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IV. Докажите следующий.

1.Фирмы должны дать объявление.

Businesses need to advertise. If they did not advertise no-one would even learn of the existence of their wares.

2. Все под влиянием рекламы до некоторой степени.

Everyone is influenced by advertising to a certain extent because advertising influences our subconsciousness.

3. Реклама - форма страховки.

Advertising is a form of insurance because through advertis­ing to soak up the surplus goods which have been produced.

4. Реклама идет далеко вне телевидения и посадок, газет и журналов.

Advertising goes far beyond television and boardings, newspapers and magazines. Manufacturers, sellers search for different methods for advertising of the goods.

5. Реклама обогащает нашу жизнь.

Yes, advertising actually enriches our lives. Commercial television is able to provide us with free programmes thanks to its advertising revenues. National newspapers derive much of their revenue from advertising.

V. Ваша мечта должна работать на рекламное агентство. Приведите причины для своего выбор

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