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Письмо-принесение извинений (Apology Letter)

It is particularly necessary to exercise tact in handling complaints. A disappointed customer cannot be put off with mere apologies – he is entitled to know how the mistakes will be remedied: when he will receive the goods ordered; what he is to do with the wrong consignment or the damaged goods he received; when he will receive a replacement for his defective machine, or if it can be repaired quickly.

The structure of an Apology Letter

Выражение признательности за сообщение о сложившейся ситуации

Thank you for bringing the matter/issue/problem to our attention

Спасибо, что сообщили нам об этом деле/проблеме

I appreciated your advising me of this incident…

Для меня очень важно ваше сообщение

Выражение сожаления

We are very sorry to hear that… 

Нам тяжело слышать об этом..

I am very sorry for this situation…

Я очень сожалею о сложившейся ситуации


We apologize for…

Мы просим прощения за…

Please accept our apologizes for…

Примите наши извинения…

Объяснение действий компании

Please be assured that we will…

Будьте уверены, что мы…

You have my assurance that …

Я гарантирую вам…

To compensate for the inconvenience caused…

Для возмещения причиненных неудобств…

We are doing everything we can do to resolve the issue

Мы делаем все возможное для решения проблем

I can assure you that this will not happen again

Обещаю, что это впредь это не повториться

I am trying to sort it out/sort the problem out as a matter of urgency.

Я пытаюсь разобраться с этим/ решить эту проблему немедленно

Please return the faulty goods, and we will refund you/repair them/replace them

Пожалуйста, верните некачественный товар и мы возместим ваши затраты/произведем ремонт/обменяем его

Напоминание о большой важности для  совместного сотрудничества

We value your custom highly

Для нас очень важно сотрудничество с вами

Your satisfaction is our priority

Мы ценим наше сотрудничество


Пример письма-извинения


148 Mortimer Street

London W1C 37D

2nd December, 1996


Ladies' Clothing

421 Michigan Avenue

Chicago, III.60602

Dear Sirs:

The colour of the dresses about which you complain is indeed lighter than it should be. Apparently this was overlooked by controller responsible. Please accept our apologies for the oversight.

We are sending you a new lot by air this week, and would ask you to return the faulty clothes at your convenience, carriage forward. Alternatively you may keep this lot for sale as seconds at a reduced price of &1,120.

You are perfectly correct in saying that packing and insurance costs are normally less for cargo sent by air. May we remind you, however, in this case your request to send the goods by air was made at very short notice. It was not possible for us to use the lighter air freight packing materials, as most of the dresses were ready for shipment by sea freight (please see our letter of 9th November). Furthermore, our insurance is on an open policy at a flat rate, and depends on the value of the goods, not the method of transport. For these reasons our invoice No.14596 dated 15th November 1996 is still valid, and we look forward to receiving your remittance when due.

Yours faithfully,

P. Burke

Письмо-заказ (Order)

In comparison to the correspondence so far, placing an order is simple from the point of view of letter-writing. Very often the purchasing department or the buyer fills in an order form, although he may prefer to write a letter to make certain points quite clear. There could be special import regulations, which make it necessary to complete formalities, or he may want to stress delivery instructions or other matters.

The supplier sends an order acknowledgement promptly, to thank his customer for the order. If prices or delivery times have changed, the customer must be notified. If the goods ordered are no longer available, a substitute may be offered.

Пример письма-заказа


Ladies' Clothing

421 Michigan Avenue

Chicago, III.60602

November 4, 1996


148 Mortimer Street

London W1C 37D


Thank you for your quotation of October 30. We have pleasure in placing an order with you for

1,900 ‘Swinger’ dresses at Price: $38,745

in the colours and sizes specified below:





8, 16





























Delivery: air freight, c.i.f., Chicago

We shall open a letter of credit with your bank as soon as we receive your order acknowledgement. Please arrange for immediate collection and transport since we need the dresses for Christmas.

Very truly yours,

P. Wilson


Меморандум (Memo)

Although e-mail messages are now used instead of memos for most intercompany communication, memos are still suitable for notes sent to people higher in the company hierarchy, especially in conservative companies.

The memo is also appropriate for lengthy, formal communications to coworkers that may eventually be circulated to your supervisors or to contacts in other companies.

Memo writing is something of an art form. A letter is not a memo, nor is a memo a letter. A memo is a short, to the point communication conveying your thoughts, reactions or opinion on something. A memo can call people to action or broadcast a bit of timely news. With memo writing, shorter is better.

As with all writing, memo writing needs a structure. Because they are short, rambling meanderings will soon destroy the memo’s effectiveness and become a waste of productive time to those that read it and to him or her who wrote it.

Memorandums or memos are an effective way to communicate within an organization and should be used as an opportunity to improve your business writing.

Parts of a Memo

  • To: This includes a list of all the people who will receive the memo. The names usually appear in order of seniority, where the most superior person comes first on the list. It is best to list full names and titles although in a smaller set-up using only first names may be acceptable.

  • From: This will list the name of the sender or senders.

  • Date: State the exact date when the memo is being written, including the day, month and year. Use business English and abstain from the use of short forms.

  • Subject: This states the reason for the memo and should not exceed one sentence.

  • CC: This will mention the names of the people who will receive this memo but will not be expected to carry out the action. This is generally used for superiors who need to be informed of the intra-office memos even if they are not directly concerned with them.

  • The Body: The main copy will give a list of facts and discuss the issue. The facts have to be explained in a manner that is relevant to the recipients so they know exactly how they stand to benefit or lose in regards to the given piece of information. Although the memo looks like a short piece of text you cannot overlook proofreading or using a grammar checker.

  • Conclusion: State the specific action that needs to be carried out.

Пример меморандума


Date: August 5, 20XX

To: All Employees

From: Susanna Graham, President

Subject: Promotion to Vice President/Sales

We are pleased to announce the promotion of Truc Phan to Vice President in Charge of Sales. In the past 12 months, Mr. Phan has consistently provided outstanding service to his clients, brought in several new accounts and demonstrated outstanding sales leadership. Nacogdoches Notebooks has grown substantially because of Mr. Phan's work. He will assume his new position on August 10 and will be located in Suite 25.

Please join me in congratulating Mr. Phan on his new position.

A Business Contract

A business contract is a legally binding agreement between two parties for an exchange of services that are of value. For a contract to be valid, an offer must be made and accepted. Using a contract in business dealings helps ensure an agreement is acted on, insofar as a broken contract could result in a lawsuit or out-of-court settlement and the payment of damages caused by the breach. The best way to avoid a dispute or potential litigation, however, is to craft a solid agreement in which you’re confident you’ve negotiated the best terms for your business.

A business contract is often used for:

  • Hiring or being employed as an independent contractor

  • Buying or providing services or goods

  • Leases and real estate

  • Selling your business

  • Partnerships and joint ventures

  • Franchising

  • Confidentiality agreements

  • Noncompete agreements

A business contract should be labeled "contract" or "agreement" at the top. These are some items it can include:

  • Date of contract

  • Names of parties involved

  • Details of services that your company will provide or receive

  • Payment amounts

  • Payment due dates. Note that payments do not need to be made in a lump sum at the end of the project. You can make or receive incremental payments for specific services rendered once they are completed.

  • Interest on late payments

  • Deadlines for services due. This is also called a "time is of the essence" clause. You will probably want to use this phrase in your contract if you have a timeline for a project.

  • Expiration dates for the contract, such as a lease expiry

  • Renewal terms, if applicable

  • Damages for breach of contract. Also called "liquidated damages," this clause can specify amounts to be paid if services are incomplete or deadlines are missed. A court can also award damages if a contract is breached, even if damages and amounts were not included in the agreement.

  • Termination conditions

  • Signatures


Определите к какому виду делового документа (Inquiry, Offer, Order, Complaint, Apology, Memo, CV, Contract) относятся представленные ниже отрывки:



Dear Mr. Wong,

Thank you for your enquiry about the availability of a single room for six nights from Wednesday, 11 November 2009 to Tuesday, 17 November 2009. Unfortunately, we are fully booked during this period. However, I have contacted our sister hotel on Hong Kong Island and they have single rooms available. The room rate is $1,200 per night.

If you would like me to reserve a room during the period you requested, please do not hesitate to contact me.




Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to enquire whether your company could offer a course on Quality Control for our managers.

I saw your advert in the HK Daily on Monday, 5 October 2009, and the Quality Control Training Course (Ref.: QC 101) mentioned in the advert might be suitable for us. I would like to know if it is possible for you to offer a 3-month training course starting before or, at the latest, on Monday, 26 October 2009, for a group of 20. Could you send us some information about the teaching staff and the possible schedule for this course?




I am writing to inform you that the goods we ordered from your company have not been supplied correctly.

On 30 September 2009 we placed an order with your firm for 12,000 ultra super long-life batteries. The consignment arrived yesterday but contained only 1,200 batteries.

This error put our firm in a difficult position, as we had to make some emergency purchases to fulfill our commitments to all our customers. This caused us considerable inconvenience.

I am writing to ask you to please make up the shortfall immediately and to ensure that such errors do not happen again. Otherwise, we may have to look elsewhere for our supplies.

I look forward to hearing from you by return.




Dear Mr. Reavis:

I would like to apologize for the mix-up on your last order.  We recently hired a new sales person who was not familiar with your systems.   We have corrected your order and shipped it out this morning.  We have applied a 10% discount on your order, and again apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.




It's that time of year again. As you all know, Christmas is our busiest season of the year. Every year it is a struggle for management and supervisors to find the time and energy to organize a staff Christmas party. This year, we have decided to postpone the Christmas party until after our busy season.

Party Details

  • Date: Second or third Saturday in January (T.B.A)

  • Theme: Beach

  • Food: Caribbean

  • Special events: Karaoke and belly dancing




Thank you for your letter of 22 January enquiring about our translation services.

Lingua Services Galactic offer a full range of translation services to help you in the development of sales literature and web sites. I have pleasure in enclosing our latest brochures and price list from which you can see that our prices are highly competitive.

I look forward to calling you in a few days.




I should be grateful if you would send us your brochure and price list about your translation services.

We are currently developing our sales literature and web sites and are interested in translating these into five languages apart from English.

I look forward to hearing from you.




Thomas Crown

Objective Seeking an International Sales Management position in Information Technology where my extensive sales experience will be used to the full


2003-presentIntelel Inc.London, UK

National Sales Manager

  • Increased sales from £60 million to £100 million.

  • Implemented Internet sales grossing £25 million.

  • Doubled sales per representative from £5 to £10 million.




Please ship the following items from your sales catalog dated January 31, 19XX:






Conference Desk




$478.60 ea.

File Cabinet




135.90 ea.

Letter Tray




16.95 ea.

The items ordered above should be shipped C.O.D. to this address:




Contractor shall commence the Work on: 4th day of March, 2002 and fully complete the work within Sixty (60) calendar days (the "Contract Time"). If contractor is delayed in the completion of the Work by conditions beyond its control, a Change Order may be issued to make any necessary adjustment of the Contract Time. If the delay is an unreasonable delay caused by University, the Contract Sum may also be adjusted by Change order.




For: Mr. Rhey Santos

Subject: Progress Report on Lending Operations

In connection with the preparation of our annual report on loans, may we request for a copy of the progress report on lending operations as of January 1985 to enable us to get certain data on said report needed for our annual report.




Participate as requested in consulting activities. This includes calling meetings, providing meeting sites and amenities, and providing information requested by Contractor. Client's entire board will be involved in this process, not just the coordinator. Client will also be asked to duplicate, distribute and tally the results of a membership survey, to conduct communicate leader interviews and to complete the homework assignments.




Dear Mrs. Nievera:

Of course we are going to replace the copies of “Physical Science” which your letter of the 15th reported as defective.  Five extra books are being packed and will go out the first thing tomorrow.

It is impractical for us to make a careful inspection of every book that leaves our shipping department, much as we should like to do so.  If we did, we could not quote a price of forty five dollars a copy.   We are, however, glad to replace any defective copies, for we realize that binderies are no infallible, and sometimes make mistakes.

We are sorry that one these mistakes occurred in your order.




Dear Mr. Ramos,

Please send us one (1) box of 3.5 Sony diskettes and (1) 17” red fox monitor, color black.  Terms of payment will be the same as those of our previous orders.

We would appreciate it very much if you could send these items immediately.




I am writing to inform you of my intention to resign from G & S Holdings.

I have appreciated very much my four years working for the company. The training has been excellent and I have gained valuable experience working within an efficient and professional team environment. In particular, I have appreciated your personal guidance during these first years of my career.

I feel now that it is time to further develop my knowledge and skills base in a different environment.

I would like to leave, if possible, in a month's time on Saturday, 7 November. This will allow me to complete my current workload. I hope that this suggested arrangement is acceptable to the company.

Once again, thank you for your support.




Thank you for your enquiry regarding our newly released range of fire extinguishers.

You will see from the enclosed catalogue that the range has been extended to include some highly efficient portable extinguishers for use on construction sites.

We are offering to our existing customers a 15% discount on orders of extinguishers from this new range.

We look forward to your increased order at this discount rate.




Dear Sir,

I am very sorry that the shipment of the products that you received was defective thus we did not meet the high standards of the goods as you are expecting. I understand your disappointment and regret the inconvenience that cause about this matter.

In our effort to improve the overall quality of our products, the company is in the process of completing a thorough testing and development. I will assure that the quality standards of our product will be met because our key priority is to protect our reputation for delivering the best product in the market.

Again, we apologize and we look forward for your continued support to our products.




I'm writing you this letter to make you aware of the severe lack of communication in your shop.  I would not have been so upset at the delay in repairing my car had someone had the courtesy to just keep me informed.  The not knowing and wondering was frustrating and showed little respect for my time and money.  As this car was my only mode of transportation, it was crippling for me to be without a car for that length of time.  I also incurred an additional cost of having my car towed twice. 




1999-2000 ESS HoldingsCambridge, UK

Senior Sales Representative

  • Increased sales by 300% annually.

  • Closed deals with 100 major new accounts.

  • Won over 25 competitor clients - adding £50 million to revenue.




If this Contract is greater than $10,000, liquidated damages in the amount of XXX dollars ($XXX) per day shall apply each calendar day that Contractor fails to deliver the Work after the expiration of the Contract Time, it being understood and agreed that University’s damages would be extremely difficult or impractical to determine and that the above stipulated liquidated amount is a reasonable estimate of and a reasonable sum for such damages.
