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Тема 2. Передача артикля

Introductory notes:

Can be omitted in most cases or should be changed with an equivalent.

  • a” is used as a semantic center marker;

  • a” can be translated by the indefinite pronoun;

  • a” can be translated by numeral pronoun;

  • a” / “the ” can be translated by demonstrative pronoun;

  • used in emphatic constructions;

  • Special cases: to call for a conference, to propose a resolution;The Depression ;The War; A power ; power – власть.


  1. A new team was formed to develop the project.

  2. The new team was accommodated in the University Inn.

  3. The few objections I have are not aimed at ruining the project.

  4. I'm waiting here for a Dr. Fisher to get the papers.

  5. She is a kind of person you never know what to expect.

  6. The report now seems to be more solid than the one presented in the previous board meeting.

  7. Following the agreement, a third of the funds cannot be spent until next July. .

  8. Miss Trotwood came on the Friday when David was born.

  9. This is a most serious matter, and it needs to be treated with care.

  10. Many women in the U.S., now in the professions, would be unable to work without illegal immigrants' domestic help.

  11. The danger of forest fires is the greater the more carelessly people act when camping.

  12. I'm sure they've got a motivation for completing the research be­fore the financing is stopped.

  13. Under the circumstances, a courier is the only safe way to send them a message.

  14. A peculiar coalition of business and consumer groups defends the system.

  15. Usually, Taiwan prefers to talk of becoming a "regional operations centre”. However, at a conference in Taipei earlier this month, many speakers at long last applied the phrase to the island's con­nection to mainland China.

To smooth future international bankruptcies, new rules are needed.

Задание 4. Prepared Translation

From the news press 2

2. Россия выполнит рекомендации СЕ

Российские власти взяли на себя обя­зательства выполнить все рекомендации Совета Европы, связанные с намерением России вступить в эту международную ор­ганизацию. Документ, подтверждающий это, передан в Париже руководителем администрации президента России предсе­дателю Парламентской ассамблеи Совета Европы. Россия подала заявку на вступле­ние в Совет Европы, объединяющий 33 страны, в мае 1992 года и положительное решение этого вопроса ожидалось в 1995 году. Однако в свяли с чеченским кризисом политическая комиссия СЕ рекомендовала приостановить рассмотрение заявки Москвы.

Переводческие решения

1. ... взяли на себя обязательства

выполнить ...

  1. ... связанные с ...

  2. ... подала заявку на вступление ...

2. Russia to Fulfil EC Recommendations

The Russian authorities have commit­ted themselves to fulfilling all the recom­mendations of the European council per­taining to Russia's intention to join this international body. A document testifying to this fact has been handed over in Paris to the Chairman of the Parliamentary As­sembly of the EC (PAEC). Russia applied to join the EC, which unites 33 countries, in May 1992 and a favourable decision was expected to be received in 1995. How­ever, following the events in Chechnia the PAEG suggested that discussion of Mos­cow's application should be suspended.

Translator's Decisions

  1. ... committed themselves to fulfilling ...

  2. ... pertaining to ...

  3. ... applied to join ...

3. Посол США предупреждает

Посол США в Загребе предупредил, что Хорватия лишится американской поддержки, если применит военную силу против краинских сербов. Они в односто­роннем порядке провозгласили независи­мость на четверти территории Хорватии. Американское предупреждение следует за недавним решением правительства Хорватии не продлевать мандата «го­лубых касок», которые обеспечивают перемирие в этой республике. Загреб уг­рожает силой «восстановить суверенитет» в Краинах. Между тем парламент серб­ских краин объявил о прекращении пере­говоров с хорватским правительством, а президент Милан Мартич сказал, что нужно готовиться к возможной войне.

Переводческие решения

  1. ... если (она) применит военную силу ...

  2. ... объявил о прекращении переговоров ...

3. US Ambassador Warns

The US ambassador in Zagreb has warned Croatia that it would lose Ameri­can support if it resorts to military force against the Kraijna Serbs who had unilaterally proclaimed independence for one quarter of the territory of Croatia. The American warning followed a recent deci­sion taken by the Croatian government not to prolong mandate of the «Blue Helmets» who guarantee the truce in the republic. Zagreb threatens Kraijna with force to «restore sovereignty» there. Meanwhile, the parliament of the Kraijna Serbs announced that it was cancelling talks with the Croatian government and President Milan Martic said it was neces­sary to get ready for a possible war.

Translator's Decisions

  1. ... if it resorts to military force ...

  2. ... (the parliament) announced that it was cancelling talks ...

Задание 5. Interview

Interview with the Former President of Ireland

The future, says Ireland's ex-president, is looking up

As the president of Ireland, Mary Robinson didn't make policy; Prime Minister and his government do that. But Robinson was no mere figurehead. Since she took office in 1990, she has consistently turned up in polls as the most popular public person in Ireland while imbuing her job with considerable moral authority. Robinson, 52, is the appealing face of the new Ireland. She decided not to run for a second term as President.

Q: Мог ли произойти экономический бум без интеграции страны в ЕС?

A: I think it would be very difficult... When we joined in 1973 ... it had an immediate psychological and political effect that was very significant for us. It lifted the burden of our historic relationship with Britain. We ceased to define ourselves exclusively in that relationship. I think it also had a very beneficial effect in a broader context. It helped Irish agriculture by giving secure prices, better prices.

Q: Как получается, что некоторые другие участники Евросоюза более прохладно относятся к единой Европе, например Британия?

А: | think the experience of each of the member countries is different, there are very understandable reasons why attitudes in Britain would be different. To begin with, there weren't the same evident beneficial effects, particularly in agriculture. The Common Agricultural Policy didn't suit British agriculture. There has been perhaps a worrying sense in Britain of a declining influence in various ways, and that coincides with membership in the European Union. In other words, I don't really want to put myself in the British shoes, but there are very understandable reasons.

Q: В результате улучшения экономического положения некото­рые из тех, кто покинул страну, сейчас возвращаются.

A: Yes, people who left... because they couldn't get jobs that were at the level of the education and skills that they had obtained here in Ireland. They then spent perhaps 10 years outside, in the United States or in Japan or wherever, and I think there is a discernible desire to return. ... I think for those now in their late 20s, early 30s, mid-30s, this is a good country. It's a country with a very good intellectual and social life as well as job opportunities.


Задание 1. Мнемотехника

1.1 Figures. Читать вслух и с выражением


2 15 42

42 15

37 08 5

20 20 20!


511 16

5 20 337

712 19

2000 047


17 30 48

140 10 01

126  138

140 3 501


14 126 14

132 17 43...

16 42  511

704 83

170! 16 39

514 700  142

612  349

17  114 02


2 46 38 1

116 14 20!

15 14 21

14 0 17

1.2.Tongue Tanglers / Tongue Twisters

  1. I would if I could! But I can't, so I won't!

  2. One Old Ox Opening Oysters.

  3. Two Toads Totally Tired Trotting To Tewkesbury.

  4. Four Fat Friars Fishing For Flounders.

  5. Seven Silver Salmon Solemnly Sailing.

  6. Round and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran.

  7. Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop.

  8. Swan swam over the sea. Swim, swan, swim! Swan swam back again. Well swam swan!

  9. You know New York. You need New York. You know you need unique New York.

  10. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.

  11. Blake's black bike's back brake bracket block broke

  12. How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?

1.3. Повторите и переведите


  1. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

  2. In case of doubt, make it sound convincing.

  3. The other line always moves faster.

  4. There is always one more bug.

  5. Whoever has the gold makes the rules.

  6. If you try to please everybody, nobody will like it.

  7. Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.

  8. A short cut is the longest distance between two points

  9. If you are feeling good, don't worry, you'll get over it.

  10. You will always find something in the last place you look.

  11. Everyone has a scheme for getting rich that will not work.

  12. Never argue with a fool, people might not know the difference

  1. Anything you will try to fix will take longer and cost more than you thought.

  2. Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will use it.

  3. If more than one person is responsible for a miscalculation, no one will be at fault.

  4. The chance of a piece of bread falling with the buttered side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.

  5. No matter how long or hard you shop for an item, after you've bought it, it will be on sale somewhere cheaper.

  6. There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it over

  7. The light at the end of a tunnel is the headlamp of an oncoming train.

Задание 2. Response rate

3А. Сбить самолет – riot police – to unveil smth – выражать обеспокоенность в связи – to resign/to stand down – полицейский террор – to endorse – лишить гражданства – to blow up a building – хорошее/плохое предзнаменование – to hold smb responsible for smth – положить конец беспорядкам – be charged with carelessness resulting in death and injury to others – повстанец – guerillas – стремиться резвеять опасения – social unrest – борьба фракций – to rule out the support for industry – соответствовать требованиям – controversial/arguable point - вносить поправки в закон – to dismiss a claim – распустить собрание – accounting standard

3В. Shoot down an aircraft – отряды полиции по борьбе с уличными беспорядками – раскрывать планы – to be concerned about smth – уйти в отставку – police brutality – одобрить/индоссировать – to revoke citizenship - взорвать здание – good/ill omen –обвинять – to bring riots to an end – быть обвиненным в халатном отношении, приведшему к смерти и травматизму других – rebel/ insurgent – партизаны – to seek to allay fears – социальные волнение – factional strife – отказать в помощи индустрии – to meet the criteria/requirements – спорный пункт – to amend an act – отклонить претензию – to dismiss the assembly- система бухучета

Задание 3. Sight Translation

News in Brief 3 (World Events)

  1. Japan said in its annual defense review that it was concerned about the growing strength of China's army.

  2. According to the rumour mill in Beijing, Zhu Rongji, an economic reformer, is likely to become China's next prime minister, replacing Li Peng, who is meant to stand down after ten years in office.

  3. A senior hotel executive was charged with carelessness resulting in death and injury to others after Thailand's worst ever hotel fire, in Pattaya, killed 90 people.

  4. The US President endorsed legislation that would make it illegal for health-insurance companies to discriminate against healthy people on the basis of their genetic inheritance.

  5. Peru's government revoked the citizenship of Baruch Ivcher, the! owner of a television station that often embarrasses it. He had not abandoned his Israeli nationality when he became Peruvian in 1984, it said. An attack on media freedom, said thousands of demonstrators. Even pro-government papers agreed. The foreign minister had to resign.

  6. Having blown up a main oil pipeline and shot down a helicopter-load of soldiers sent to protect repair work, Colombian guerrillas blew it up again four days later and killed ten more soldiers. Production —I 180,000 barrels a day — from the Caco Limon field was suspended.

  7. Kofi Annan, the secretary-general of the United Nations, presented! his plans for making the organisation more effective, largely by rationalising departments and by creating a policy-making cabinet. Early reactions from America's Congress, which has made the payment of arrears dependent on UN cuts, were unenthusiastic.

  8. Faced with local and international anger over police brutality during demonstrations, Kenya's President promised to talk to the opposition and, perhaps, reform the dictatorial laws that keep his party in power.

  9. The Algerians released Abbasi Madani, leader of the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS), from jail, but not his deputy. Mr Madani, who said his release after six years was unconditional, proclaimed it as a good omen. But the FIS's influence is not what it was; Islamic radicals beyond its control are generally held responsible for some 100 killings by bombs and throatcutting in the past week.

  10. The Israeli-Hezbollah agreement not to fire on civilian targets began collapsing as Israeli shells in Lebanon killed a Palestinian woman and her son and Hezbollah fired rockets in response.

  11. The deployment of Palestinian policemen on the line between Israeli and Palestinian-controlled Hebron brought a month of riots to a temporary end. A Palestinian youth in Ramallah was shot dead by Israeli soldiers.

  12. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has long worked to bridge divisions, be they fissures between interfaith husbands and wives or political chasms separating the United States and the Muslim world. The 61-year-old clergyman is now in the midst of a polarizing political, religious and cultural debate over plans for a multistory Islamic center that will feature a mosque, health club and theater about two blocks north of ground zero.He is one of the leaders of the Park51 project, but has largely been absent from the national debate over the implications of building a Muslim house of worship so close to where terrorists killed more than 2,700 people.

Задание 4. Грамматические трудности перевода