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Type of fallacy: Red Herring – an irrelevant reason is given to support the conclusion.

17. Example: A politician: If we allow sex education into schools, soon we

we will have to deal with pornography, rape and

prostitution rings at schools.

Type of fallacy: Slippery slope-an arguer claims that if one thing happens, another

one will happen inevitably without presenting proof for the


18. Example: Student: I will not write my term paper.

Teacher: And why is that?

Student: Because I know how to write essays.

Type of fallacy: Special pleading- an arguer applies standards and principles to

other people of phenomena while exempts himself/ herself or a

particular case without proper justification ( without applying the

principle of relevant difference).

19. Example: Politician A: The government should purchase the new type

supersonic fighter jet.

Politician B: The cost of the plane is much too high. We should

buy the more economical version of the plane.

Politician A: You see, the Member of the Parliament would like

to see our country defenseless.

Type of fallacy: Straw Man – an arguer distorts the position of her/his opponent to

be able to advance stronger arguments against it.

20. Example: Person a: Marihuana should be legalized.

Person B: I disagree- it is a narcotic and narcotics are


Person A: Marihuana is like alcohol and alcohol is legal.

Type of fallacy: False analogy- two things are compared without having enough


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