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Time for a change. (непеределанный)

In the world there is nothing more constant than change. For the last time, the majority of companies around the world have decreased in size and reduced the number of employees. Of course, this is all done to increase net profit in the result of which the value added has increased. This was achieved by increasing the volume of production, but more often due to new technologies. So people were fired from the enterprise, thus reducing the excess labour force. The principle is :"No difficulties " no profit." Of course, not all the managers followed this principle. It is known that for a man of bold change threatens. Workers under new leadership fear of dismissal in the near future, so resistant to change. However, experienced managers know how to cope with this situation, they provide a good reason to need to reorganize.

This behavior allows you to avoid clashes between management and workers, as well as encouraging workers and they feel the pleasure of the changes. All this leads to improved performance and reduce the turnover of highly qualified personnel. The result, the company is expanding, and creates new jobs. But how many organized meetings, investigated the different points of view, collected additional information, conducted additional research.

Конфликты – двигатель прогресса

The text I’m going to render is titled «Conflicts - the engine of progress». The author is unknown. The main idea of this text is the positive effect of conflict within the company and their correct solution. The text can be divided into 3 parts.

The first part is about risk of conflict. Conflicts happen at different levels. The author says that the most dangerous conflicts considered as conflicts in the lower levels which remain undetected. There are also dangerous conflicts between the leaders of companies, as they lowered employee’s morale and can weaken the solidarity of the collective.

The second stage is about the cause of the conflict. It can be very difficult situation such as increasing employee. The new leader should behave a corresponding position, and his former colleagues sometimes cannot understand the managerial attitude. In order to avoid problems employees should behave in the workplace as employees, but only after working informally.

In conclusion the author tells us that the Firms often do not solve the problem, and simply forget about them. Problems should be solved, because the right decisions help the company. If there is a serious problem, the manager should be invited to a psychologist.

In my opinion, conflicts in the company it is not bad. But they always have to be solved and solved correctly, that does not lead to negative results.

Business plan

The main idea of this text, it means that the business plan in the life of an entrepreneur. Usually, inexperienced entrepreneurs failures happen when they do not understand the complexity of the case. Very few have good skills and a good idea of ​​the business. The main thing is the professional approach to business.

Employers should be aware of their incomes and have what is defined goal. Next, we must understand how to achieve their goals. We must be able to honestly assess their incomes and profits that you would like to receive from their enterprise. Even the best entrepreneur can fail if the business will not stick to the plan. The main objective of such a plan, make your intention clear, and noted that the turn out well, and where problems arise. A business plan is not a guarantee of success, but certainly a big help.

In conclusion, the author notes that in the presence of a business plan, your plan does not end in disaster.

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