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§ 10. Progressive Tenses

Present Progressive

Past Progressive

Future Progressive

Возможные указатели времени


at present – в настоящее время

at the moment – в данный момент

from 6 p.m. to(till) 8 p.m. yesterday –

с 6 до 8 часов вечера вчера

at 10 a.m. yesterday – в 10 утра вчера

during the whole morning 2 days ago –

всё утро 2 дня назад

from 6 p.m. to(till) 8 p.m. tomorrow –

с 6 до 8 вечера завтра

at 10 a.m. tomorrow – в 10 утра завтра

during the whole evening the day after tomorrow –

весь вечер послезавтра


Утвердительная форма


N + { is } + Ving


I am listening to you now

Я слушаю тебя сейчас


N + { } + Ving


My brother was watching TV at that time

В то время мой брат смотрел телевизор

shall be

N + { } + Ving

will be

I’ll be working at my report from 8 p.m. to(till) 11 p.m. tomorrow

Я буду работать над докладом с 8 до 11 вечера завтра

Вопросительная форма


is }+ N + Ving


Are you listening to me now?

Ты слушаешь меня сейчас?


}+ N + Ving


Was your brother watching TV at that time?

Твой брат в то время смотрел телевизор?

will + N + be + Ving

Will you be working at your report from 8 p.m. to (till) 11 p.m. tomorrow?

Ты будешь работать над докладом с 8 до 11 вечера завтра?

Отрицательная форма


N + { is } + not + Ving


I’m not listening to you now.

Я не слушаю тебя сейчас.


N + { } + not + Ving


My brother wasn’t watching TV at that time

Мой брат не смотрел телевизор в то время.

shall not

N + { } + be + Ving

will not

I’ll not be working at my report from 8 p.m. to (till) 11 p.m. tomorrow.

Я не буду работать над докладом с 8 до 11 вечера завтра.

Задание 33. Переведите следующие предложения:


  1. We are in the classroom. One of the students is answering the teacher’s question.

  2. These students are taking English classes this year.

  3. I am translating a very interesting text.

  4. We are walking home now.


  1. He is not writing anything, he is reading an English newspaper.

  2. This judge is not hearing cases this month, he is on leave.

  3. They are not speaking English. They are speaking German.

  4. I am not helping him with his translation, he is translating the text himself.


  1. Are you reading an interesting book?

  2. Is your brother working in his lab?

  3. Are the students of group 7 taking their English exam now?

  4. What are you doing now?


  1. Are you writing an article? – No, I am not.

  2. Is Nick learning new English words to the text now? – Yes, he is.

  3. Who is talking with our English teacher there? – Peter is.

  4. How many students are listening to the tape now? – Fifteen are.

Задание 34. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.

  1. I’m tired. I (go) to bed now. Goodnight!

  2. We can go out now. It (not to rain) any more.

  3. I want to lose weight, so this week I (not to eat) lunch.

  4. Angela has just started evening classes. She (learn) German.

  5. I think Paul and Ann have had an argument. They (not to speak) to each other.

  6. Catherine phoned me last night. She’s on holidays in France. She (have) a great time and doesn’t want to come back.

  7. ‘How is your new job?’ ‘Not so good at the moment. I (not to enjoy) it very much’.

Задание 35. Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Не разговаривайте! Я слушаю лекцию.

  2. Интересно, что ты будешь делать завтра в 7 часов вечера?

  3. Я не думаю, что он спит сейчас.

  4. Ты делаешь упражнение? – Ничего подобного. Я уже сделал его.

  5. Мой друг сейчас играет в хоккей.

  6. Что ты смотрел по телевизору, когда я пришёл?

  7. Извини, я занят сейчас. Я работаю.

  8. Интересно, что вы читаете? – Журнал «Новый мир».

  9. Завтра в это время студенты будут сдавать экзамен.

  10. Я думаю, они говорят по-немецки.

  11. Он работает? – Ничего подобного. Он отдыхает.

  12. Интересно, с кем он разговаривал, когда мы его встретили?

Задание 36. Поставьте глаголы, данные в рамке в Present Simple или Progressive или в Past Simple или Progressive.

do give go have revise see shake try

not / go not / use not / work

Fred is phoning his friend Jane.

FRED: Hello, Jane, it's Fred here.

JANE: Oh, hello Fred. What (1) are you doing?

FRED: Nothing much. I (2) was revising but I had to stop because my computer (3) isn't working.

JANE: Oh dear. Well, I (4) mine. Would you like to come and borrow it?

FRED: Thanks, but I'd rather go out. Would you like to come to the cinema? They (5) two tickets for the price of one this afternoon.

JANE: What's on?

FRED: I'm not sure.

JANE: Well, I (6) if I don't know what film we'll see.

FRED: Wait a minute. I (7) to find the right page in the newspaper. Oh, it's a horror film. How about it?

JANE: Definitely not. You know I (8) nightmares when I (9) horror films. We (10) to see one last year and by the end I (11) with terror.

FRED: Oh, all right. Well, see you on Monday I suppose.

JANE: Yes, OK. Bye.

FRED: Bye.

Задание 37. Используйте слова, приведенные в рамке, и составьте предложения, как показано на примере 1, 2 и 3. Используйте Present Continuous.

My boyfriend I My father My sister My classmates

My family Our teacher My boss None of my friends

My wife Our children Several of my colleagues

Our next door neighbour My best friend

  1. My boyfriend's studying for his final exams this term.

  2. My sister is working at home this week.

  3. My classmates aren’t talking much right now.

  4. this year.

  5. at the moment.

  6. this year.

  7. this week.

  8. this term.

  9. right now.

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