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Unit 8 tastes and preferences.doc
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Video 1

  1. Watch the report on Healthy Eating.

  2. What are the main guidelines?

  3. What are your main principles of healthy eating and healthy lifestyle?

Video 2

Watch the report on Endangered Cultures (North Star) and answer the questions that follow.

      1. Where do the Maori people live?

      2. Where do they come from?

      3. When did they come to New Zealand and how did they get there?

      4. When did J. Cook come to New Zealand?

      5. How big was the population of Maori?

      6. What were they good at?

      7. Do Maori cherish their culture and rituals?

      8. Where does Maori culture come from?

      9. What do they believe in?

      10. What is Maori’s connection to the past? Why?

      11. Do they have any art? What does this art show?

Video 3

Watch the report on Tea traditions in England do the assignments (Headway Elementary Video)


      • Write a summary of the text “The Silk Road: Art and Archeology”.

      • Сhoose one of the following topics. Write 2 or 3 paragraphs. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

● Write a letter to Mr Green. (You might want to read the letter by Confused Shopper from Reading again.) In your letter, first tell about something you have seen in stores and don’t understand. Then ask one or two questions about it. For example, maybe you have seen tomatoes that say ‘vine-ripened.’ But you thought all tomatoes grow on vines. What does ‘vine-ripened mean?

Compare letters with those of other students. As a class, answer as many of the questions as you can.

  • Imagine that you must write a short explanation of organic food for an article in a health magazine (or a women’s magazine). Before you write the explanation, think of your audience and of the content and tone that would be best. What will interest your readers? What will they need to know? After you write your explanation, compare it to those of other students. Discuss how your audience made a difference for what you wrote.

  • Do you think there is something immoral in paying much for a dress when many people can’t afford to eat?

  • Do you think people judge others by the clothes they wear? Why, why not?

  • Do different countries and cultures have different ideas of beauty or is there a common ideal of world beauty?

      • Translate the following sentences using the vocabulary of the unit.

  1. Фермеры используют пестициды и гербициды для борьбы с насекомыми, как дневной, так и искусственный свет для своих растений, чтобы ускорить их рост.

  2. Когда созреют бананы, сделаем банановый коктейль.

  3. У нас на огороде ничего не растет, кроме сорняков.

  4. Я люблю только свежие соки, хотя говорят, что их нужно пить только разбавленными водой.

  5. Мне удалось вырастить виноградную лозу.

  6. Поищите то, что вам нужно в отделе продуктов питания.

  7. Поверь мне, это отличное средство от насекомых.

  8. Сотни людей умирают от рака каждый год.

  9. Твое новое блюдо потрясающее на вкус.

  10. Затем он стал рисовать замысловатые узоры из цветов и фруктов.

  11. Обычно купцы из разных регионов привозили товары в оазисы, где продавали или обменивали их на шелк, доспехи и другие нетрадиционные предметы.

  12. Художник изобразил его гуляющим в саду.

  13. Она правильно отгадала, куда он держит путь.

  14. Все прочие различия статистически незначительны.

  15. С этой целью уже были предприняты определенные шаги.

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