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The Nervous System

            1. What are the functions of the nervous system?

Controls all the essential functions of the human body

            1. What are the major subdivisions of the nervous system?

Central Nervous system and peripheral nervous system

            1. What does the CNS consist of?

CNS consists of the brain and the spinal cord.

            1. What is the role of the CNS?

functions of CNS are to send messages and process information.

            1. What does the peripheral nervous system consist of?

The peripheral nervous system consists of 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves, and ganglia.

            1. What are the functions of the peripheral nervous system?

The peripheral nervous system carries messages between the body and the central nervous system.

The Brain

                1. What is the human brain protected by?

The brain is protected the skull

                1. What are the main parts of the brain?

The main parts of the human brain are the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem.

                1. What is the job of the cerebellum?

Its job is to coordinate balance and the actions of the muscles.

                1. What disorders of cerebral circulation are there?

There are hypertensive attack, hemorrhage, thrombosis and embolism.

A stroke

                  1. What is a stroke?

Stroke is the rapidly developing loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain

                  1. What are the symptoms of stroke?

Such as inability to move one or more limbs on one side of the body, inability to understand or formulate speech, or inability to see one side of the visual field.

                  1. What risk factors for stroke do you know?

Risk factors for stroke include advanced age, hypertension, previous stroke, diabetes, high cholesterol, cigarette smoking and atrial fibrillation.

                  1. What is the treatment of stroke?

Post-stroke prevention may involve the administration of antiplatelet drugs such as aspirin, control and reduction of hypertension, the use of statins and anticoagulants.

  1. Sense Organs

  2. 1. Name the sense organs.

  3. The eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin are the examples of sense organs

  4. 2.What stimuli do sense organs respond to?

  5. Sense organs respond to light, sound, heat, pressure, chemicals and changes in the position of the body

3. What is the structure of sense organs?

Sense organs consist of receptor nervous cells and additional structures

The Eye

    1. What is the function of the eye?

Our eyes focus light rays to produce image of objects.

    1. Where is the eye located?

The eye is set in the bony socket called the orbit.

    1. What three layers does the eye have?

The outer layer which called the sclera and cornea. The middle is a vascular one, which is named choroid. The innermost layer of the eyeball is retina.

    1. What is the eye protected by?

The eye is protected by eyelashes, eyebrows, eyelids, muscles and lacrimal glands

The ear

      1. What are the three main parts of the ear?

There are outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear

      1. Which is the visible part of the ear?

The visible part of your ear is called the outer ear. It is made mostly of cartilage covered with skin.

      1. What separates the ear canal from the middle ear?

Eardrum separates the ear canal from the middle ear

The Skin

        1. What are the main layers of the skin?

The outer layer is known as epidermis and the inner layer which called dermis

        1. What structures does dermis contain?

Dermis contains blood vessels, nerve endings, glands, sense organs, smooth muscles and hair follicles.

        1. What can you say about hair and nails?

Hair is produced by cells at the base of structures called hair follicles. Nails grow from an area of rapidly dividing cells known as the nail matrix.

The Urinary System

  1. What is the function of the urinary system?

The urinary system is the organ system that produces, stores, and eliminates urine

  1. What does it consist of?

It consists of two ureters, the urinary bladder, two sphincter muscles, and the urethra.

  1. What is the main function of the kidneys (the urinary bladder, the sphincters)?

Kidneys are participate in the elimination of the wastes of the organism.

Bladder stores urine

Sphincters regulate the flow of urine from the bladder

  1. What are the most serious diseases of the urinary system?

Renal failure, Kidney stones, Stenosis, Urinary tract infection, Bladder cancer, kidney cancer

and prostate cancer

  1. What kind of disease is nephrolithiasis?

nephrolithiases characterized by accumulation of crystals inside the kidneys.

  1. How is diagnosis of this disease confirmed?

Radiological imaging is used to confirm the diagnosis

  1. What is its treatment?

The main methods of treatment of this disease are intravenous medication or operation.

Reproductive system

    1. What is the function of the reproductive system?

The reproductive system produces, stores, nourishes and releases specialized sex cells known as gametes.

    1. What hormone causes the changes in males and females during puberty?

Androgens causes changes in males and estrogen in female


        1. What is pregnancy and its duration?

Pregnancy is the carrying of one or more offspring, known as a fetus or embryo. Duration

is between 37 weeks and 42 weeks

        1. How is called offspring during its pre-natal period of development?

during its pre-natal period offspring is called embryo and fetus

        1. What periods is pregnancy divided into?

Pregnancy divided into three trimesters

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