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Ведение переговоров MEETINGS.doc
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The decision-making process

Put the following stages in the decision-making process into the most likely order:

  • consider the options

  • collect information

  • implement your decision

  • define your objectives

  • monitor the effects

  • choose the best course of action

1____________________ 2____________________ 3____________________

4____________________ 5____________________ 6____________________


  1. Objectives □ □

  2. Priorities □ □

  3. Data analysis □ □

  4. Alternatives □ □

  5. Pros & cons □ □

  6. Final decision □ □

Look at the agenda for a decision-making meeting on the left. Decide which two statements below were made at each stage in a meeting:

  1. We’re here to decide whether to go ahead with the project.

  2. One option would be to do detailed market research.

  3. The most important thing is: can we make this profitable?

  4. The advantage of doing market research is we reduce the risk.

  5. Have a look at these figures.

  6. Above all, we must be sure there’s a market for our service.

  7. What we’ve agreed, then, is to start marketing this service now.

  8. Another alternative is to offer the service on a trial basis.

  9. On the other hand, market research takes time.

  10. Our aim is to find out if there’s a good chance of success.

  11. As you can see, client feedback is very positive.

  12. So, that’s it – we’re going ahead with the project.

Who are you?

Comments on questionnaire

The questionnaire shows what type of 'animal' you are in meetings. First add up your total number of points.

a Agree = 0 points Disagree = 1 point

b Agree = 1 point Disagree = 0 points

с Agree = 1 point Disagree = 0 points

d Agree = 0 points Disagree = 1 point

e Agree = 0 points Disagree = 1 point

f Agree = 1 point Disagree = 0 points

g Agree = 1 point Disagree = 0 points

h Agree = 1 point Disagree = 0 points

If you scored:

0-2 points

You're a mouse at meetings - shy, quiet; you don't like to be the centre of attention. You make a very good listener, but need to say what you really think more often.

3-4 points

You're a fox at meetings - sly, patient and sudden in your attacks on other people's points of view. You don't say much, preferring to let others give you all the information you need to destroy their arguments.

5-6 points

You're a horse at meetings - enthusiastic and full of energy, it takes a strong person to keep you under control. You work very hard to get your ideas across, but will sometimes do as you're told just to keep the peace.

7-8 points

You're a bulldog at meetings - loud, proud and fond of the sound of your own voice. People know you always mean what you say, but you need to listen to what they're saying a bit more often.

Everyday problems

Giving advice 1 Work in groups. What sort of everyday problems do you face at work? Write down on separate slips of paper two or three of the toughest problems you have to deal with. Be specific.

  1. Swap papers with another group. Read out the problems one by one and discuss with your group how they could be solved. Write down any suggestions on the back of the papers.

  2. Return the papers to their original owners. Was any of the advice useful?