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5. Explain the current situation and express your opinion on a social issue: domestic violence and child abuse.

Child abuse and domestic violence often occur in the same family. In a national survey of over 6,000 families, researchers found that 50% of the men who frequently assaulted their wives also frequently assaulted their children. Domestic violence and child abuse take a devastating toll (тяжелый урон) on children and society at large.

Children can be killed, physically injured, psychologically harmed as a result of either domestic violence or child abuse. Children whose mothers are abused sometimes suffer at the hands of their mothers as well.

As for my opinion, of course I am against domestic violence and child abuse. I think that some tough laws should be created for those, who committed such a crime. Cruel men must be punished. No violent actions against men or woman and especially children can be allowed.

6. The main social diseases and how should we cope with them

One in every five deaths in America is smoking-related. Smoking impacts every system in the body and increases the risk of many health problems. Smoking also creates barriers to good nutrition, making it difficult for the body to function properly. Smoking increases the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, lung cancer and lung disease, vascular disease. Smoking also leads to poor circulation and increases infertility in women. Pregnant women who smoke increase their risk of preterm delivery and put their babies at risk for sudden infant death syndrome and low birth weight. Smoking has also been linked to an increased risk for cancers of the stomach, pancreas and kidney. Every month we hear about new legislation or policy proposals about how we will limit smoking in society all over the world.

Smoke-Free Workplaces, Restaurants and Bars: I think we can agree that these bans have been a success. Smokers can walk a few feet outside to enjoy their smoke. Nonsmokers can enjoy bars without being exposed to secondhand smoke and most people, including smokers, enjoy waking up the next morning without their clothes reeking like smoke.

Age Restrictions and Honest Drug Education for Young People: There are a lot of programs directed at young people that have been successful in reducing smoking. They speak honestly about the harms of smoking and treated young people with respect.

The most common nutrition problem is hunger. Nearly 1 billion people in the world go to bed hungry each night. The causes of hunger are related to the causes of poverty. The principal underlying cause of poverty and hunger is the ordinary operation of the economic and political systems in the world. Essentially control over resources and income is based on military, political and economic power that typically ends up in the hands of a minority, who live well, while those at the bottom barely survive.

Problems, connected with education:

Children who grow up without proper guidance and education often turn to crime because they're unable to find any legitimate form of employment.

The biggest problem is the lack of funding that occurs in schools, wretched building conditions, the lack of proper educational resources and the inefficiency of the teachers.

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