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Management Skills

The three levels of management also differ in the importance attached to the three key management skills: technical, human, and conceptual. Generally, conceptual skills are most important at the top management level. The reason is that top managers have the greatest need to see the organization as a whole, understand how the various parts of the organization relate to one another, and associate the organization to the world outside.

In contrast, first-line managers have the greatest need for technical skills. The logic here is that it is the first-line managers who directly supervise most of the technical and professional employees who are not managers. On the other hand, middle managers often may need to have technical skills that are at least sufficient to assist in communicating with subordinates and recognizing major problem. Even top managers must have some technical skills, particularly when technology is an important part of the products or services their organizations produce. Otherwise, upper-level managers will have difficulty fostering innovation, allocating resources efficiently, or devising strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

For example, when Chairman John Sculley joined Apple Computer, most of his experience was in marketing with PepsiCo and he knew little about computers. He realized immediately that he was not going to be able to function well without more technical knowledge. “I’m essentially an intuitive leader, and you can only be intuitive about something you understand.” As a result, he quickly initiated an extensive effort to boost his knowledge of computer technology through such steps as arranging for tutors, reading books, and talking with knowledgeable staff members.

Interestingly, all three levels of management must have strong human skills because they all must get things done through people. In fact, in one recent study, managers at all levels rated human skills as most important for good job performance. Ironically, individuals often are promoted into first-level management because they have good technical skills, without adequate consideration being given to the adequacy of their human skills. Individuals who lack sufficient human skills usually run into serious difficulties attempting to deal with individuals inside and outside their work units.

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