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  1. В Present Simple, Active Voice (одно);

  2. в Present Perfect, Passive Voice (одно);

  3. С модальным глаголом (одно).

Задание 6. Задайте вопросы 5 типов к предложениям, выбранным в задании 5.

Задание 7. Из первого абзаца выпишите существительные в единственном числе и поставьте их во множественное число.

Задание 8. Выпишите из текста одно предложение в Present Simple, Passive Voice и поставьте его в Past Simple , Future Simple, Passive Voice.

Задание 9. Из данных ниже слов постройте утвердительные предложения.

  1. a exchange is means money of.

  2. profits are we in making interested .

  3. be as a of production factors defined can capital.

  4. has the employ to the company workers decided .

Задание 10. Из данных ниже слов постройте вопросительные предложения.

  1. are which in used production goods ?

  2. mean word the " capital" real capital does?

  3. money is exchange an of means ?

4. losing the workers valuable year every is factory ?

Вариант 6.

The money market.

  1. The money market consists of those financial institutions that deal in short-term securities and loans and foreign exchange. It deals with short-term money, whereas the Capital Market deals in long-term money.

  2. The supply of money comes mainly from the commercial banks, who lend funds obtained from the deposits of their customers, at low interest rates for short periods, varying from one to seven days. These funds may be required at any moment by the banks, and , consequently, are lent "at call or short notice". The banks can thus ensure

stability of their positions, and, at the same time, make profits for their shareholders.

  1. The demand for money comes from the private sector and the public sector of the economy. The private sector borrowers consist mainly of the discount houses, overseas and foreign banks and finance houses. The British public sector borrowers are the Treasury and other government departments, local authorities and the nationalized industries.

  2. The centre of the Market is the Bank of England. As central bank, the Bank never refuses to help the market. The Bank can lend for any period it likes and charge what rate it likes. The price the Bank charges for accommodation is the basis of all market prices, i.e. of all interest rates.

Задание 1. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:

  1. short-term securities / а) иностранная валюта

  2. Capital Market b) долгосрочные ценные бумаги

  3. long-term money с) акционер

  4. at low interest rates d) общественный сектор

  5. consequently e) краткосрочные ценные бумаги

  6. at call f) заемщик

  7. private sector g) казначейство

  8. borrower h) частный сектор

  9. the Treasury i) рынок долгосрочного ссудного капитала 10.public sector j) по требованию

11. foreign exchange k) следовательно

12.discount house 1) при низких процентных ставках

13. shareholder m) вексельный дом

Задание 2. Переведите текст письменно.


Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. What does the market money consist of?

  2. Where does the supply of money come from?

  3. How can the banks ensure the stability of their position?

  4. What is the centre of the Market?

5. What is the basis of all market prices?

Задание 4. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:

  1. The money market deals in... a) long-term money.

  2. The capital market deals in ... b) the private and public sector

  3. The supply of money comes from ... c) short-term money.

  4. The demand of money comes from ... d) commercial banks.

Задание 5. Выпишите из текста предложения:

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