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Design management From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An area of study and application that either raises the awareness of business professionals how to integrate and manage design, and/or the integration of business issues, systems and methods and managing their interdependency with design activities and outcomes that support the economic systems which benefit from a designers vision, skills and deliverables.

While this relationship has been identified, it has not been universally recognized or accepted by diverse design communities. Designers have strong connection not only to clients but also to end users who consume products and services. One of the strongest early advocates was Peter Gorb, former Director of London Business School's Centre for Design Management.

Design as a function within corporations, or as independent consultancies, have not always collaborated well with business. Clients and the market have traditionally viewed design as an expressive and production function, rather than as a strategic asset. Designers have focused their skills and knowledge in creating designed artifacts, and indirectly addressed larger issues within this creative process. They have been uneasy about articulating their value to business in terms that business executives could understand.

There were moves to bridge this gap. In England, the British Design Council (now called the Design Council) was founded in 1944 by the British wartime government as the Council of Industrial Design with the objective "to promote by all practicable means the improvement of design in the products of British industry". The Design Management Institute is an international nonprofit organization that seeks to heighten awareness of design as an essential part of business strategy. Founded in 1975, DMI has become the leading resource and international authority on design management.

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The field of design goes beyond painting and drawing, sculpture, architecture, and handicrafts. It includes thousands of mass-produced objects that were designed for everyday use. Many industrial designers' products from chairs to stereo equipment are exhibited in art museums. Throughout the ages people have designed things to meet their needs. The armor worn by knights was designed to protect them in medieval warfare. Birch bark canoes were designed to meet the needs of the American Indians. Skyscrapers were designed to provide the best use of valuable ground space.

As new materials and new methods are found, new designs are created to make use of them. As needs change, new designs are made to meet those needs. The telephone in use today could not have been designed 100 years ago.

The modern telephone, with its swift automatic dialing, is convenient to use. It blends with office or home furnishings. The design of the standard modern telephone housed in strong plastic makes it simple, usable, and compact. Its surfaces are smooth and easy to clean and come in a variety of colors.

The first step in design is to consider the use of the object. This determines its shape, material, color, and size. Its parts need to be large enough to do their work but no larger. It has no needless ornaments. This is design for use, or functional design.

Modern functional design appears in many homes today. This is especially true in the kitchen, because clean, simple lines save work. Manufacturers of refrigerators, stoves, and washing machines combine the talents of fine engineers and designers to produce machines that are beautiful as well as useful.

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As new materials and new methods are found, new designs are created to make use of them. As needs change, new designs are made to meet those needs. The telephone in use today could not have been designed 100 years ago.

The modern telephone, with its swift automatic dialing, is convenient to use. It blends with office or home furnishings. The design of the standard modern telephone housed in strong plastic makes it simple, usable, and compact. Its surfaces are smooth and easy to clean and come in a variety of colors.

The first step in design is to consider the use of the object. This determines its shape, material, color, and size. Its parts need to be large enough to do their work but no larger. It has no needless ornaments. This is design for use, or functional design.

Modern functional design appears in many homes today. This is especially true in the kitchen, because clean, simple lines save work. Manufacturers of refrigerators, stoves, and washing machines combine the talents of fine engineers and designers to produce machines that are beautiful as well as useful.

People are slower to accept improved design in some home furnishings. The common dining-room chair, for example, is often still made of straight slabs of wood. It is heavy to lift. Its shape has little in common with the shape of the human body. After a time it becomes uncomfortable.

Designers have been developing lightweight chairs. These conform to the natural curves of the body and support it with ease and comfort. The molded plywood chair designed by Charles Eames and Eero Saarinen in 1940 is a classic of contemporary design.

This quality of good design extends to the styling of clothes, the sleek lines of automobiles, the patterns of superhighways, and the planning of growing cities. In these and in other areas people use their creative abilities to design things for better living.

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