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Lesson 9

Text A. «Ware» Terms.

Ex.1 Read and translate into Russian:

«Ware» terms

1.Software is the computer program that tells a computer's hardware what to do. System software is the operating system that controls the basic functioning capabilities of the computer, network (сеть, сетевой) software enables (to enable – позволять, давать возможность) multiple computers to communicate with one another, and language software is used to develop programs.

2. Hardware is the physical part of a computer system; the machinery and equipment (оборудование).

3.Freeware is software that is available free of charge (бесплатный), but which is copyrighted by the developer, who retains (сохранять, оставлять) the right to control its redistribution (перераспределение) and to sell it in the future. Freeware is different from free software, which has no restrictions on use, modification, or redistribution. 4. Shareware is software that is copyrighted, but may be downloaded and used for a limited time for free, after which the user is asked to send the author a small payment ((о)плата). Some shareware products offer additional features, documentation,

technical support, and/or updates to registered users. 5. Firmware is software stored in ROM or PROM; important programs that remain (оставаться/сохраняться) even when the system is turned off. Firmware is easier to change than hardware but more permanent than software stored on disk.

Ex.2 Translate into Russian:

  1. Software, hardware, freeware, shareware, firmware;

b) basic functioning capabilities, (to) develop programs, available free of charge software, multiple computers, the right to control redistribution, restrictions on use, (to) offer additional features, technical support, (to) change, permanent.

Section II. Software lesson 10

Text A. Programming Language Generations.

Text B. Terms.

Structure. Simple Tenses in the Passive Voice.

Ex.1 Read and memorize the following words:

  1. (to) convert [kƏn´vƏ:t] – преобразовывать, конвертировать

  2. output [´autput] – выход, вывод, выходной, выходные данные

  3. (to) envision [ın´vıʒƏn] – представлять себе, воображать

  4. hierarchy [´haıƏra:kı] – иерархия

  5. icon [´aık(Ə)n] – иконка, значок, пиктограмма

  6. (to) assemble [Ə´sembl] – собирать, составлять

  7. (to) reduce [ri´dju:s]– сокращать, приводить

  8. particular [pƏ´tıkjulƏ] – определенный, особенный

  9. statement [´steıtmƏnt] – утверждение; высказывание; оператор; предложение, постановка

  10. appropriate [Ə´prɔprııt] - соответствующий

  11. source [sɔ:s] – источник, исходный

  12. virtual [´vƏ:tjuƏl, ´vƏ:ʧuƏl ] – виртуальный

  13. editor [´edıtƏ] – редактор

  14. binary [´baınƏrı, ´bınƏrı] – двоичный

  15. digit [´dıʤıt] – цифра, число, разряд

Structure (4) Ex.2 a) Read the sentences and analyze their structure:

  1. These abbreviations are used to represent main steps or "generations" in the history of programming languages.

  2. In Java the output is called bytecode.

  3. 4GL is designed to be closer to natural language than a 3GL language.

  4. Languages for accessing databases are often described as 4GLs.

  5. Today, assembler programming is used only where very efficient control over processor operations is needed.

The Passive Voice:







Что с данными сделано?



Объект над которым совершено действие

Действие, которое совершено

Note: in computer messages the auxiliary verbs are often omitted:

e.g. Data is lost = Data lost.

The basic form of the Passive Voice:

to be + Ved(VIII)

the Present Tense – am/is/are loaded, found

the Past Tense – was/were loaded, found

the Future Tense – shall/will be loaded, found

b) Pay attention to the following sentences:

  1. Historically, most programs have been written in "higher-level" languages such as COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/I, and C.

  2. C is a structured, procedural programming language that has been widely used both for operating systems and applications.

  3. C is being quickly replaced as the programming language by C++.

  4. Java can be used to create complete applications that may run on a single computer or be distributed among servers and clients in a network.

  5. Using a language that comes with a virtual machine for each platform, your source language statements need to be compiled only once and will then run on any platform.

c) Change the sentences into the Passive Voice:

  1. A programmer writes language statements.

  2. The program processes the source code.

  3. An assembler converts the assembler language statements into machine language.

  4. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer executes elementary instructions.

  5. Most languages share many functional features.

d) Translate into English:

  1. Последовательность нулей и единиц иногда называется машинным кодом.

  2. PL/I был разработан в начале 1960-х (in the early 1960s) как альтернатива ассемблеру.

  3. “Виртуальная машина” используется для обозначения либо операционной системы либо любой программы, которая запускает компьютер.

  4. LISP был создан для работы над проблемами искусственного интеллекта (artificial intelligence).

  5. Программы на языке Ассемблера выполняются быстрее, чем программы тех же задач, написанные на других языках.

Ex.3 Read and translate into Russian: