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Unit 10. Present Perfect

Exercise 1. Make sentences interrogative.

Example: Historically barristers have had a major role in trial preparation, including drafting pleadings and reviewing evidence. (Who/Where) – Who has had a major role in trial preparation? Where have barristers had a major role historically?

1. The victim feels better, but he has been in hospital since Monday. (Since when/Where) 2. Mr. Tailor is very experienced because he has worked as a judge for ten years. (How long/Who) 3. I have learned a lot of English words with the help of this program. (How/How many) 4. The policeman has already arrested the suspect. (Who/Whom) 5. Sam and Tom have not come home from the prison yet. (Where…from/Who) 6. The federal government has worked hard to stop the growing of opium poppies in other nations. (Why/How) 7. They have only just talked to their barrister. (Who/Whom) 8. Perhaps a thief has stolen my car. (What/When) 9. Under the recent constitutional reforms, the Lord Advocate has become an officer of the Scottish Government. (Why/What kind of officer) 10. Concern about crime has also led to special government programs and special programs of private citizen groups to stop crime. (Which concern/What…to) 11. You needn’t phone to the police I’ve just done it. (Who/When) 12. The solicitor has just drawn up a marriage contract for his client. (Whom/What)

Exercise 2. Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct form.

Example: … your lawyer … up the contract yet (to draw)? – Has your lawyer drawn up the contract yet?

1. The road is closed: there … an accident (to be). 2. The police … two men in connection with the robbery (to arrest). 3. I don’t know where my keys are, maybe somebody … them (to steal). 4. I … a judicial letter but I … it yet (to write, not to post). 5. Maria’s English is much better, she … it (to improve). 6. The witness can’t recognize that man because he … a beard (to grow). 7. … you ever … your passport (to loose)? 8. I … two exams today (to pass). 8. When both bodies (the House of Lords and the House of Representatives) … the same version of a bill, it goes to the president for approval (to pass). 9. In Britain, democracy … never … that people have a hand in running the country (to mean). 10. A robber … a bank in New York, armed with a bunch of flowers (to attack). 11. A US military F-18 fighter jet … into a residential area of San Diego (to crash). 12. Since the 1920s the Foreign Policy Association … experts to discuss global affairs issues with the public (to invite).

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using one of these verbs.

Example: You … your driving test? – Have you passed your driving test?

acquaint take pass stand arrive send

benefit write appoint stop approve be

1. For more than 200 years, the White House … more than just the home of the Presidents and their families. 2. Have you heard? The Congress … just … this private bill. 3. For too long, the U.S. tax code … the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of the vast majority of Americans. 4. The building of court in our city … on this spot for over two hundred years. 5. The Administration in its first weeks … the initial steps to restore fiscal discipline. 6. The President … recently … the heads of more than 10 independent federal commissions. 7. NASA … probes to various planets in the solar system. 8. This author … some of the most successful legal thrillers. 9. The Prime Minister … already … to the airport. 10. The police cannot find any traces of plotter because it … just … to rain. 11. The prosecutor … just … himself with the case and now he has the opportunity to discuss it with you. 12. … you … the results of ballistic examination yet?

Exercise 4. Correct the mistakes where necessary.

Example: There has be an air-crash in Brasilia. – There has been an air-crash in Brasilia.

1. You cannot meet with the officer: he has gone already. 2. Socially accepted or imposed religious morality has influencing secular jurisdictions on issues. 3. Have yet they announce the date? 4. I’ve been a lawyer for 10 years. 5. Look! The door is open! Somebody had broken into the flat. 6. Secretary of Defense Gates have unveiled an unprecedented effort to reform defense contracting, and the President has launch a line-by-line review of the federal budget. 7. He has a lot of classes this week missed. 8. We already haves passed our examination in Criminal law. 9. Marry is crying: her parents has just punished her for being late. 10. I sent the business proposal an hour ago per Internet. Do you received it? Could you discuss it? 11. Did you hear? The man accused of the murder has published a book about his time on the run from the police. 12. Has you ever done the work like this?

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Более 200 лет Белый дом стоит как символ президентства, правительства США и американского народа. 2. Российская полиция начала уголовное расследование по делу группы предпринимателей. 3. Ты когда-нибудь попадал в автокатастрофу? 4. Джерри снова провалил экзамен по теории государства и права. 5. «Можно сдать контрольную? Я ее уже сделал». 6. Этот адвокат такой молодой, но он уже выиграл так много дел в суде! 7. Ты уже знаешь? Председатель только что изменил дату заседания. 8. Ты когда-нибудь видел заседание главного суда первой инстанции? 9. Ты уже подготовился к экзамену по римскому праву? 10. Спецотдел недавно обезвредил группировку террористов. 11. Президент недавно ратифицировал договор со странами Европейского Союза. 12. Этот индивидуальный предприниматель заплатил все налоги?

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