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7. Посещение больного в стационаре


- Hello.

- Hello. How are you?

- So-so, thanks.

- I’ve heard that you’re in hospital. What’s the matter with you?

- I felt bad four days ago. I had nausea and vomiting. I called in a doctor and he advised me to be hospitalized.

- And do you know your diagnosis, I wonder?

- Yes, I do. It’s acute pancreatitis.

- I hope it’s not very dangerous. When were you admitted to the hospital? What was it like?

- I was admitted to the hospital two days ago. The nurse on duty filled in my case history. She wrote down my name, age, place of work, occupation, address and the initial diagnosis. Then the doctor on duty examined me and gave me instructions to be admitted to gastroenterological department to ward number 10.

- Could you tell me, what analyses did you have made?

- I had blood test and urinalyses made.

- And what procedures were administered to you?

 - Every day early in the morning the nurse on duty gives me intravenous injections.

- What about your doctor? Do you like him?

- He is a very good, experienced specialist. He is very careful. Everyday about 9 o’clock in the morning he begins his daily round, examines his patients and administers them all the necessary procedures and drugs.

- Do you follow the doctor’s prescriptions?

- Yes, I do. I keep to a strict diet. I can’t eat fatty food, eggs, sausage. I also can’t drink alcohol.

- I’ve bought you some fruits. I know you like oranges very much.

- Thank you. I’ll eat them with pleasure.

- Sorry, I have to go.

- Thanks a lot. I was very glad to see you. 

5. Первичный прием больного участковым врачом в поликлинике


- Good afternoon. What’s your name?

- Good afternoon. I am …

- Have you ordered your patient’s card from the registration department?

- Yes, I have. The nurse will bring it soon.

- What do you complain of?

- Well, I have discomfort in the chest and general malaise. I get tired very quickly and do not sleep well.

- When did you first feel bad?

- Well, I think it was a month ago.

- Was the onset sudden?

 - I’m not sure. I had tonsillitis and after that I first felt some discomfort in the chest and palpitation.

- Have you ever had any trouble before?

- Actually, not. I used to go in or sports and was seldom ill. Do you think it is serious?

- I can not say right now. You must have all necessary analyses made.

- What analyses shall I have to go through?

- You must have your blood samples and electrocardiogram taken. Did you take your temperature?

- I first took my temperature 4 days ago. It was 37.2 C and has been like that since.

- I shall give you a sick leave and you will have all the necessary analyses made within a week.

- When should I come again, doctor?

- Come next Wednesday at 11 am. Good bye.

4. Посещение больного врачом на дому (повтор 1)


(The doctor comes to your place in the afternoon)

-          Good afternoon

-          Good afternoon

-          Are you … …? What are your complaints?

-          Well, I’ve got a splitting headache, a sore throat, an elevated temperature (it is over 38C) and profuse sweating. My nose is running. Actually I felt rotten two days ago, but I didn’t consult a doctor because my temperature was normal all the time.

-          Strip to the waist please. Let me examine you. Stick out your tongue. Say “Ah!” I want to check your throat.

-          Ah!

-          Thank you. Now I want to listen to your heart and lungs. Please, take a deep breath and hold it. Now breathe in and out through your mouth. Enough. I can hear moist rales. I think you’ve got bronchitis. I’ll give you a sick leave for 3 days and after that you’ll come to the polyclinic.

-          Should I follow a strict bed regimen?

-          Yes. You’d better stay in bed.

-          That’s all right doctor.

-          Here is your prescription for antibiotics, order them at the chemist’s.

-          Thank you doctor. I’ll do everything you’ve told to me.