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Lexicology is a branch of linguistics.doc
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  1. Assimilation of borrowed words.

The role of loan words in the formation and development of English vocabulary is dealt with in the history of the language. Assimilation of borrowed words is used to denote a partial or total conformation to the phonetic, graphical and morphological standards of the receiving language and its semantic system. The degree of assimilation depends upon the length of period during which the word has been used in receiving language, its importance for communicative purpose and its frequency. Oral borrowings are assimilated more completely than borrowings in written speech. Groups:

completely assimilated, (are found in all layers of older borrowings) Latin(cheese,street,wine), Scandinavian(husband,fellow), French are extremely frequent(table,chair,finish). The number of completely assimilated is greater partially assimilated. They follow morphological, phonetic, orthographic standards. Frequent and stylistically neutral. Take an active pert in word-formation. Indistinguishable phonetically.

partially assimilated Subdivided into subgroups 1. not assimilated semantically, because they denote objects of peculiar country, foreign clothing (sombrero), food and drinks (sherbet) and so on 2. not completely assimilated phonetically because of stresses (prestige, sabotage, foyer)

unassimilated(barbarisms) words from other language used by English people in conversation or in writing but not assimilated in any way. Italian addio «good bye»

  1. Conditions and causes of borrowing. Main sources of borrowing English

1.political situation in the country

2. Cultural and trade relations

3. Absence of corresponding concept(отсутствие соответств понятия)

4. migration

5. Expression of positive or negative connotations

Main sources of borrowing English

It depends on different conditions of borrowing of peculiar language.

  1. The affinity(близость) of both languages promotes semantic loans(сканидинавский и древнеанглийский)

  2. Disintegration(распад) of a feudal society and occurrence(возникновение) of capitalist relations

  3. Increase in trade relations

  4. growth of cities and the industries

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