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18. Managing, Planning and Communicating in a Crisis.

The most significant tests for an org-n comes when it’s hit by a major disaster or an accident. How it handles the crisis may influence how it’s perceived for years to come. Unsuccessful – cause financial loss and ruin the reputation.

Several characteristics of a serious crisis: surprise (unexpected), insufficient info (many things happen at once), escalating events – events unfolding too quickly like snowball, loss of control, increased outside scrutiny, panic.

Goals of CM: terminate the crisis quickly, limit the damage, restore credibility.

Planning. 1) define the risk, 2) describe the actions that diminish the risk, 3) identify the cause of the risk, 4) demonstrate responsible management action.

Appear to be in control of the situation. Let ppl know that the org-n has a plan and is implementing it. Be prepared,available,credible.

You must be willing to communicate in a crisis. Most eff-ve crisis commun-ors are those who provide prompt, frank and full info to the media in the eye of the storm. Cardinal rule: tell it all and tell it fast. Rumors are stopped and nerves are calmed.

Analysis of the risks versus the benefits of going public. Connect with media. All spokespeople, top executives need to be media trained. During the early stages of a crisis. It’s crucial that the CEO express company’s opinion, explain what’s wrong & solution of it. If CEO isn’t immediately available another top-ex should step in.

Principles: speak first and open, don’t speculate, stay with the facts, be open, concerned and not defensive, make your point and repeat it, don’t war with the media, establish urself as the most credible info source, never lie.

Key steps in resp-g to a crisis: Take responsibility, Communicate, Show compassion (victims are a top priority), remember legal consideration.

Prevention – the best insurance for any org-n, still every org-n can face a crisis sooner or later. The most valuable resource of the org-n will be crisis managers, who can effectively communicate, turning a crisis into opport-ty.

Poor CM – to be not accessible to the media, blame others, don’t tell the truth; the consequences are prolonged media focus, angry customers & ta, law suits, profit loss. The longer negative story is, the bigger the hit to the firm’s reputation.

The only way to contain a crisis and remain credible is by getting the truth out fast. Bad new can’t stay hidden due to employees, customers, competitors. So the comp looks worse than if it told themselves in the beginning.

13. Government: pr in Government, Government Agencies (usa, Russia). President and Press Secretary (usa, Russia). What are their names, roles and duties.

In the 21st century government officials have to be particularly mindful of the media, as it plays a vital role in forming the public opinion.

The growth of pr work both with the government and in the government has exploded in recent years. GR field is a fertile one for pr graduates.

Today’s businesses expand their own government relations programs. They spend much time talking with and lobbying government officials on such issues as trade, taxes, budget deficits and others.

Thousands of pr-related jobs exist in US federal government and countless others at local levels. The government is flooded with public affairs experts, information officers, press secretaries and communications specialists. The practitioners in this field communicate the government’s activities to the public. It’s essential to from informational links betw G and P, and the flow of info should be quick and prompt.

One of the government’s PR agencies is United States Info Agency. Purpose: disseminate info ab US, its ppl, culture and policies. The director of USIA reports directly to the president. Vehicles: TV, radio (voice of america), media, exhibitions, libr-s and books, education, electr-c info.

Another government agencies are Federal Trade commission, Food and Drug adm-n, the Department of Defence (1000 ppl assigned to pr work), the Air Force, dep-t of health and human services.

Federal agencies in Russia: special presidents’ programs dpt; nuclear; space; tourism; sport & physical culture; president affairs; guns & special machines. Federal services: security, hunting, reconnaissance, custom, drugs, safeguard, antimonopoly, financial market, aeronavigation, statistics, meteorology& climate, mass media & culture, tariffs.

The President. Anything P says or does makes news. His press secr-ry provides the White House press corps with a constant flow of announcements supplemented by daily press briefings. WH releases achieve national exposure. Principles: plan ahead, stay on the offensive, control the flow of info, limit reporters’ access to the president, speak in one voice, repeat the same message many times. Most skilled comm-ors were Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton.

President’s Press Secretary – chief pr person for the admin-n, must communicate the policies and practices of the president to the public. Responsibility.2 views: 1) should feel the Pr is always right and speak with confidence, 2) shouldn’t always agree with the Pr, his 1st loyalty is to the public, shouldn’t lie or mislead the press.

l.The trend toward recruiting experienced comm-s ppl.

Gromov Aleksey Alekseevich, was born in 1960, graduates from MSU (historical faculty), worked for Foreign affairs dpt in USSR, 96-98 – managed presidents’ press-agency, since 2000 – Putins’ press-secretary. Deal with issues of informational policy. Together with Surkov provides connection btw presidents’ anmin & media.

Nataliya Timakova is manager of press-agency & info bureau, she is responsible for presidents’ press-agency activity & communications btw presidents’ administration& media. She is professional journalist, worked for Moskovski Komsomolets, Kommersant, Interfaks.

Dmitrii Peskov is vice-press-secretary, he is responsible for interaction with foreign mass media, coordinates information activities. Before it Peskov graduates from Asia&Africa countries Institution, worked for Foreign Af dpt.

Press-agency functions: provide media info about presidents’ activity, his meetings, events which he participates; organizing press-conferences, meetings with media, briefings; make presidents’ proclaims public; producing & distributing foto, video materials connected with pres activities; distributing messages for media.

Tony Snow is Jorge Bush press-secretary. He is celebrity in the media field, because he is famous newscaster, radio commentator; he wrote speeches for Bush-elder.