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13. Restore the original sentences.

  1. this device / an electrical charge/ enables / to be built up and stored.

  2. I / you / out of the socket / told / to remove / the bulb.

  3. this / the current / makes / flow / through the circuit.

  4. she / him / the contacts / wanted / of the circuit / to connect.

  5. the transformer / to be increased or decreased / the voltage / allows.

  6. one / the current / can assume / in one direction / to flow / only.

14. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the Complex Object.

  1. Мне нужно, чтобы он сейчас отключил электричество.

  2. Выпрямитель позволяет электрическому току протекать только в одном направлении.

  3. Этот прибор позволяет нам измерять напряжение в сети.

  4. Преподаватель попросил начертить схему электрического прибора.

  5. Магнит заставляет ток менять направление.

  6. Наш преподаватель заставляет нас усердно учиться.

  7. Вы хотели бы, чтобы я объяснил вам основы электричества?

  8. Пусть они проведут этот эксперимент ещё раз.

  9. Позвольте мне помочь Вам.

  10. Не разрешайте детям играть с электрическими приборами.

  11. Он хочет, чтобы его сын стал инженером.

  12. Я полагаю, что выпуск продукции увеличится.

15. Replace the following group of sentences by a sentence with a ‘for’-phrase subject.

For example:

  • He won’t obtain the data. It’s impossible.

It is impossible for him to obtain the data.

  1. He explained everything. It was not difficult.

  2. She managed to do it in time. But it was quite an effort.

  3. I studied this phenomenon. It was very important.

  4. Don’t make mistakes. It’s important.

  5. We have to install this device right now. It won’t be difficult.

  6. She solved that task yesterday. It wasn’t easy.

  7. He has invented a new device. It was difficult.

  8. He observed this phenomenon. It was rather unusual.

  9. I have introduced a new method. It was easy.

  10. They have created a new theory. It was the usual thing.

16. Complete the following sentences by adding ‘for’-phrases to them.

For example:

  • It would be better ( you; solve this task now)

It would be better for you to solve this task now.

  1. It would be interesting ( you; observe this phenomenon)

  2. It would be useful ( he; obtain new data)

  3. It’s very important ( we; install the equipment)

  4. It’s not easy ( I; test new devices)

  5. It would be rather difficult ( she; connect the voltmeter to the circuit)

  6. It’s boring ( he; carry out all the necessary calculations)

  7. It’s very essential (we; follow the safety rules)

  8. It’s unnecessary (you; repair this device)

  9. It would be difficult (I; describe the work of a transformer)

  10. It’s impossible (they; measure the current in the circuit right now)

17Choose as many words from the table оf ex. 1 as you can and form sensible sentences.

For example:

  • The professor instructed us how to approach our chips.

Specialist Reading

18. Read the text ‘Integrated Circuits’ and fill in the table.



Integrated Circuit

Pin number

IC holder

Antistatic bags for ICs

Integrated Circuits are usually called ICs or chips. They are complex circuits which have been etched onto tiny chips of semiconductor (silicon). The chip is packaged in a plastic holder with pins spaced on a 0.1" (2.54mm) grid which will fit the holes on stripboard and breadboards. Very fine wires inside the package link the chip to the pins.

Pin numbers

The pins are numbered anti-clockwise around the IC (chip) starting near the notch or dot. The diagram shows the numbering for 8-pin and 14-pin ICs, but the principle is the same for all sizes. 

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