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2.2.8 Longer consonant sequences

In phrases one word may end with a consonant cluster and the next word may begin with another consonant cluster, so that longer sequences quite commonly occur. These may be clusters of three (help mJ), four (fIfT flL), five (Its splendId), six (nekst sprIN) and even seven consonants as for example in /Dq teksts stjHpId/. As always there is a smooth passage from each consonant to the next, with no pause, no gap between them. The influence of consonants on each other still remains and it is the same as it was described above in two-consonant clusters.

3. Lab works

3.1 Lab work 8 Consonant clusters

Exercise 1 Devoicing of [l, r, w, j]

When [l, r, w, j] follow [p, t, k] in syllable-initial position they are produced as voiceless, slightly fricative sounds. Listen and repeat:

pleI play

treI tray

klIq clear

preI pray

twIn twin

kraI cry

pjH pew

tjHn tune

kjH queue

Exercise 2 Repetition of initial clusters

Listen and repeat:

Two consonants

Three consonants

spPt spot

plaV plough

spleI splay

stqVn stone

twIst twist

spreI spray

skeIt skate

krJm cream

spjH spew

sfIq sphere

pjVq pure

streI stray

smaIl smile

fleIm flame

stjH stew

snqV snow

SrINk shrink

skrH screw

slxm slam

vjH view

skwPS squash

swIC switch

TwLt thwart

skjH skew

Exercise 3 Final plosive-plus-plosive clusters

a) Listen and repeat:

pxkt packed

rIgd rigged

bxgd bagged

dAkt duct

drPpt dropped

lept leapt

rPbd robbed

grxbd grabbed

b) It is difficult to hear the difference between, for example, ‘dropped back’ and ‘drop back’, since in the normal pronunciation only the last plosive of the cluster is audibly released. The main difference is that the three-consonant cluster is longer. Listen and repeat:



grxbd bqVT grabbed both

grxb bqVT grab both

laIkt Dqm liked them

laIk Dqm like them

hPpt bxk hopped back

hPp bxk hop back

lVkt fLwqd looked forward

lVk fLwqd look forward

pegd daVn pegged down

peg daVn peg down

wIpt krJm whipped cream

wIp krJm whip cream

Exercise 4 Recognition

Look at the items of Exercise 3(b) above. When you hear one of them, say “A” if you hear an item from the left-hand column, or “B” if you hear one from the right-hand column. You will then hear the correct answer and the item will be said again for you to repeat (1…6).

Exercise 5 Final clusters of three and four consonants

Listen and repeat:

helps helps

twelfTs twelfths

rJCt reached

sIksT sixth

nekst next

teksts texts

TxNkt thanked

reInGd ranged

eGd edged

rIsks risks

Exercise 6 Pronouncing consonant clusters

When you hear the number, say the word. You will then hear the correct pronunciation which you should repeat.

1. skreIpt

3. klqVDz

5. krAnCt

7. plAnGd

2. grAGd

4. skrIpts

6. TrqVnz

8. kwenC