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unit 11 Mозаика новый.doc
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  1. Ask ten questions of different types to the text as a plan for the retelling. Retell the text.

  1. Study the following idioms.

  1. Complete the sentences with the idioms using them in the correct


1. Just because I’m a writer, it doesn’t mean I live in… . I have to earn a living like anyone else. 2. She decided not to buy the most expensive wine for dinner, thinking that it would be… . 3. What do professors and academics sitting in their … know about the real world? 4. They all gathered round her hoping for some… . 5. When Anna first joined the club, it took her along time to… . 6. You shouldn’t live in your …, please look around, we have to do a lot to be good at our business. 7. Don’t be so shy! Come in and make yourself at home! … .8. They live in plenty! You won’t… . They know the cost of this present. 9. You are so experienced! You’ve been working for a long time in this sphere. Give us some … how to make the production successful again. 10. I’ve been trying my best. I’ve been preparing all these premises for the exhibition. But they didn’t like the hall absolutely! It feels like I was …

  1. Make up your own sentences using these idioms as many as you


  1. Fill in the gaps with Past Simple or Past Continuous.

L ast summer my friends and I 1) …went…to the Caribbean islands. While I 2)……… (be) there, I 3) ……………(see) a lot of wonderful things. The nature 4) ……… (impress) me very much. Light-blue and turquoise transparent water 5) ………… (refresh) while we 6)…………(swim) and 7) ………..(splash) in it. The wild life in one of the islands absolutely 8) ………… (amaze) me! A vast deal of opossums and other animals 9) ……… (scurry) around just when we 10)………. (walk) down through the forest. Beautiful exotic birds 11) ……… (fly) between unique trees and flowers. The Caribbeans 12)………. (strike) me largely.

  1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the verb forms.

1. We had been playing golf the whole morning when he called us.

2. Greta had already gone to the lecture when I arrived.

3. I had been reading for my exams for a long time before I grasped to

the main thought of our lectures.

4. I had prepared for my exams before my guests came to me.

5. He had molded the bust by the end of the sculpture classes.

6. The designers of our bureau had been discussing the results of the

annual contest at Graphic Design when the ceremony of awarding


7. Andrew had graduated from the university by the end of May.

8. They had been studying for six years before they got the diplomas.

9. Sandra hadn’t been designing for some years when she set up her

own projecting company.