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Graphic design

1. The term graphic design can refer to a number of artistic and professional disciplines which focus on visual communication and presentation. Various methods are used to create and combine symbols, images and/or words to create a visual representation of ideas and messages. A graphic designer may utilize typography, visual arts and page layout techniques in varying degrees to produce the final result of the project.

2. Common uses of graphic design include magazines, advertisements, product packaging and web design. For example, a product package might include a logo or other artwork, organized text and pure design elements such as shapes and color which unify the piece.

There is sometimes over-lapping of advertising art, graphic design and fine art. They share many of the same elements, theories, principles, practices and languages, and sometimes the same client. In advertising art the ultimate objective is the sale of goods and services. In graphic design, the essence is to give order to information, form to ideas, expression and feeling to artifacts that document human experience.

3. The paintings in the caves of Lascaux around 14,000 BC and the birth of written language in the third or fourth millennium BC are both significant milestones in the history of graphic design and other fields which hold roots to graphic design. The Book of Kells is an early example of graphic design. It is a lavishly decorated hand-written copy of the Gospels of the Christian Bible created by Celtic monks around 800 AD.

4. The arrival of desktop publishing and graphic art software applications introduced computer image manipulation and creation that had previously been manually executed. Computer graphic design enabled designers to instantly see the effects of layout changes without using any ink, and to simulate the effects of traditional media without requiring a lot of space. However, traditional tools such as pencils or markers are often used to develop ideas even when computers are used for finalization.

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Computers are considered to be an indispensable tool used in the graphic design industry.

History of painting

1. The oldest known paintings are at the Grotte Chauvet in France, claimed by some historians to be about 32,000 years old. There are also examples of cave paintings all over the world – in France, Spain, Portugal, China, Australia, India etc.

In Western cultures oil painting and watercolour painting are the best known media, with rich and complex traditions in style and subject matter. In the East, ink and colour ink historically predominated the choice of media with equally rich and complex traditions.

2. By the time of Leonardo painting had become a closer representation of the truth than painting was in Ancient Greece. Leonardo Da Vinci, on the contrary, said that "Painting is a thing of the mind". Kant distinguished between Beauty and the Sublime, in terms that clearly gave priority to the former. Although he did not refer particularly to painting, this concept was taken up by painters such as Turner and Caspar David Friedrich.

3. Hegel recognized the failure of attaining a universal concept of beauty and in his aesthetic essay wrote that Painting is one of the three "romantic" arts, along with Poetry and Music for its symbolic, highly intellectual purpose. Kandinsky in his essay maintains that painting has a spiritual value, and he attaches primary colours to essential feelings or concepts, something that Goethe and other writers had already tried to do.

Erwin Panofsky and other art historians first seek to understand the things depicted, then their meaning for the viewer at the time, and then analyze their wider cultural, religious, and social meaning.

4. In 1890, the Parisian painter Maurice Denis famously asserted: "Remember that a painting – before being a warhorse, a naked woman or some story or other – is essentially a flat surface covered with colours assembled in a certain order." Thus, many twentieth century developments in painting, such as Cubism, were reflections on the means of painting rather than on the external world, nature, which had previously been its core subject.

From Wikipedia

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The core subject of most paintings of XX century was the form of presentation, not the content.