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      1. Translate from Russian into English.

    1. Что вы заказали? – Я еще ничего не заказал. Я еще не выбрал. – А вы уже видели меню? – Да, официант его только что принес.

What have you chosen? – I haven’t chosen anything yet. – Have you already seen the menu? – Yes,the waiter has just brought it.

    1. Кто заказал полный комплексный обед из трех блюд? – Я. Я также попросил официанта по винам принести мне красного вина.

Who has ordered a three-course dinner? – Me.I have also asked the wine steward to bring me red wine.

    1. Помощники на кухне еще не почистили и не порезали овощи для салата.

The kitchen helpers haven’t clean and cut vegetables for a salad.

    1. Вы организовали обслуживание официантами на банкете или обслуживание с раздачей у стойки? – Мы организовали самообслуживание.

Have you organized waiter service or counter service? – We have organized self service.

    1. Банкет уже начался? – Да, участники конгресса недавно прибыли, и банкет уже начался.

Has the banquet already begun? – Yes,the participants of the congress have arrived recently and the banquet has already begun.

    1. Наш шеф-повар приготовил для вашего гостя свое фирменное блюдо. Вы его уже пробовали? – О, да. Изысканная кухня вашего роскошного ресторана завоевала блестящую репутацию, не так ли?

Our head chef made his chef’s special for your guest. Have you tasted it already? – Oh,yes.The haute cuisine of your luxury restaurant has gain a perfect reputation, hasn't it?

4. Fill in the blanks and translate into Russian.

room service brunch banquet manager

counter service a la carte menus wine steward

catering quick snacks bartender

half board table d’hote menus food and beverage

storekeeper full board haute cuisine

  1. At coffee-shops customers have quick snacks and drinks.

  2. The storekeeper dispatches food and beverages within the department and keeps the pantry

  3. Brunch is late breakfast or early lunch.

  4. The catering department arranges parties and banquets and often serves conventions.

  5. Luxury restaurants are famous for their haute cuisine.

  6. Full board is a hotel rate when a hotel offers accommodations, breakfast and two full meals.

  7. The wine steward recommends and serves wine to the restaurant customers.

  8. The food and beverage department serves individuals and small groups of customers.

  9. The banquet manager makes bulk purchases of food and beverages.

  10. Half board is a rate when a hotel offers accommodation, breakfast and one full meal.

  11. When restaurants serve groups, they provide table d’hote menus.

  12. For the banquet the catering department can arrange waiter service, counter service ,or self-service

  13. The bartender mixes and pours beverages for customers at a cocktail lounge or a bar.

  14. Hotels provide room service when their guests want to have food and beverages in their rooms.

15. When restaurants serve individuals, they offer a la carte menus.

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