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4. Globalisation versus localization

The Internet is a major component of globalisation that has created a global audience. However, the trust of journalists decreases because of standardized and marginalized news copy, so in this case localization has risen. Citizen journalism has been at the forefront of this phenomenon, as it personalizes news reports and abolishes news editors. Moreover, the convergence of media outlets (they have merged) can be seen nearly everywhere, and as a result - information is standardized and marginalized. Therefore, journalists are being criticized for the lack of quality news, as many journalists must now write infotainment and soft news to ensure their stories are read and newspapers are sold. Nowadays journalism gives priority to advertising and commercial ventures. Although their stories can be newsworthy and well-written, it is professional journalists, who know how to gather, source (черпать) and find information, conduct interviews and cross-check (verify) facts to provide accurate accounts of events. I also believe that journalists should resist commercial pressure and pursue their investigative role as being the public’s “watchdog” and to keep their journalistic integrity.

5. The role of mass media in conflict prevention

The relations between mass media and international conflicts is a topical question nowadays. Every journalist should realize the degree of responsibility while working in this sphere. And to my mind, there is a real need to increase the level of legal literacy of the journalists covering the subject of the international and interfaith relations as the facts of hostility can arise in the racial and international background.

Another problem that can occur in this field is the problem of distribution of the materials focused on stirring of national, racial, religious hatred or hostility on the Internet. It is an independent world, which is difficult to control and in this case, some rules should exist, some sort of censorship in the internet, I suppose.

Moreover, every journalist needs to consider the consequence which can be caused by a negligent word, bright, but incorrect headline if he or she deals with the cases of such conflicts. He or she should strive to tackle the conflict. That is why the weighed approaches (взвешенный подход) in covering the international and interfaith conflicts are of great importance.

So, the main obligations of the Media during any kinds of conflicts should be the following: they should prevent violence, build piece, keep the public calm but well-informed, without hushing up any important but frightening facts. They should be neutral and shouldn’t side with any part of the conflict, they should promote reconciliation, in order not to play a destructive role in peace building.

As journalists have the ability to shape the public opinion, especially during conflicts, they should comment on events, and explain e.g. the behavior of this or that politician or armed forces. Moreover, they should try to find the roots of the conflict and speak about them, to prevent the following ones.

But still, the main qualities that should be inherent in a good journalist are: accuracy, impartiality, objectivity, credibility, truthfulness and consideration towards audience. A good journalist should know these words as the Lord’s Prayer, repeat them every time, he or she deals with the materials about conflicts and try to make young journalists follow this rules too and know them by heart.