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Unit II

  1. Read and learn the words:

d isplay -

screen - экран; вывод информации на экран

to send back - возвращать

program(me) - программа

to display - показывать; отображать

appropriate - соответствующий

to fit - встраивать

inside - внутри

outside - снаружи

to determine - определять

screen resolution - разрешение экрана

colour = color – цвет

to colour - раскрашивать

to enable - давать возможность

design - проект; чертеж

to design – проектировать

to add - добавлять; прибавлять; складывать

a ddition - добавление; сложение

to type - печатать; набирать

t o print -

key -

button - клавиша; кнопка

letter – буквенные

function - функциональные

punctuation - пунктуационные

numeric - числовые

arrow - управления курсором; курсорные

spacebar - пробел

to enter - входить

enter - ввод

return - возврат

to return - возвращать

keypad - дополнительная панель

to press - нажимать

to show - показывать

to move- двигаться по экрану, двигать

to move away – убирать

to scroll - прокручивать

to listлистать; перечислять

to outputвыводить (информацию на экран)

o utputвывод (информации на экран)


expanded - расширенный

to upgrade – обновлять

alphanumeric – буквенно-числовой

signзнак; символ

to handle управлять

handle – управление

against – в отличие

2. Read and translate texts: monitor

Monitor is the device of a visual data representation. This is main output device. Key parameters of the screen monitor are size, frequency of upgrade (regeneration) maps, and a class of protection.

The monitor has a screen that displays information, such as instructions you send to your computer and the information and results your computer sends back after interpreting your instructions. The screen may display information in one color or in several colors.

A color monitor won’t display color unless you have the appropriate video card. A video card fits inside your computer and determines the screen resolution and number of colors your monitor can display. Some video cards enable your monitor to display graphical information, such as geometric designs, in addition to text and numbers.


The keyboard is the key control unit of the PC. It is used for input of the alphanumeric (sign) data, and also commands of handle.

You usе the keyboard to type instructions for your computer, and to type information you want your computer to process. All keyboards have letter keys, punctuation keys, and a spacebar. Most keyboards also have function, numeric, and arrow keys, in addition to ALT, CTRL, DEL, and ENTER or RETURN keys.

Their placement on the keyboard is determined by the computer manufacturer; how they are used is determined by the software you are using.

Numeric Keypad

Because the number keys are grouped together on the numeric keypad, the keypad is a quick and easy way to type numbers. With many software products, you must press the NUM LOCK key before using the numeric keypad to type numbers. The NUM LOCK key works somewhat like the CAPS LOCK key on your typewriter. When you press the NUM LOCK key on the numeric keypad, the numbers you press on the keypad appear on your screen.

Standard Keyboard

Extended keyboard