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an archipelago – архіпелаг, група островів / архипелаг

the North Pole – Північний Полюс / Северный Полюс

a Governor General – Генерал-губернатор / Генерал-губернатор

to direct the government – керувати урядом / руководить правительством

a trial court – суд, що розглядає справи по суті; суд першої інстанції /суд, рассматривающий дела по существу; суд первой инстанции

a court of appeal – апеляційний суд / апелляционный суд

a superior court – вищий суд / высший суд

a county court – окружний суд / окружной суд

a district court – районний суд / районный суд

a lower court – нижчий суд / низший суд

- What is the geographical position of Canada?

- Canada is situated in the northern part of the North America continent. It borders on the USA and is washed by three oceans:

the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. The Canadian Arctic Archipelago is about 1.000 kilometers from the North Pole.

- What is the capital of Canada?

- Ottawa is.

- What is the administrative division of Canada?

- As a federation, Canada is made up of 10 provinces and 2 territories.

- What form of government has Canada?

- Canada is a constitutional monarchy. The Queen of the United Kingdom is the official head of the state, but the Governor General acts as her representative.

- Does the Governor General direct the government?

- No, he doesn’t. He performs only certain formal and symbolic tasks. The Prime Minister directs the government.

- What is the highest legislative body?

- Parliament is the national legislature of Canada. It has two houses – an upper house called the Senate and a lower house called the House of Commons.

- What is the composition of the executive branch of power?

- The executive branch is composed of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.

- How is the Prime Minister appointed?

- The Prime Minister is appointed by the Governor General, following the wishes of the majority in the House of Commons. The Prime Minister holds office only with the backing of this majority.

- How is the Cabinet formed?

- The Cabinet consists of 40 ministers chosen by the Prime Minister, usually from the majority party in the House, and appointed by the Governor General. Ministers head government departments.

- What are the highest organs in the judicial branch of power?

- The highest courts in Canada are the Supreme Court of Canada and the Federal Court of Canada. The Supreme Court of Canada is the highest court of appeal. The Federal Court of Canada has a trial division and an appeal division. The trial division hears all claims against or affecting Canada’s government. The appeals division mainly hears appeals from the trial division.

- What other courts are there in Canada?

- In the provinces and territories, the superior, county and district courts decide cases that involve federal, provincial, or territorial law. Provinces and territories also have lower courts.

- What political parties dominate at the election in Canada?

- Canada has five important political parties. Historically, the two largest have been the Liberals and the Progressive Conservatives. The other parties are: the New Democratic Party, the Reform Party and the Bloc Quebecois.

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