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X. Подчеркните подлежащее и сказуемое в сложноподчиненных предложениях (определительных, дополнительных и обстоятельственных), переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. The vessels which arrived at the port yesterday were built in Russia.

  2. Our representative, whose letter I showed you yesterday, will return to Moscow at the end of the week.

  3. When we arrived at the port, the steamer was being loaded with grain.

  4. While we were discharging the ship, we discovered a few bags damaged by sea water.

  5. He has just gone away saying that he will return in an hour.

  6. The invitations were sent out far in advance, so the delegates might arrive in time for the conference.

XI. Заполните пропуски в предложениях соответствующими союзными словами: who, that, which, when, where, why, how...

  1. The subsidiaries report to the Export Sales Department … in turn is accountable to the Board.

  2. The trouble is … I have lost his address and his telephone number.

  3. The manager of our office … is a highly educated man, speaks several foreign languages.

  4. I stayed at the custom-house and saw … the goods were being examined.

  5. The manager will ring you up … he comes.

  6. This is the house … I used to live in.

XII. Переведите следующие бессоюзные придаточные предложения на русский язык.

  1. The corporation he works for has celebrated its 20 anniversary in this business.

  2. I knew they had sent an invitation to my colleague and not to me.

  3. The goods you wanted to see are at our warehouses.

  4. The man you saw in the office was our foreign customer.

  5. The factory they work produce machine-tools that can measure and inspect the production themselves.

  6. The matter she mentioned is very urgent.

XIII. Прочтите и письменно переведите текст. Forms of Businesses

Proprietorship, partnership, and corporations have certain advantages and disadvantages. These can be considered using the following criteria: simplicity, ability to raise capital, liability, control, taxation, etc.

Of the three basic forms, the proprietorship is the simplest. The legal procedures for starting a proprietorship are limited to registering the company’s name. Going out of business is also very easy: no legal procedures are required. Starting a partnership is less complex than starting a proprietorship. Simplicity has its advantages but it is not the only thing to consider when choosing the right form of business organization.

Ways of raising capital are different under different forms of business organization. The source of capital for a proprietorship usually is the owner’s own savings and loans form banks. More capital can be raised by bringing in partners or by incorporating. The so called venture capital market is another important source of capital for new business.

A major difference among organizational forms is the degree to which owners are personally liable for debts of the business. If a proprietorship fails, creditors can claim the owner’s property to pay off the debts of the business. For partnerships, liabilities can also be a serious problem. The limited liability feature of the corporation is its biggest advantage.

Контрольная работа № 3

Вариант №6