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1.5. Match the words given in column a with the synonyms from column b:













1.6. Give answers to the questions using the words given below: by prolonged heating, in a cold place, rickets, polyneuritis, a white crystalline powder, swine, black tongue, in the fish-liver oils

1. How is vitamin B destroyed?

2. Where are meat and butter stored?

3. How does thiamine look like in its pure form?

4. What farm animals require nicotinic acid in the diet?

5. What disease can nicotinic acid prevent and cure?

6. Where is vitamin A found?

7. What disease does vitamin D deficiency lead to?

8. What does vitamin B prevent?

1.7. Read the text and mark the correct letter (a, b, c or d) for the paragraphs:

A. In young stock vitamins A and D are furnished with choice, green-coloured hay.

B. Abundance of vitamin A in suckling animals is furnished by milk.

C. Poultry will need particularly liberal amounts of riboflavin.

D. Under winter conditions young stock will result in rickets because of lack of vitamin D in their ration.

1. Suckling animals will receive plenty of vitamin A in the milk if their dams are fed suitable rations. When they are weaned care must be taken that sufficient of this vitamin is furnished by well-cured hay, good pasture or other green feed, or by yellow corn.

2. In the case of calves changed from whole milk to skim-milk or milk substitutes at an early age it is especially important that they are furnished with choice, green-coloured hay to provide both vitamin A and vitamin D. Young stock on pasture will not suffer from a lack of vitamin D, because of the effect of the ultra-violet rays in sunlight.

3. Under winter conditions, however, young pigs are often severely crippled or even paralysed by rickets, caused by a lack of this vitamin. Also calves often suffer from rickets, and they may be stunted and badly deformed as a result. These conditions can usually be entirely prevented by the use of well-cured legume hay. Lambs rarely have rickets probably because they eat much hay, and all good shepherds make a special effort to supply them with hay of good quality.

4. With the exception of poultry, which need particularly liberal amounts of riboflavin, there is generally no lack of the other vitamins in the rations commonly fed to young stock.

1.8. Translate the following sentences into English:

1.Рыбий жир содержит витамин А. 2. Витамин В предотвращает полиневрит. 3. Трава – лучший источник витамина D. 4. Витамин D необходим для профилактики рахита. 5. Витамин В12 содержит кобальт и фосфор. 5. Вместе с железом он предотвращает анемию. 6. Витамин В6 необходим в рационе свиней. 7. Дрожжи, постное мясо, почки, молоко, патока и отходы пшеницы содержат витамин В. 8. Рибофлавин требуется птице для высокой яйценоскости и для хорошего роста. 9. Дрожжи, орехи и свинина особенно богаты тиамином. 10. Свежий корм содержит витамин В. 11. Полиневрит приводит к дегенерации периферических нервов. 12. Корнеплоды и клубни имеют незначительное количество витамина D. 13. Никотиновая кислота принимает участие в реакциях обмена веществ. 14. Недостаток никотиновой кислоты у собак приводит к покраснению и изъязвлению слизистой оболочки рта и языка. 15. Потеря аппетита и веса является характерным признаком недостатка тиамина в организме.