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Функции инфинитива



1. Подлежащее

To acquire knowledge is my first duty. Приобретать знания – это мой первый долг.

2. Часть сказуемого

My first duty is to acquire knowledge.

Мой первый долг – приобрести знания.

We must read scientific articles.

Мы должны читать научные статьи.

3. Дополнение

I learned to solve arithmetic problems at school.

Я научился решать арифметические задачки в школе.

4. Часть сложного дополнения

We expect him to pass his exams successfully.

Мы ожидаем, что он сдаст экзамены успешно.

5. Определение

Here is an interesting article to read.

Вот статья, которую интересно прочитать.

6. Обстоятельство цели

Laws were not made to be broken.

Законы были созданы не для того, чтобы их нарушать.

In order to pass exams successfully I have to study much.

Для того чтобы сдать успешно экзамены, нужно много заниматься.

7. Обстоятельство следствия или результата

She was nervous as if not ready to answer the question.

Она нервничала, как будто не была готова ответить на вопрос.

This idea was too difficult to understand it.

Эта идея была слишком сложна, чтобы ее понять.

8. Вводная часть предложения

To tell the truth, I was not sure.

По правде говоря, я не был уверен.


1. Translate into Russian paying attention to the tense and voice distinctions of the infinitives.

1. I am glad to get this book. 2. I am glad to have got this book. 3. I am glad to be given this book. 4. I am glad to have been given this book. 5. I was glad to have been given this book. 6. These books must be returned to the library today. 7. The student must be listening to the lecture now. 8. We were happy to have been helped with this work. 9. I am sorry to have done it. 10. I dislike you to be reading like that. 11. You may continue to read. 12. He may be working at his English now. 13. We were too tired to continue solving the problem. 14. The book is likely to be published soon. 15. The student was clever enough to solve any mathematical problem. 16. The professor allowed the problem to be solved at home.

2. Insert to where necessary.

1. I'm sorry (disappoint) you, but I can’t (let) you (continue) your experiment in this laboratory. 2. He refused (accept) my help. 3. I’m afraid you won’t be able (do) it yourself. 4. You ought (go) now. 5. I’d rather (begin) to prepare for the test. 6. I’ll be delighted (discuss) it with you. 7. There is nothing (do) but wait for the results of the discussion. 8. You’d better (consult) your supervisor. 9. The professor made the student (think) over the problem again. 10. You must (prepare) for your exams in advance. 11. I am happy (hear) the result of the test having been done at the previous lesson. 12. You may (use) a dictionary. 13. You are (use) a dictionary. 14. I am used (get up) early in order not (be) late for my classes.

3. Point out the Objective–with-the-Infinitive Construction. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. They wish the article to be published next month. 2. I know him to have been a brilliant student. 3. We know the report to have consisted of two parts. 4. We found them to be interested in the computers. 5. He expected them to come to the same decision. 6. The scientist noticed the temperature to be falling very quickly. 5. We consider Shannon to be a founder of information theory. 7. We expect this equation to have the same solution as the preceding one. 6. He watched the student prove the theorem. 7. Under these circumstances we expect the variables to be negative. 8. We found some programming languages to be used for specific purposes.

4. Point out the Subjective Infinitive Construction. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. English is considered to belong to a branch of German languages. 2. The future is expected to bring a great many new applications of semiconductors. 3. This approach seems to satisfy the scientist. 4. Lobachevsky is known to have written much on the problems of education. 5. This new device is told to work well. 6. They are known to have made a lot of discoveries. 7. These methods seem to be quite independent of one another. 8. The computer is likely to be repaired. 9. This method is certain to be used. 10. The conference is believed to be interesting.

5. Translate into Russian.

1. It is difficult for me to think of anything else at the moment. 2. There’s nobody for me to discuss this problem. 3. There were plenty of papers for him to read. 4. It is pleasant for me to work in the computer class. 5. There is nothing for me to read.

6. It was important for him to learn programming.

6. Translate into Russian paying attention to the different functions of the infinitives which stand at the beginning of the sentences

1. To make a choice of these two alternatives is not an easy question. 2. To be on the safe side, take special care of the accuracy of the calculations. 3. To argue about it is not fruitful at the moment. 4. To establish relationship between these two phenomena, extensive research is needed. 5. To sum up, these problems are studied for the possibilities which they hold for practical applications. 6. To put in another way, the experimental procedure must suite the purpose of the experiment. 7. To be able to forecast the future, we must begin by a thorough analysis of the past course of events. 8. To foresee the future means to analyze the past experience.9. To tell the truth, the results have no direct bearing on the problem under discussion.

7. State the functions of the Infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. To carry out this complicated research work requires special knowledge and training. 2. The computer to be built will be powerful. 3. It is too late to change anything in this work. 4. The engineer wants a new device to be tested in the laboratory. 5. Men of science consider Lobachevsky to be the “Copernicus of Geometry”. 6. To work in the computer class is pleasant. 7. She has learned to solve such problems. 8. In order to learn to solve such problems you need to read this piece of theory. 9. These magazines must be returned to the library. 10. He may be working in the laboratory now. 11. They were glad to have been informed about it. 12. They came to the laboratory to obtain the data they needed. 13. This problem is certain to be solved soon. 14. We suppose the parts of the machine to have been replaced. 15. He was the first to pass the examination in mathematical analysis. 16. To read such books means to waste time. 17. To read such books you need to have a very wide outlook. 18. He is said to be a brilliant mathematician. 19. They wanted this design to be completed as soon as possible. 20. Both theories appear to be important in our research. 21. These theories are to be used. 22. The theories to be used must be up-to-date. 23. The theories to have been used were up-to-date. 24. It gave an opportunity to obtain reliable results.



In 1957, the US government established the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), a segment of the Department of Defense charged with ensuring US leadership in science and technology with military applications. In 1969, ARPA created ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet. ARPANET was a network that connected major computers at the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of California at Santa Barbara, Stanford Research Institute, and the University of Utah. Within a couple of years, several other educational and research institutions formed the network. In response to the threat of nuclear attack, ARPANET was designed to allow continued communication if one or more sites were destroyed. Unlike today, when millions of people have access to the Internet from home, or work, ARPANET joined only computer professionals, engineers, and scientists.

Throughout the 1970s, developers created the protocols used to transfer information over the Internet. By the early 1980s, usenet newsgroups and electronic mail had been born. At that time libraries began to connect their catalogs to the Internet, too. During the late 1980s, developers created indices, such as Archie and the Wide Area Information Server (WAIS), to keep track of the information on the Internet. To give users a friendly, easy-to-use interface to work with, the University of Minnesota created its Gopher, a simple menu system for accessing files, in 1991.

The World Wide Web came into being in 1991, thanks to the developer Tim Berners-Lee and others at the European Laboratory of Particle Physics, also known CERN. The CERN team created the protocol based on hypertext that makes it possible to connect on the Web with hyperlinks. In June 1993, the Web served just 130 sites. By a year later, the number had risen to nearly 3 000. In April 1998, there were more than 2.2 million sites on the Web.


1. Mind the meaning of some abbreviations:

ARPA (The Advanced Research Projects Agency) –Агентство по передовым исследовательским проектам (министерства обороны США).

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork) – сеть Агентства по передовым исследовательским проектам (министерства обороны США).

WAIS (The Wide Area Information Server) – информационный сервер региональной сети.

2. Transcribe the following words


Los Angeles

Santa Barbara



3. State the functions of the Infinitive in the following sentences. Translate the sentences.

  1. In response to the threat of nuclear attack, ARPANET was designed to allow continued communication if one or more sites were destroyed.

  2. Throughout the 1970s, developers created the protocols used to transfer information over the Internet.

  3. At that time libraries began to connect their catalogs to the Internet, too.

  4. During the late 1980s, developers created indices, such as Archie and the Wide Area Information Server (WAIS), to keep track of the information on the Internet.

  5. To give users a friendly, easy- to- use interface to work with, the University of Minnesota created its Gopher, a simple menu system for accessing files, in 1991.

  6. The CERN team created the protocol based on hypertext that makes it possible to connect on the Web with hyperlinks.

4. Read and translate the text

5. Define the following:


  2. The Internet

  3. The World Wide Web

  4. A hypertext

6. Which statement deals with the content of the whole text?

  1. The headline of the text I’ve read is «A Brief History of the Internet». It deals with the Internet creation.

  2. The text I’ve read is headlined «A Brief History of the Internet». It is concerned with the structure of the Internet.

  3. The text under consideration touches upon the problem of the Internet’s further development.

  4. The headline of the text I’ve read is «A Brief History of the Internet». It reports on the development of the Internet.

  5. The text I’ve read is headlined «A Brief History of the Internet». It is devoted to the birth and development of the Internet and WWW and the influence of the Internet on the mankind.

7. Develop the statement: The author starts with the events concerning the birth of the Internet.

8. Finish up the statement putting the events chronologically.

Statement: The development of the net as the author writes comprises the following important events: … .


  • the connection of libraries’ catalogs to the Internet which began in the early 1980s;

  • the invention of the protocol based on hypertext by Tim Berners-Lee and others at the European Laboratory of Particle Physics in 1991;

  • further connection of educational and research institutions to the net;

  • the birth of the usenet newsgroups and electronic mail by the early 1980s;

  • the invention of Gopher, a simple menu system for accessing files (the University of Minnesota, in 1991);

  • the creation of the protocols able to transfer information over the Internet in 1970s;

  • the creation of indices, such as Archie and the Wide Area Information Server (WAIS) which could keep track of the information on the Internet (during the late 1980s);

9. Here is the end of the rendering of the text «A Brief History of the Internet». Write the beginning.

In order to show the advances in the development of the Internet the author uses comparison. He compares the number of sites: in June 1993, the Web served only 130 sites but a year later the number of sites was nearly 3 000, in April 1998, there were more than 2.2 million sites on the Web. He also compares such facts: ARPANET joined only computer professionals, engineers, and scientists but today millions of people have access to the Internet from home, or work. The growing number of sites on the Web and the number of people having access to the Internet are good evidences of the Internet’s influence on the mankind.

In conclusion I’d like to express my own attitude to the text I’ve read. It is worth reading as it contains a lot of information concerning the history of the Internet.



The Internet is much the same as any other computer network. It is a collection of computers that can understand one another because they are connected using the same TCP/ IP protocol connection and client-server software standards like HTTP, FTP and SMTP. Networking allows almost any types of computers, anywhere in the world to connect and communicate with someone on the other side of the globe who may use completely different equipment.

The Internet is based on very large Server computers, usually located at the Universities and large government agencies, which are running and maintaining a very fast connection between one another 24 hours a day, known as the Internet backbone. Other servers are then connected to this backbone, and even more servers are connected to these servers. Together they form an open world-wide WAN, or Wide Area Network, called the Internet.

A server can be set up to route signals and data to other computers on its LAN, or local network. This allows people to use dialup to connect to a server computer in order to receive Internet data. Due to the cost of a permanent Internet connection, most users decide on a dialup connection to an ISP using a modem or ISDN dialup system.


1. Give Russian equivalents of:

  1. a collection of computers

  2. client-server software standards

  3. server computers

  4. to run and maintain a vary fast connection

  5. to route signals and data to other computers

  6. in order to receive Internet data

2. Give English equivalents of:

  1. во многом то же самое

  2. как и любая другая сеть компьютеров (компьютерная сеть)

  3. друг друга

  4. любые типы компьютеров

  5. другое оборудование

  6. быть основанным на

  7. обычно расположенный

  8. очень быстрое соединение

  9. опорная сеть Интернета

  10. использовать коммутирующий доступ

  11. коммутирующее соединение

3. Choose the meanings of the abbreviations which deal with the text


  • Terminal Control Program – программа управления терминалом.

  • Transmission Control Panel – пульт управления передачей.

  • Transmission Control Protocol – протокол управления передачей.


  • HyperText Transfer Protocol – протокол передачи гипертекста.

  • HyperText Transport Protocol – транспортный протокол (передачи) гипертекста.


  • File Transfer Protocol – протокол пересылки файлов.

  • Fault-Tolerant Processing – терпимый к сбоям режим работы.

  • Foil Twisted-Pair – экранизированная фольгой витая пара.


  • Instruction Set Processor – процессор (для обработки) наборов команд.

  • Interactive Signal Processing – интерактивная обработка сигнала.

  • Internal Stored Program – программа, хранимая во внутренней памяти.

  • Internet Server Provider – поставщик услуг Интернет.

4. Mind the meaning of the following abbreviations