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21. Read the text again and complete the sentences.

  1. The P-N-P transistor is … .

  2. The geometry of junction transistors differs depending on … .

  3. … the transistor may be considered as two diodes.

  4. The emitter-base constitutes … .

  5. … are the majority current carriers in the emitter-base diode.

  6. The emitter-collector circuit is … .

  7. Collector current may be controlled readily by … .

  8. … may also be made with an N-P-N configuration.

  9. Base current will increase or decrease very little when … .

  10. Changes in emitter-base bias will result in … .

22. Match the terms in Table a with their definitions in Table b

Table A

  1. beam

  2. satellite

  3. transistor

  4. base

  5. sensitivity

Table B

    1. The ability to react to very small changes in light, heat, movement etc.

    2. The lowest part or surface of something [= bottom]

    3. A line of light, energy etc that you cannot see.

    4. A machine that has been sent into space and goes around the Earth, moon etc, used for radio, television, and other electronic communication.

    5. A small piece of electronic equipment in radios, televisions etc that controls the flow of electricity.


23Summarize the text ‘Junction Transistors’ in 150 words.

24. Divide into 2 groups. Group 1 translates Extract a and group 2 – extract b of the text with a dictionary in writing.

EXTRACT A. The Transistor

Scientific interest in semiconductors led to the development of the transistor. One advantage of the transistor is that it is small and light, permitting miniaturization of electronic equipment. The transistor operates with low voltages and uses little power. It does not require any warm up period and operates as soon as power is applied. A transistor has fewer circuit connections. A disadvantage of transistors is their sensitivity to heat, but an advantage is that they do not generate much heat.

There are many types of transistors. They may be classified according to the basic material from which they are formed. In this category we find germanium and silicon transistors. Most transistors are now made of silicon. Transistors may be classified also according to the process by which they are constructed. Here we find various types of junction transistors and point-contact transistors.

Transistors may also be classified according to the number of elements. Thus there is the triode, or three-element transistor, and the tetrode, or four-element transistor. They may also be classified according to their ability to dissipate power. Here we find a wide range from the low-power (less than 50 mW) to the high-power (2W and higher) type.

Transistors come in different shapes and sizes. There are variations also in the manner of mounting the transistor in the circuit.

EXTRACT B. Of Interest: Reflector-Satellites

Model space reflectors casting solar light on our planet may be developed in the near future. One sunbeam will be sufficient to illuminate one or more large districts situated in different time zones.

Researchers have developed a general design for such systems. At present an experimental project involving a reflector-satellite having a mass of 20 kg and 110 square metres of working surface is being set up at the Moscow Aviation Institute.

The aim of the experimental is above all, to check various technical approaches to the construction of the reflector of the future.

The use of reflector-satellite to prolong daylight by several hours in big cities will ensure high-quality illumination for streets, transport arteries, and construction sites. This system will also prove economically profitable.

Another possible use for such systems will be the illumination of night-work sites as well as the illumination of fields to combat night frosts.

The ecological consequences of the use of space reflectors are being studied and recommendations worked out for the rational utilization of such systems in order to be benefit the environment.

25. In Russian write a content-based summary of the text you have translated.

26. Translate into English the summary made in ex.24 of the text you haven’t read.

27. Make a reverse written translation (from Russian into English) of the Extract you have translated.

28. Serve as simultaneous interpreter. Make an oral reverse interpretation of the text.

29. Find more information about transistors and tell your group mates.

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