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Active vocabulary

EMPLOY v to use the services of a person or group; give a job to smb держать на службе, предоставлять работу, How many people does this office employ? To employ as (a body-guard) нанять в качестве (телохранителя); to be employed by работать, служить у; employee n служащий, работнк; The firm has about 1,000 employees; employer n предприниматель; работодатель; employment n служба, работа, занятость All people in the country have employment; be in (full-time) employment = have jobs; unemployment n безработица; Unemployment is one of many problems in many countries; unemployed a безработный; the unemployed = people who are unemployed;

EXPERIENCE 1. опыт (жизненный, трудовой) He has much (little, no, etc) experience in life (teaching, etc). Phr (to know )by/from experience (знать)по опыту; to learn by experience познать на опыте; previous, stressful ~ ; be experienced in/at smth иметь опыт в чем-либо; 2. Переживание, ощущение; случай, приключение have a pleasant (interesting, unusual, etc) experience; He told us about his experiences in the Arctic; (in)experienced; (не)опытный;

ANXIETY n тревога, беспокойство, опасение They waited for the results of the operation with anxiety, anxious a 1. Тревожный, беспокойный, озабоченный, be/ feel/ get anxious (about smb/smth) беспокоиться о ком-либо, чем-либо; 2. страстно желающий (чего-либо) He is anxious for success. They were anxious to win the game.

AIM n цель, намерение His aim in life is to be useful to people; reach one’s aim достигать цели; to aim v стремиться (к чему-либо); нацеливаться (на что-либо) He aims to be a successful writer. Our foreign policy aims at promoting friendship among nations; with the aim of doing The project was set up with the aim of helping young unemployed people.

FAIL v 1. потерпеть неудачу, не иметь успеха, не исполнить, не сделать; If this plan fails, we’ll be in trouble; fail to do I failed to convince him that I was right; 2. to fail smb подвести кого-либо Her friends failed her when she most needed them; When I think of his cruelty, my words fail me; 3. to fail an exam провалиться на экзамене, не сдать экзамен; I passed English and Geography, but failed Latin; He passed the practical exam but the teachers failed him in the written paper; a failure неудавшееся дело, неудача, неуспех, провал; The club’s first attempt to find new members was a failure; be a failure быть неудачником; As a writer, he was a complete failure; end in failure закончиться неудачей;

CARE n 1. Внимание, осторожность You should work with care. Take care not to break the glass; 2. Забота, попечение, ответственность The children were left in (under) our care when their parents went away on a holiday. Phr take care of smb/smth (по)заботиться о; присматривать за кем-н., чем-н; take care of one’s family (children, parents, one’s health; the tickets, one’s luggage, etc); Take care! (used in a way of saying good-bye) to care about проявлять интерес, не быть безразличным; быть склонным, хотеть The only thing he cares about is money. To care for means “to like” in negative sentences and questions. I don’t think she really cares for him. He does not care for meat. Would you care for a drink?

Careful; careless;

FIX v 1. Укреплять, устанавливать; фиксировать Help me fix the shelf to the wall. The fact (event, day, etc) was fixed in my mind. Phr fix one’s eyes (one’s attention, one’s mind) on smth/smb остановить взгляд (внимание) на чем-н./ком-н; 2. Назначать (цену и т.п.) fix a price (a date, etc) for; 3. Чинить, исправлять; приводить в порядок fix a watch, a TV-set, one’s hair, etc;

STICK v (stuck) (lit and fig) 1. Застревать Their car stuck in the mud. The words stuck in her throat; 2. наклеивать, приклеивать(ся) You must stick a stamp on the letter before you post it. The stamp won’t stick. Phr stick to one’s word (one’s friends, one’s principles, etc) быть верным слову (друзьям), придерживаться принципов и т.п.

QUIT v (quit, also quitted BrE) бросать, прекращать что-либо делать to quit smth/ doing smth (a job, smoking, working) уволиться с работы, бросить курить;


Give smb a bad time доставить кому-либо неприятности, много хлопот

Be in/out of the limelight быть/не быть в центре внимание, на виду

To make both ends meet еле-еле сводить концы с концами

To turn ones back on smth отвернуться от кого-либо, покинуть кого-либо

To raise the money достать/ найти деньги (для какой-либо цели)

To live life to the full жить полной жизнью

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