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EDUCATION in Great Britain.doc
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1. primary ['praımərı] school – общая начальная школа (для детей от 5 до 11 лет в Англии и от 5 до 12 лет в Шотландии; государственная)

2. Eleven Plus Examination – отборочные экзамены в 11 с половиной лет

3. nursery ['nə:sərı] schools – дошкольное учреждение; старшая группа детского сада

4. infants ['ınfants] classes - классы первой ступени начальной школы (от 5 до 7 лет)

5. local education authority's nursery – дошкольное учреждение, находящееся в ведении местных органов образования

6. junior ['d3u:njə] schoolначальная школа (для детей от 7 до 11 лет; государственная, существует самостоятельно или в составе общей школы)

7. set periods ['set 'pıərıədz] — фиксированные в расписании уроки

8. to stream [strı:m] — распределять по потокам (в зависимости от результатов интеллектуальных тестов: streaming – распределение по «потокам»; grouping – распределение по профилям, уровням;settingраспределение по группам для изучения предметов на разных уровнях и в зависимости от успехов)

9. comprehensive [˛komprı'hensıv] schoolединая средняя школа (соединяющая 3 типа школ: классическую, среднюю современную и техническую)

Secondary Education: Comprehensive Schools; Grammar Schools (1); Secondary Modern Schools (2); The Sixth Form; No More Inequality?; Cuts on School Spending

After the age of 11, most children go to comprehensive schools of which the majority are for both — boys and girls.

About 90 percent of all state-financed secondary schools are of this type. Most other children receive secondary education (3) in grammar and secondary modern schools.

Comprehensive schools were introduced in 1965. The idea of comprehensive education, supported by the Labour Party, was to give all children of whatever background the same opportunity in education. Only about 20 per cent of children study for the General Certificate of Education, (4) Ordinary Level (GCE O-level). (5) Most children do not pass GCE examinations. They leave school at 16 without any real qualification and more often than not increase the ranks of unemployed people.

Pupils of modern schools take their Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) (6) examinations while in grammar schools almost all children stay to sixteen to take O-levels. More than half of them stay on to take A-levels. (7) Some comprehensive and many secondary schools, however, do not have enough academic courses for sixth-formers. (8) Pupils can transfer either to a grammar school or to a sixth-form college (9) to get the courses they want.

The majority of schools in Scotland are six-year comprehensives. Secondary education in Northern Ireland is organized along selective lines according to children's abilities.

One can hardly say that high quality secondary education is provided for all in Britain. There is a high loss of pupils from working-class families at entry into the sixth form. If you are a working-class child at school today, the chance of your reaching the second year of a sixth-form course is probably less than one-twelfth of that for the child of a professional (10) parent.

Besides, government cuts on school spending caused many difficulties.

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