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XII.Fill in the prepositions.

1.One of the most interesting places...the City is the Tower.... London which was founded...the 11th century...William the Conqueror. 2.....the Stuart period only few prisoners were brought... the Tower. 3.Every night...10 p.m. the Ceremony...the Keys or locking up the Tower takes place. 4. St.Paul 's Cathedral rises...III metres and has a dome 34 metres ....diametre. 5.This dome is famous....its Whispering Gallery where every word pronounced....a whisper can be heard....the opposite wall. 6.Four bronze lions look....the square....the monument. 7.The National Gallery contains one of the most finest collection ... pictures....the world. 8.....the north side...Trafalgar Square there is the National Gallery.

XIII.Write out of the text the words and phrases that help you to tell your classmates about

-the Tower of London

-St.Paul's Cathedral

-Trafalgar Square

-the National Gallery

-the Tate Gallery

XIV.Imagine that you have just come to London.What places of interest would you like to visit first.

London. Places to Visit. (part IV)


I.Answer the questions.

-What do you know about Westminster Abbey?

-What do you remember about the Houses of Parliament?

-What can you say about Big Ben?

II.Read and pronounce proper names correctly.






III.Do you know what the following words mean?

banquet wedding

royalty ceremonial

Cenotaph oak

coronation destiny


IV.Read the text.

The political centre of London is Westminster.Whitehall is the street where many of the British government offices stand. The street is called Whitehall because long ago a big white palace.or hall stood in this street where kings and their families lived. Only the old Banqueting House remains today. It is one of London's most beau­tiful buildings. In the middle of the street is the Cenotaph, a monument to the fallen in two world wars.

A little street on the west side of Whitehall is Downing street. House 10 is the place where the Prime Minister lives. Whitehall leads to Parliament Square where the Houses of Parliament are situated. The official name of the building is the Palace of Westminster. The Houses of Parliament in London is the place where members of Parliament gather together to make laws. There are two Towers in the Palace. of Westminster: the Victoria Tower and the Clock Tbwer. The English people built the tower and the clock in 1853. The clock has four faces and a very big loud bell. The clock and the bell got their names after Sir Benjamin Hal1. He was a tall man whose nickname was Big Ben.

On the other side of Parliament Square is Westminster Abbey. It is the chief church of England, so wedding of royalty and other great ceremonials take place there. The Abbey is also a museum of monunents and statues to the great men (and a few women) of the past. Westminster Abbey is famous for the Poet's corner too. Many great writers and poets are buried there, among them Dickens, Hardy, Milton, Burns, Shakespeare.

In Westminster Abbey there is the oak Coronation Chair with a large stone. The Coronation Chair has an interesting history. Many hundreds of years ago this stone was the seat on which the kings of Scotland sat when they were crowned. When Scotland became part of Britain, the English king brought this stone to London. A large chair was made and the Stone of Destiny was put into the seat of the chair. Since that time every English and later British monarch sits on that chair when they are crowned. For coronation the chair is placed in front of the high altar.

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