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J.M. Redmann - Micky Knight 4 - The Intersectio...docx
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I turned sharply around to scan the road. “Nope. Not a Rolls in sight. The snootiest car visible is a Cadillac. And it’s not even this year’s model. I don’t think they’re watching you right now.”

“Oh, I get it. You’re testing my limits: Do I love you enough to hold your hand on the way to the lake?”

“Don’t psychoanalyze me,” I retorted.

“But, Micky, it’s so tempting,” Cordelia replied, smiling at me to signal the end of the dispute.

“Never get involved with a thoroughly neurotic person.”

We stopped at another light. I glanced at Cordelia, she was leaning toward me. She took my face between her hands and kissed me on the lips, leaving me surprised and flustered, not to mention suddenly paranoid about who was in the car next to us.

“Now, why do you think I’m thoroughly neurotic?” Cordelia asked me as we started again.

“Not you. Me. Of course. Now I’m the one worried about the people around us. Isn’t that a ‘Kill A Commie Queer for Lent’ bumper sticker up there?”

“No. ‘Save Our Lake,’ and it’s on Danny’s car. I did think you meant me. That I’m being neurotic about being out.”

“No, you’re being reasonable. I don’t have much to lose. I work for myself. My landlord knows I’m gay and isn’t going to kick me out, because she knows there aren’t that many people foolish enough to live there anyway. And I’m not…well, my social stratum is Gertie’s bar. I don’t get frequent invitations to meet moneyed people.”

“I don’t want them. You know this is because Emma is doing her best to help me and the clinic.” Cordelia continued, “Are you upset about tonight? I could cancel.”

“No,” I replied. “Don’t cancel. Maybe I’m a little upset, but you’re right, the bigotry is there. Losing the funding to the orphaned children’s wing is not worth holding my hand on Elysian Fields. And I will try not to put any more asinine tests in your way today.”

Cordelia followed Danny’s car as it turned into the parking area. Alex and Joanne were already there with their bikes. After a round of hellos, I set myself to the unpleasant task of putting on my jogging shoes.

“Michele, dear, it’s so good to see you. And so unexpected, too,” Torbin’s voice rang across the parking lot. He didn’t waste any time. “How do you do. I’m Torbin Robedeaux,” he said as he walked directly to Cordelia. “You must be the woman who’s keeping the Crescent City rumor mills ablaze. You can’t imagine how tongues are wagging with questions concerning the woman who has finally taken Micky Knight out of circulation.”

“Torbin,” I threatened.

He ignored me. “Hearts have been broken from Texas to Florida. The president should declare it a national disaster area, but he doesn’t dare admit there are that many lesbians out there.”

“Torbin,” I threatened again.

Torbin continued, “And this is my significant other of a significant number of years, Andrew Beaumont.”

“How do you do?” Cordelia replied as she shook their hands. “Biking on the lake?”

“Yes, what a coincidence,” Torbin answered. “You and I must pedal together for a bit and exchange pertinent information. I know a few interesting tidbits about your amour.”

Danny came up to say hello to Torbin, and then Joanne, Alex, and Elly were introduced. As the lucky non-joggers prepared, I got just a moment to grab Torbin’s arm and mutter, “Behave.”

“Not on your life,” he answered and they were off.