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XII. Complete the sentences.

1. The acres of apple and cherry blossom have earned Kent... 2.A lot of pilgrims went to Canterbury Cathedral which has been... 3.Hampshire has two important... 4.Stonehengee is World Heritage... 5.Colchester was established in... 6.The most important building here is Eton College... 7.The Castle of Tintagel was the residence of King Arthur, the ruins of which... 8.The county of Avon is famous for... 9.For 350 years Bath was a Roman health resort with.... 10.In the 13th century the University of Cambridge...

XIII. Give the beginning of the sentences.

1.....which stretch for miles around the capital into what is called "home counties". 2. ...ensure top quality fruit and besides, London markets are within easy reach. 3....are closely connected with the stories told by such pilgrims. 4....is Winchester, for centuries the capital of Saxon and Norman kings of England, begun in 1079. 5. ...is famous for its limestone. 6....quite like it anywhere in the world. 7....who was born and brought up in Stratford-upon-Avon. 8....to the salmon rivers, rich farmlands and picturesque villages of the Lowlands. 9.....where the three biggest towns are located: Swansea, Cardiff and Newport. 10....which were replaced by 26 districts in 1973.

XIV. Write out words and word-combinations about...

1.Kent. 2.Canterbury. 3.Eton and Eton College. 4.the most famous and the most mysterlons of all prehistoric monuments - Stonehenge. 5.the county of Avon. 6.Cambridge. 7.Oxford. 8.Scotland. 9.Wales. 10 .the province of Northern Ireland.

XV.Chose the best title for the text.

1.Local divisions in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 2.The counties of the United Kingdom. 3.Famous cities and towns of the United kingdom.

XVI. Fill in the missing words.

1.Kent is famous for wonderful fruit growing since the Romans first planted (фруктовые сады) and (виноградники) there. 2.It’s (колыбель ) of English Christainity. 3.It (был основан) in the Bronze Age and is thus some 3.000 years old. 4.The Royal County of Berkshire is famous for Windsor (замок) where the Queen often stays. 5.St.Paul's Cathedral, Buckingham Palace and even White House in Washington and the United States Headquarters in New York (были построены) from it. 6.Stonehenge is perhaps (самый знаменитый) as well as (самый загадочный) of all prehistoric monuments. 7.The County of Somersetshire is mostly a land of willows and quite (рек, течений). 8.Bristol is a busy (промышленный) town and (торговый) centre. 9.The (основной) town of the county of Oxfordshire is Oxford. 10. (слава) of Cambridgeshire is Cambridge.

XVII.Find the derivatives in the text, read aloud the sentences with them and translate them.

to know, sea, coast, to depend, beauty, land.

XVIII. Read the text and find the answers to the questions.

1.What can you say about Hent one of "home counties"? 2.What can you say about Canterbury, one of the oldest English towns? 3.What can you say about Brighton and Hastings? Where are these cities situated? 4.What can you say about Eton College? 5.What can you say about Winchester? 6.What can you say about Dorsetshire? What is it famous for? 7.What can you say about an ancient Celtic land with a magnificent coastline of 326 miles? What' is it? 8.What can you say about the Exmoor rational Park? Where is it situated? 9.What can you say about the county of Avon? 10.What is a great sporting county? What is it famous for? 11.What can you say about Cambridge? 12.What can you say about the county of Warwickshire? What is it famous for? 13.What can you say about Scotland? 14.What can you say about Wales? 15.What can you say about the province of northern Ireland?

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