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3. The present perfect/the present perfect continuous tenses

Present perfect

We use the present perfect to talk about a past action, event or state, when there is some kind of connection between what happened in the past, and the present time. Often we are interested in the way something that happened in the past affects or is relevant to the situation that exists now. However, the connection with the present may also be that the action happened recently with a consequence for the present, that it continues until the present time, or that a repeated event in the past may (or may not) happen again.

I have never seen this film.

My ceiling has fallen in and the kitchen is flooded. Come quickly!

We have belonged to the tennis club since we moved here.

Present perfect continuous

We use the present perfect continuous to talk about an activity in progress in the past for a period until now, which is still in progress or has recently finished.

She has been sleeping for two hours already.

I've been waiting for about an hour.

the Present Perfect stresses the result of some activity, while the Present Perfect Continuous stresses the duration of this activity before the result. In both cases the result is "by now". Stative verbs are generally used in the Present Perfect instead of the Present Perfect Continuous.

I've known him for a year by now.

CARD #10

2. The internet

The Internet is a huge network of computers spanning this planet and is now started to bring in the surrounding area like space.

The Internet is very helpful, because it’s a huge database of knowledge, from the pictures of family trips to an analysis of quantum mechanics. Everyone should have the Internet because of its near instantaneous communication and huge wealth of knowledge.  The Internet, up to the beginning of the 90s, was used only to read a different texts. Then in the early 90′s, a way was made to see pictures and listen to a sound on the Internet. This breakthrough made the Internet to be most demanded means of communication, data saving and transporting.

However, today’s net is much more than just pictures, text, and sound. The Internet is now filled with voice massages, video conferencing and video games

But why has the Internet become such an integral part of our lives?

The more obvious reasons are:

1. In need of information: People want information for various reasons and the Internet can provide that information instantly.

2. Saving time and money: Many people spend time online to save both time and money. It is more convenient for many busy people to do online shopping than to actually go to a shopping mall. People book tickets online and can even check in online before boarding an airplane. The Internet makes our lives more convenient.

3. Socializing: People access the Internet to socialise and to connect with other people with similar interests

4. Sharing of information: People want to share information by transferring files or by organizing events in a working environment or as part of their social lives. They use email to do that as it is cheaper and easier than telephone calls.

5. News updates: News updates can be accessed on the Internet as it happens.

6. Entertainment: Movies can be watched via the Internet and music can be downloaded and listened to. The Internet has become a popular entertainment medium.

7. Making money: The Internet now also provides an income opportunity to many people.

8. Closing distances: The Internet has closed distances and brought the world together.

The not so obvious reasons why people use the Internet are:

Education: Many qualifications can now be completed online.

The rise of online corporate communication: Internet marketing, online advertising and public relations are huge fields.

But there are some disadvantages:

  • Theft of Personal Information. If you use the Internet for online banking, social networking or other services, you may risk a theft to your personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc.

  • Spamming. Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails in bulk, which provide no purpose and needlessly obstruct the entire system. 

  • Virus ThreatInternet users are often plagued by virus attacks on their systems. Virus programs are inconspicuous and may get activated if you click a seemingly harmless link.

  • Pornography. Pornography is perhaps the biggest disadvantage of Internet. Internet allows you to access and download millions of pornographic photos, videos and other X-rated stuff.

  • Social Disconnect. Thanks to Internet, people now only meet on social networks. More and more people are getting engulfed in virtual world and drifting apart from their friends and family.

The Internet has become part of our daily lives but has also exposed us more than ever. Sadly many people socialize online but then neglect their real relationships or opportunities to connect with people offline. Online fraud, theft (including identity theft), less privacy and information overload are some of the disadvantages of always being connected.