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Companies’ Restructuring

In the world of business we can often witness changes to the ownership or structure of companies and groups of companies. As a rule companies join with or buy other companies in order to have better control of a particular market, to diversify their business, to strengthen their operations to remain profitable. When two companies combine, usually voluntarily, they merge to form one company in an agreement known as a merger.

To buy another company or to win a controlling share of a company is to acquire a business, make an acquisition or take over a company. There are two types of takeover: a hostile takeover is a situation in which a company is bought out when the owners do not want to sell. Individuals or companies that want to take over other companies are called raiders. A friendly takeover takes place when a company is willingly bought out. When someone wants to buy a company they have to make a bid for it, i.e. offer to buy it at a certain price.

A buyout is the purchase of a company usually by buying the majority of shares, especially by its management or staff.

If a company sells a business, it divests itself of that business. If you pull out of a business activity, you abandon it, perhaps as part of a programme of restructuring: reorganizing a business with the aim of making it more efficient and profitable.

Білет 6

1.A shop of Харродс is the official supplier of commoditiesfor royal family.

2.Today formed and highly skilled specialists work indifferent industries of national economy

2.2 Hotel’s Receptionist will book air tickets in advance

1. Will Hotel’s Receptionist book air tickets in advance?

2. Will Hotel’s Receptionist book air tickets in advance or with a delay?

3. Who will book air tickets in advance?

4. Will Hotel’s Receptionist book air tickets in advance, will not he?

Найважливіше правило для бізнесмена це стримати своє слово і бути чесним. Крім того, пунктуальність дуже важлива для бізнесу і соціального призначення.

Підприємець повинен дотримуватися різні правила. Є деякі основні правила впровадження, які корисно пам'ятати: чоловіки знайомляться з жінками, молоді люди старі, старі друзі для новачків, молодих дівчат заміж.

Чоловіки завжди повинні стояти, коли люди вводяться, дами можуть залишатися на своїх місцях. Британські та американські люди зазвичай тиснуть руки особливо, коли офіційно представлений, але вони не завжди потиснути руку люди бачать часто. Замість цього, вони посміхаються і говорять привітання.

Organizational Structure

In business organizational structure means the relationship between position and people who hold these positions.

The structure of organizations varies greatly according to the nature of the business. There are several factors which influence this structure:

 the number of locations and employees

 the economic sector

 the type of a market in which they operate

 the type of customers

 the degree of management control required

 the complexity of the business activities

The company is run by a Board of Directors; each Director is in charge of a department. However, the Chairman of the Board, someone who wears many hats, is in overall control and may not be the head of any one department. The Board is responsible for policy decisions and strategy. The Managing Director (sometimes called the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), or President in the USA) is the head of the company, who has overall responsibility for the running of the business. In the US, senior managers in charge of particular areas are often called vice-presidents (VPs).

Most companies have Finance, Sales, Marketing, Production, Research and Development (R&D) and Personnel Departments. These are the most common departments, but some companies have others as well.

Most departments have a Manager, who is in charge of its day–to-day running, and who reports to the Director; the Director is responsible for strategic planning and for making decisions. Various personnel in each department report to the Manager.

People at the head of an organization are often called senior executives or senior managers, top executives or top managers.

Білет 7

1.Labour force of organization are workers that for the workor services get a salary.

2.There was a great choice of vegetarian dishes in the newrestaurant of rapid feed.

2.2 They have been exhibiting this new model since May.

1. Have been they exhibiting this new model since May?

2. Have been they exhibiting this new model since May or October?

3. Who have been exhibiting this new model since May?

4. They have been exhibiting this new model since May, have not they?

Підробка грошей є одним з найстаріших в історії злочину.

У США, наприклад, це було серйозною проблемою в минулому, коли кожен банк випустив власну валюту. Тому вони прийняли національну валюту в 1863 році. Але це не вирішення проблеми підробки. Національній валюті, або долар, незабаром підробляють настільки широко, що воно стало необхідним, щоб уряд США вжити спеціальних заходів. У 1865 році Секретна служба США була створена, щоб зупинити підробку. Він скоротив підробки до певного розміру, але цей злочин досі exists.The долара США в даний час є найбільш підроблених валют у світі.

Сучасні фотографічні і друкуючих пристроїв, кольорових копіювальних апаратів, лазерних сканерів зробили виробництво фальшивих грошей порівняно легко.

При прийнятті американських доларів, наприклад, такі функції безпеки використовуються:

• червоний і синій і невидимі волокна, впроваджені в папір

• глибокого друку деякі особливості та багато інших.

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