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14.Страхові компанії. Надання страхових послуг.

Insurance companies - are financial intermediaries that carry out payment

its clients to the occurrence of certain events specified in the contract


The insurer offers its customers insurance services, acting as a specific product in the insurance market.Insurance compared to the listed services - is this a service that requires an insurer of certain efforts to form the need for this service. Signs describing the insurance service.For economic characteristics distinguish life insurance and general insurance. With the object of insurance are the following types:

personal Insurance

property insurance

liability insurance.

The status of the insured produce insurance services to protect the interests of citizens, ie individuals, and those that serve the interests of subjects of entrepreneurial activity.

15.Фінансовий менеджмент.Функції фінансового менеджера.

Financial management - a system of principles, methods, means and forms of monetary relations. The main point is in financial management to improve production efficiency and product distribution. Functions of financial management are:

-to financial organization of the enterprise;

-to development forecasts, projects and plans of making capital,

-to evaluation of various options concluded capital,

- to policy development and current financial plans, plans and receipt of foreign currency;

- to financial analysis of the entity;

-to control over the implementation of targets.

-to choose financial

16. Budget system

A budget is a detailed plan outlining the obtaining and use of financial and other resources over some given time period. It represents a plan for the future expressed in formal quantitative terms. The state budget is a plan of obtaining and use of financial resources to provide with the functions which are carried out by the state authorities of Ukraine.

Most firms prepare yearly budget from short-term and long-term financial forecasts.

There are usually several budgets established in a firm : an operating budget, a capital budget, a cash budget and a master budget.

An operating budget is the projection of money allocation to various cost and expenses needed to run or operate the business.

A capital budget consists of the firms spending plans: the purchase of such assets as property, buildings, equipment.

A cash budget is the projected cash balance at the end of a given period. It is important for managers in borrowing, debt repayment, cash disbursements, and short-term investment expectations.

A master budget ties in all the above mentioned budgets and summarizes the proposed financial activities of the firm.

17. The State Treasury of Ukraine


The State Treasury of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as “Treasury”) is a governing body subordinated to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and being a part thereof. The Treasury is a member of electronic payments system of the National Bank of Ukraine.

The main objectives of the Treasury are:

  • Provision of treasury services regarding the state and regional budgets on the basis of introduction of a single treasury account which secures:

  • cash management services to spending units and beneficiaries of budget funds;

  • control over budget competence in crediting proceeds, assuming liabilities and making payments with regard thereto;

  • control, within the limits of Treasury’s competence, over compliance of budgetary process participants with the budget legislation;

  • accounting and reporting on the execution of the state and regional budgets;

Management of available financial resources accounted by the Treasury;

The State Treasury of Ukraine is a governmental body operating as part of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and is subordinate thereto.

The State Treasury of Ukraine is financed from the State Budget of Ukraine. The State Treasury of Ukraine and its local bodies have their own estimates, registration and other budget accounts both in the Treasury and in banks.

Ukrainian treasury system has a 3-level structure and consists of: the State Treasury of Ukraine located in the capital of Ukraine and representing its central level; main departments of the State Treasury of Ukraine representing its regional level, in particular: 1 main department – in Crimea; 2 main departments – in Kyiv and Sevastopol; 24 main departments in regions; district (municipal, city district) departments (a total of 633) located in important local administrative centers.

The 3-level structure of the State Treasury of Ukraine which is close to the administrative and territorial division of Ukraine allows to serve local budgets in accordance with the budget code. It is a natural stage of reorganization of the budget sphere where treasury plays an important role.

The State Treasury of Ukraine comprises 660 local bodies with 16,000 employees.

The Treasury is chaired by the Head of the State Treasury of Ukraine who is appointed and dismissed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine upon recommendation of the Minister of Finance.

The Head of the State Treasury of Ukraine carries out general management of the Treasury, is personally responsible for treasury’s activities, determines powers and distributes functions between deputies.

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