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Opinion compositions.doc
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Some people say the variety of technical devices we use today do more harm than good. However, it is impossible to live without computers, mobile phones etc. Nowadays. What is your opinion?

Nowadays the question of using technical devices is rather controversial. Cutting-edge gadgets are believed to be harmful for people and the environment, yet our life gradually becomes dependent on mobile phones, computers, MP3 players, etc. (35)

In my opinion, some inventions contribute a lot to a person’s way of living. First of all, doing house chores is now much easier than ever before. Vacuum cleaners and washing machines are irreplaceable for many families. All the dull and tiring duties are accomplished by electrical appliances. Moreover, modern technologies enable people to communicate with one another despite the distances. I assume that if Internet had not been created, people would not have head the great opportunity to form the global community we have today. (87)

However, many people are against producing technological stuff and spreading it around the world. Emission of greenhouse gases, radioactive contamination and destruction of the ozone layer are considered to be unavoidable negative impacts of using various devices. (37)

Actually, I disagree with the second opinion as I know that many innovative recycling centres are being under construction at the moment in the USA, France and Germany. They are environmentally friendly and aimed to reduce technical pollution. (38)

Taking everything into account, I should say that modern technology is already an integral part of our life and some people are not ready to part with it. The main goal is to make the industry of producing gadgets safe for people and the environment. (45)

Total: 241 words

Some scientists tend to develop cloning and clone a human in the future. However, others are against this idea and consider cloning dangerous for people. What is your opinion?

Nowadays the issue of cloning is on the agenda. Being a very controversial subject it has supporters and opponents. Some believe it to be a medical breakthrough while others prove the moral unacceptability of copying cells. (36)

In my opinion, cloning body organs can save lots of lives and become the most important part of the 21st century therapy. Thus, it is likely to advance medicine at a faster pace which will result in carrying out new kinds of operations, finding alternative methods to cure diseases and winning incurable maladies. Having realized numerous positive aspects of cloning livers and kidneys, scientists could greatly develop global medicine. (69)

Yet, some people are in favour of producing identical animals and even human beings. According to them, the main benefits include additional food resources, cheap labor force, the ability to have babies for childless couples and regulation of the demographic situation. (41)

Actually, I disagree with the second opinion. The thing is that modern people are unable to predict either ways of behavior of cloned creatures or their mental sphere. If the process of socialization goes wrong for clones, they may do harm to others. That is why I feel strongly that cloning is acceptable only when it comes to body tissues. (60)

Taking everything into account, I should say that different types of copying DNA material can have both positive and negative impact on our life. Whatever the subject is, we should think about the consequences first. (35)

Total: 241 words

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