the head of IBM. Today there are hundreds of millions PCs in homes all around the world. It is not easy to make predictions about computers! You can only look at the recent past and try to see where we are going in the future. Since the first computers were built in the 1940s, they have become smaller and more powerful every few years. Will computers get smaller and smaller in the future? Probably not, for two reasons, firstly, by the year 2020 the transistors on computer chips will be as small as possible. Secondly, a verу small personal computer is difficult to use (and easy to lose). At the moment, it is possible to build a computer which you can put in your pocket, or wear like a watch, perhaps this is as small as we need. A lot of computer scientists are thinking on Artificial Intelligence, this is software which makes computers think more like humans.

There are still many things which are very easy for humans but very difficult for computers: for example, understanding language. Some computers can understand words when a person speaks, but they cannot really have a conversation - they can only follow instructions. However, this kind of software is getting better every year. Soon, we will probably be able to talk to a computer in the same way that we talk to a friend. Computer scientists are also trying to build computers which can see. It is easy to make a computer with 'eyes', but very difficult for the computer to understand what it sees. Most people think that computers will do many different jobs in the world of the future - perhaps they will drive taxis or work in shops. But to do these jobs, they will need to see and understand the world around them.

Moore's Law says that the number of transistors on computer chips doubles every eighteen months. This has been true for the past thirty years but bу about 2020 we will have the smallest transistors possible. Then a new kind of computer will be necessary. At the moment, scientists are building the first quantum computers. In the future, these will be much faster and more powerful than any computer that we have now. Or perhaps a different kind оf a computer will appear before then. That is why it is difficult to make predictions about the future of computing: the future is often closer than you think it is.

Ex.1 Answer these questions:

  1. Was Watson`s prediction about computers right?

  2. What is Artificial Intelligence?

  3. What things are difficult for computers?

  4. Will computers get smaller and smaller in the future?

  5. Why will Moore's Law stop being true after the year 2020?

  6. Why is it difficult to make predictions about the future of computing?

  7. What kind of new computers are scientists building nowadays?

Ex.2 Use these words to join the sentences together.

although so because

  1. An abacus does calculations quickly. It does not do them automatically

  2. The Bombe machine at Bletchley could not break the “Fish” code. They built a new machine called Colossus.

3 The Apple 2 computer was very popular. IBM started to make to make personal computers.

  1. Computers are very good at chess. Chess is a mathematical game.

  2. Personal computers will probably not get much smaller. They will be too difficult to use and too easy to lose.

Ex.3 Find the words for these definitions:

  • saying what will happen in the future

  • an electronic switch

  • to get bigger by 100 per cent

  • very effective and can do a lot

  • software which makes computers think more like humans

  • something that always happens in nature or society, or a statement that describes this

  • someone who works or is trained in science

Ex.4 Put the words into right order to make sentences:

  1. it, about, not, easy, is, predictions, computers, to make

  2. the first, the moment, quantum, scientists, at, are, building, computers

  3. is, to build, a, possible, computer, you, which, can, it, pocket, in, put, your

Ex.5 Translate into English:

  1. Очень сложно предсказывать будущее.

  2. Существует много вещей, которые компьютер выполнять не может.

  3. Станут ли компьютеры все более мощными в будущем?

  4. Довольно легко создать компьютер, который может «видеть».

  5. Вполне возможно создать компьютер, который может сочинять музыку.

  6. С каждым годом компьютеры становятся все более разумными и мощными.

  7. Наверно, в ближайшем будущем компьютеры станут настолько удобными, на сколько это вообще возможно.

  8. Большинство ученых считает, что квантовые компьютеры будут более быстрыми, чем те, что есть сейчас.

Ex.6 Retell the text using these phrases:

to make predictions, become smaller and more powerful, be as small as possible, difficult to use, easy to lose, as small as we need, Artificial Intelligence, very easy for humans, have a conversation, doubles every eighteen months, do many different jobs, the smallest transistors possible, quantum computers

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