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8. А) Найдите в тексте Accounting Information синонимы к следующим словам и группам слов:

concerning the future; conclusions about the price; an external part; a use of capital; succeeding; a fixed interval; wide; a number of; a means of supply; a yearly report; a fulfillment of an action; the month before this one.

б) Объедините следующие слова в синонимические пары:

to distribute, to deal in, to accept, to spread, to agree, to borrow money, to trade, to disclose, to handle, to summarize, to be interested in, to offer, to withdraw, to be concerned with, to evaluate, to make known, to give the main points of smth, to get a loan, to render, to take back, to generate, to deter­mine, to deal with, to produce

в) Составьте из прилагательных и существительных все возможные слово­сочетания.

Прилагательные: informational, previous, private, additional, sufficient, annual, net, particular, long-term, current, external, important, general, managerial

Существительные: debt, method, cash, users, period, access, year, events, accounting, income, public, performance, information, support, source, loss

9. Замените выделенные курсивом русские слова в скобках их английскими эк­вивалентами.

1. After all taxes have been paid, a total amount of money lost by a com­pany is known as (чистый убыток).

2. The accountant (оценивает) the company's activity, records data and prepares statements summarizing what has been recorded.

3. The main aim of the company's (ценовой политики) is to produce maximum profit taking into account the changing market situation.

4. Income from (предоставленных услуг) differs from the value of (источника этих услуг).

5. All people (заняты экономической деятельностью) as buying, sell­ing or earning income.

6. Drawing up reports either (суммирующих) past events or (раскрываю­щих) forecasts of the future is expected to be the task of (управлен­ческой отчетности).

7. Productive resources (land, labour, raw materials, equipment) have to be organized properly in order to (произвести) demanded goods and services.

8. Under conditions of hyperinflation (изъятие) of national currency from circulation and issuing of a new monetary unit is the only possi­ble decision.

9. Banks are closely concerned with (притоком и оттоком) of the coun­try's money.

10. (Относительно) the demand for money, one should understand that it depends not only on the scope (размах, масштаб) of business trans­actions, but also on how rapidly the business is done.

10. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на значение слова provided.

1. If planned investment is greater than planned saving, it will help the economy to expand, provided the economy is in a state (зд. состояние) of less than full employment.

2. People should be provided with certain goods and services by the gov­ernment when they are not available through the private sector.

3. The finances provided by taxation are usually spent on education, med­ical services, transportation network development, etc.

4. Preparing the trial balance at the end of the year the bookkeeper would make the necessary adjustments, provided there were changes in tax rates.

5. Being provided with all modern shopping facilities, the department store is able to serve more than 1,000 customers a day.

6. Provided this computer programme for bookkeeping had been more convenient, it would have been adopted.

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