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XV. Укажите номера предложений, в которых использована конструкция “Cложное подлежащее”

1. The doctor said the patient to come for the next visit in two weeks.

2. This animal is found throughout the tropical and subtropical areas.

3. Pharynx is known to be a muscular tube lined with a mucous membrane.

4. The patient was made by the nurse to follow doctor’s recommendations and thus soon recovered.

5. Plasma was shown to reflect different physiological states of the body from one moment to the next.

  1. The doctor believed his patient to recover soon.

  2. Sea animals seem to store vitamin A to a large extent

  3. The experiment was said to have been over a week ago

  4. It was necessary to prove the effect of the new method.

  5. The hospital was believed to be one of the best in the city.

  6. The doctor believed his patient to recover soon.

  7. Sea animals seem to store vitamin A to a large extent

  8. The experiment was said to have been over a week ago

  9. It was necessary to prove the effect of the new method.

  10. The hospital was believed to be one of the best in the city.

  11. To be a doctor it is necessary to graduate from a higher medical school

  12. The drug was believed to be very effective for such cases.

  13. The patient felt the pain spread over the body.

  14. This drug is unlikely to be effective under such conditions.

  15. The equipment bought turned out to be of the latest design.

  16. Mouth and nose were proved to be the main part of entry of pathogenic microorganisms.

  17. The cell is the smallest unit of living matter which is able to live independently.

  18. The main function of a cell is to preserve a suitable environment for itself and neighboring cells.

  19. The virus was shown to enter the body through the alimentary tract by way of mouth.

  20. Migraine is often likely to result from prolonged wakefulness and extraordinary effort or by prolonged anxiety.

  21. The experiment was said to have been finished.

  22. Lungs are known to perform three major functions: respiration, ventilation and filtration.

  23. Pharynx is known to be a muscular tube lined with a mucous membrane.

  24. The reaction is likely to be promoted by free oxygen radicals.

  25. Cardiovascular diseases are reported to be among those most widely spread among the world population.

XVI. Укажите номера предложений в которых – ing-форма переводится на русский язык именем существительным или неопределенной формой глагола

  1. Examining the patient the doctor asked him about his previous diseases

  2. Dust particles may be expelled from the body in coughing and sneezing.

  3. The coming examination session will not be very difficult.

  4. The patient's quick recovering was a surprise even for the doctor in charge.

  5. Our duty is improving human’s health.

XVII. Укажите номера предложений в которых –ing-форма переводится на русский язык с помощью слова «будучи» и страдательного причастия.

1. Being a good specialist he is much spoken about.

2. Having finished the experiment the scientist wrote a complete report of the results obtained

3. Being very busy I couldn’t come to see you.

4. Being completely treated the patient was discharged from the hospital.

5. Being purified the water could be safely used for drinking purposes.

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