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1. Знайдіть у тексті речення, до яких поставлено питання, і запишіть їхній номер у відповідь.

1. In 1875 the population of New York was one million.

2. Twenty-five years later it was over three and a half million.

3. New inventions were developed to deal with the population expansion. At breakneck speed New York covered itself with trains, suspension bridges, elevated railways, steam boats and then sky-scrapers.

4. The first sky-scraper was put up in 1888. It had only 13 storeys, but the next had 22, the Empire State Building – 102, and now the World Trade Centre has reached 110.

5. New York is carefully planned and it is easy for a stranger to find his way there: the city has been built rectangularly.

6. All the streets, except Broadway, run either north and south, or east and west.

7. Twelve long avenues run north and south and five hundred short streets east and west.

8. The Fifth Avenue divides the city into the eastern and the western past.

9. Only Broadway runs diagonally across the city.

10. The Americans have not given the New York streets names of their famous men, but have called them by ordinal numbers or letters of the alphabet.


1./5 Can a stranger easily get lost in New York?

2. /4When did the first sky-scraper appear?

3. /3What helped to solve the problem of population expansion?

4/6. In what direction does Broadway stretch?

5. /10What is the rule of giving streets names in America?

2. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні.

1. Who … there? (is)

2. The money … in the bag.(is)

3. What … your friends’ address?(is)

4. There … a desk and two chairs in the classroom.(is)

5. … your parents doctors?(are)

3. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні одним із запропонованих слів.

1. I don’t play football.

2. My father isn’t a driver.

3. It doesn’t often rain in Yalta.

4. That book isn’t expensive.

5. I am not writing this exercise now.

4. Знайдіть допущену помилку у кожному реченні.

1. He is playing tennis every day.(plays)

2. Your advices are very useful.(is)

3. Where did you be yesterday?(were)

4. When does he can come to see you?(When can he)

5. He isn’t liking strong coffee.(does not like)

5. Перекладіть на англійську мову.

1. Ми зараз у саду.(We are in the garden now)

2. Я вже прочитав це оповідання на цьому тижні.(I have read this story this week)

3. Що ви малюєте?(What are you droving)

4. Йому подобаються народні пісні.(She likes folk songs)

5. Вона зараз грає на піаніно.(She is playing piano now)

6. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні одним із запропонованих слів.

1. Don’t disturb him. He is reading an English story now.

2. Tom likes is reading detective stories.

3. I can’t read all the time, my eyes get tired very quickly.

4. He read books as soon as the doctor permits him.

5. I ) haven’t read the book yet. I shall return it to the library later.

7. Утворіть 5 типів запитань до даного речення.She looks like Julia Roberts.

1. Does she look like Julia Roberts?

2. She looks like Julia Roberts, doesn’t she?

3. Who looks like Julia Roberts?

4. Doesn’t she look like Julia Roberts?

5. . Does she look like Julia Roberts or Julia Smit ?


1. Christy Tucker rode into the plantation town late in the afternoon, whistling all the way.

2. He had been hewing new pickets for the fence around his house all morning.

3. Now he felt good for having got so much done.

4. He tied up horse behind the row of stores.

5. The first thing he noticed was that the other Negroes out there did not want to speak to him.

6. Christy had been on friendly terms with all the colored people on the plantation and he could not understand why they pretended not to see him.

7. He walked slowly down the road towards the plantation office wondering why nobody spoke to him.

8. Christy turned around and saw Crossman, the owner and boss of the plantation, standing in the doorway.

9. Crossman still did not approach, and Christy sat down in one of the chairs.

10. He had just seated himself when the door opened. He jumped to his feet.


1./5Did the other Negroes want to speak to Christy?

2. /9Christy sat on steps, didn’t he?

3./3 What was Christy busy doing all morning?

4/4. Where did Christy tie his horse?

5./8 Was the owner sitting in the doorway?

2. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні.

1. … you angry with me? (are)

2. The news … very interesting.(is)

3. What … the weather like today?(is)

4. There … a dog and two cats in the yard.(is)

5. … you a student?(are)

3. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні одним із запропонованих слів.

1. My brother doesn’t teach students.

2. My brother isn’t a teacher.

3. That book doesn’t cost much.

4. That book isn’t expensive.

5. She is not working at this project.

4. Знайдіть допущену помилку у кожному реченні.

1. He is doing his morning exercises every day.(does)

2. My brother is liking to play football.(likes)

3. Where are this books?(these)

4. When I can do this work?(can I)

5. Jane is having a very interesting book.(has)

5. Перекладіть на англійську мову.

1. Я ніколи не був у Франції.(I’ve never been in France)

2. Я прочитав цю книгу в минулому році.(I read this book last year)

3. Ви вже написали ці вправи?(Have you done all these exercises)

4. Йому подобається співати.(He likes to sing)

5. Вона зараз дивиться дуже цікавий фільм по телевізору.(She is watching a very interesting movie on TV)6. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні одним із запропонованих слів.

1) are to turn; 2) would turn; 3) turn; 4) turned; 5) has been turning; 6) turned out; 7) will be turning; 8) turning; 9) were to turn; 10) had turned

1. Although none of us wanted to go on the picnic, it turned out to be quite enjoyable.

2. Turning to the main topic of our conversation, I’d like to stress the following.

3. She turned pale and told the truth.

4. When you turn the handle, the mechanism will start working.

5. When the prince arrived, she had turned into an ugly witch already.

7. Утворіть 5 типів запитань до даного речення.My sister reads many English books.

1. Does my sister read many English books?

2. My sister reads many English books, doesn’t she?

3. What does my sister read?

4. Doesn’t my sister read many English books?

5. Does my sister read many English or Ukrainian books?


1. When Mr. Soames came to his desk he understood that somebody had looked through examination papers. He had left them on the desk before he went to have tea. Now he found that one page was on the floor.

2. The second page was lying on the small table near the window, and the third was on his desk where he had left it.

3. He asked Bannister if he knew anything about it and he said he knew nothing.

4. Then the idea came to Mr. Soames that some student who was passing by his room had seen the key in the door, had entered the room and read the papers.

5. The professor was very worried. If that was true, the examination wouldn’t take place the next day. And he would have to prepare a new text.

6. It would take some time and he would have to explain everything, so there would be a great scandal at their college.

7. The professor couldn’t allow any scandal. That is why he came to Sherlock Holmes to ask for his help.

8. "Did the man leave any traces behind him?" asked Holmes. "I found a broken pencil on the table near the window", said Mr. Soames.

9. "Did you find anything else?" Sherlock asked. "Yes", said Mr. Soames. "My desk is quite new. Now there is a deep cut on it. I’m sure it was not there this morning".

10. "Well", said Holmes, "I’d like to go and see your room. Watson, come with me if you wish".


1./10 Did Holmes want anybody to accompany him to Mr. Soames’ room?

2. /4What was Mr. Soames’ version of the event?

3./9 What did Mr. Soames find out when he entered his room?

4/1. Did any new sign on the surface of Mr. Soames’ table appear? 5./5 Was Mr. Soames afraid that he would have to postpone the day of the exam?

2. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні.

1. … you happy? (are)

2. This book … not very interesting.(is)

3. What … your favourite book? (is)

4. There … much milk in the jug. (is)

5. How old … your friends?(are)

3. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні одним із запропонованих слів.

1. Pat’s mother doesn’t have any lessons today.

2. Pat’s mother isn’t at work today.

3. It doesn’t often snow in winter in Yalta.

4. The winter isn’t snowy in Yalta.

5. He is not working in the garden now.

4. Знайдіть допущену помилку у кожному реченні.

1. He is working at his book every day.(works)

2. My brother like to play football.(likes)

3. Where are that pupils?(those)

4. When he must come to the office?(must he)

5. My sister is loving cats and dogs.(loves)

5. Перекладіть на англійську мову.

1. Ми – студенти(We are the student)

2. Де ти купуєш ці книги?(Where do you buy all the books)

3. Що ви робите під час уроку?(What are you doing during the class)

4. Йому подобається читати книжки?(Does he like to read the books)

5. Куди вона зараз йде?(where is she going to?)

6. Заповніть пропуск у кожному реченні одним із запропонованих слів.

1. The letter to this firm must be written immediately. Do it now.2. I don’t expect him has been writing such wonderful stories five years ago.

3. The students were writing a test when the Dean entered the classroom.

4. Writing a letter now is out of the question. There is no time for it now.

5. If the article had been written earlier, it could have been published already.

7. Утворіть 5 типів запитань до даного речення.We sends letters to foreign firms.

1. Do we send letters to foreign firms?

2. We send letters to foreign firms, don’t we?

3. What do we send to foreign firms?

4. Don’t we send letters to foreign firms?

5. Do we send letters or photo to foreign firms?


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