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Central York magnificent town residence

Four double bedrooms, luxury bathroom,

Upstairs and downstairs cloakrooms, lounge,

Dining-room, kitchen/breakfast room,

Double garage, beautiful mature garden,

Gas-fired central heating.

In first-class condition.


UNIT 23. Who Is Right?


to turn to crime, to try crime, to ease problems, obscene, in desperation, takeaway food shop, stupid, to spare, to shoot it off

1. Finding differences. Read the text and then listen to the recording. There are eleven significant differences between the two reports. Can you find all of them?

An unemployed man killing time before a date decided to turn to crime to ease his money problems. He wrote out a note reading ‘I’ve got a gun in my pocket and I’ll shoot it off unless you hand over the money’.

But David Smith, aged 21, failed to get any cash in spite of going into three shops in London Road, West Croydon.

At a chemist’s a girl assistant refused to accept the note, believing that it contained an obscene suggestion. Next door, in a hardware shop, the Asian assistant said that he could not read English. In desperation Smith, of High Road, Whitelea, Kent, went to a takeaway food shop, but the assistant could not read the note because he did not have his glasses.

Smith told police ‘I’ve been a fool. When the judge hears about this he won’t believe anyone could be so stupid. I only pretended to have a gun’.

UNIT 24. At the Doctor’s.


chest, cough, pain, indigestion, to bend, back trouble, pulled muscle, headache, bronchitis, appendicitis, tonsillitis, hay fever

1. Read the dialogues below before you listen to the recording. Find the differences. (D = doctor; P = patient)


D: Where does it hurt?

P: Just here, doctor.

D: Mm. And is that all the time?

P: No. Only when I walk, or when going downstairs. Sometimes when I carry things.

D: When you carry things. Big things?

P: Yes.

D: I see. Now I want you to stand up…


D: How often do you get them?

P: Oh, three or four times a week.

D: Three or four times a week. I see. Are they very bad?

P: Oh, yes. They stop me driving. Something I can hardly see, you know.

D: Yes. Do you often get colds?


P: It’s really bad cough. It’s really bad.

D: Does it hurt when you talk?

P: If talk a lot, yes.

D: I see. Well, I’ll just have a look at your chest. Do you drink?

2. Now listen to these conversations and try to write down the words that go in the blanks.


P: It’s a really bad pain, doctor. …………here.

D: Which side?

P: …………. side.

D: How long has this been going on? When did it start?

P: …………morning, doctor. I thought perhaps it was indigestion, but it’s too ……….for that.

D: ……….. Now just ………… down here. That’s right. Now ……….exactly does it hurt? Is it here?

P: Ooh! Yes!


D: Good morning, …………Palmer. What’s the …………?

P: Well, I’ve got a …………sore throat, ………… .

D: …………. . How long have you had it?

P: Oh, about ……….. . It’s ………..very painful. It’s difficult to ……… .


P: It’s every …………about the same time, doctor. Stuffed-up nose, my ………… itch, and I feel sort of …………the whole time.

D: Is it ……….. when you’re inside or outside?

P: When I’m in the …… .


P: I get this ……….. when I bend ………., doctor. Just here.

D: I see. Take your ……….. off.

UNIT 25. Keeping Healthy.


to gain/lose weight, to be worried, to go on a diet, vegetarian, health food store

1. Betty and Charlene are worried about their sons Marc and Tim. What do they think Marc and Tim should do? Fill out the chart below.


Marc Tim

Gain weight

Lose weight

Eat more fruit

Eat more meat

Stop smoking

Drink less soda

Start exercising

Relax more

Find a girlfriend

2. How old are Marc and Tim?

UNIT 26. How Do I Get There?


to go by subway, direction, subway exit

1. You will hear people asking for information about what buses to take to different places, and how often the buses leave. Complete the information in the table. The first one is done for you.


To Bus number Frequency

Phoenix 23 every 10 minutes

The airport every minutes

The museum every minutes

The zoo every minutes

The train station every minutes

The art gallery every minutes

2. You will hear people asking how to get to different places in a city. Indicate in the table how they should get to each place and write down how long it will take them to get there.


How to get there

How long it will take




on foot




Isetan Dept. Store


Far Eastern



Plaza Hotel


Hong Kong Restaurant


United Airlines Office



UNIT I. You’re Perfect.

  1. Listen to the song You’re Perfect

  2. Listen to the song again and try to fill in the missing verbs.

You’re Perfect.

You 1 and I 2 a gap in your teeth.

It 3 me 4 inside.

You 5 perfection,

But you 6 always on my mind.

And when you 7 you 8 two left feet.

You 9 never 10 a Broadway star.

You 11 perfection,

But I 12 you just the way that you 13 .

And sometimes when the sun 14 down,

We 15 alone, nobody else around,

I 16 to 17 the truth:

You 18 perfect.

You 19 perfect.

You 20 perfect, to me.

Out on the town you always 21 your way:

Better if you 22 at home.

You 23 perfection,

But I just 24 you alone.

You __25__such a mess when you 26 up.

Nothing ever 27 quite right.

You 28 perfection,

But 29 you 30 mine tonight?

‘Cause darling when the sun 31 down,

We 32 alone, nobody else around,

I 33 that I 34 the truth:

You 35 perfect.

You 36 perfect.

You 37 perfect, to me.

Perfect to me.

UNIT II. A Bigger Heart.

1. Read the script of the song and try to fill in the missing words. Then listen to the song and see if you were right.

A Bigger Heart

His arms are stronger then mine

His legs are 1 than mine

His car’s always cleaner

And his grass is always 2

But my heart is …3…than his

And my love for you is stronger than his.

His shirts are 4 than mine

His soufflés are lighter than mine

His video is 5

And his faults are fewer

But my heart is 6 than his

And my love for you is stronger than his.

He’s more 7 , much more elegant

More charming and polite than me

He’s more responsible, much more dependable

He’s everything I long to be.

His office is 8 than mine

His martinis are drier than mine

His roses are 9

And his overdraft is smaller

But my heart is 10 than his

And my love for you is stronger than his.

UNIT III. Brighton in the Rain

  1. Read the script of the song and try to fill in the missing words. Then listen to the song and see if you were right.

Brighton in the Rain.

I’ve never 1 to Athens and I’ve never 2 to Rome

I’ve only 3 the Pyramids in picture books at home

I’ve never 4 across the sea or 5 inside a plane

I’ve always 6 my holidays in Brighton in the rain.

I’ve never 7 foreign food or 8 in a foreign bar

I’ve never 9 a foreign girl or 10 a foreign car

I’ve never11 to find my way in a country I don’t know

I’ve always 12 just where I am and where I’ll never go.

I’ve 13 travel books by writers who have 14 to Pakistan

I’ve 15 people telling stories of adventures in Iran

I’ve 16 TV documentaries about China and Brazil

But I’ve never 17 abroad myself; it’s making me feel ill.

I’ve 18 several languages like Hindi and Malay

I’ve lots of useful sentences I’ve never 19 able to say

The furthest place I’ve ever 20 was to the Isle of Man

And that was full of tourists from Jamaica and Japan.

I’ve never 1 to Athens and I’ve never 2 to Rome

I’ve only 3 the Pyramids in picture books at home

I’ve never 4 across the sea or 5 inside a plane

I’ve always 6 my holidays in Brighton in the rain.

UNIT IV. My Old Dad

1. Listen to the song and try to write down the missing verbs.

My Old Dad

We never 1 him in the mornings,

And he always 2 home late.

Then he 3 and 4 the pager

And 5 the crossword while he 6 .

He never 7 us with our homework,

But he 8 me to swim,

And he 9 me to be patient.

I quess I 10 a lot from him.

My old Dad

He was one of the good guys.

He was nobody’s hero,

But he was special to me.

Every summer we 11 to Blackpool,

Except when he 12 unemployed.

He 13 to 14 and 15 the sunset

That 16 one thing we both 17 .

He 18 always very gentle,

Nothing ever 19 him mad.

He 20 never rich or famous,

But I 21 proud of my old Dad.

My old Dad

He was one of the good guys,

He was nobody’s hero,

But he was special to me.

UNIT 5.I Hadn’t Seen Her for a Long Time.

1. Read and choose the correct words and expressions from the list given below and put them in the gaps.

I hadn’t seen her for a long time.

I 1 down the street one day

Looking at the shops

When someone asked me if I 2 the way.

I gave the girl directions

And then saw who it was.

I couldn’t 3 of anything to say.

I hadn’t seen her 4 a very long time

Since the day we said good bye.

She 5 changed,

She 6 looked young and shy.

I thought perhaps 7 changed so much

She didn’t 8 it was me,

Then I saw the recognition in her eye.

We stood in silence for a while,

Then I 9 her to a bar.

I felt as if I was walking with a ghost.

We drank and began to talk,

And then her eyes met mine.

Her eyes 10 always shown her feelings most.

We 11 about the good old days

About family and friends

About the hopes we’d shared 12 it all went wrong.

She seemed quite pleased to see me

So I 13 two more drinks

But when I got back to the table she 14 gone.

I hadn’t seen her for a very long time, etc.


(1 - walked/was walking, 2 – know/knew, 3 – think/to think, 4 – since/for, 5 – hasn’t/hadn’t, 6 – still/yet, 7 – I/I’d, 8 – realise/realised,9 – was leading/led,10 – have/had,11 – talked/have talked,12 – before/after,13 – ordered/had ordered,14 – has/had)

2. Listen to the song and check your answers.

UNIT 6. Private Detective.

  1. Listen to the song and write down all the adjectives

Private Detective

He’s a very 1 man

And his face is very 2

He wears a 3 4 jacket

And he’s got whiskers on his chin He keeps looking back – I keep diving into doorways

Watching every move – I still don’t know his name …

He’s a 5 villain

And he’s creeping like a fox.

There is something in his suit case

And now he’s stepping in a phone box

He keeps looking back –

I keep diving into doorways

Watching every move – but I still don’t know his game …

6 Detective – now he’s running free

7 Detective – he’ll never get away from me

She’s sitting in a cafè

And she’s reaching in her bag

She’s looking at a photo

And her face is very 8

She keeps looking up – I dive behind my paper

Something’s gonna happen – sooner or later

  1. Detective – now she’s running free

  2. Detective – she’ll never get away from me, no, no, no!

She’s a very 11 lady

And her nails are very 12

And she’s taking to a stranger

And I think she’s got a gun

She keeps looking up – I dive behind my paper

Something’s gonna happen – sooner or later

13 Detective – now she’s running free

14 Detective – she’ll never get away oh no!

  1. Detective – now he’s running free, no, no

16 Detective – he’ll never, never, never get away from me!

UNIT 7. So Near Yet So Far.

1. Listen to the song and write down the missing verb forms.

So Near Yet So Far.

Maria 1 on a mountainside with her mother and her father – she 2 an only child

She 3 so hard – in the old vineyard

Antonio 4 at the harbour’s edge with his uncle and aunt … and 5 his bread,

He 6 all day – in a rough black sea

They 7 at a dance in the market square

A romantic night – there 8 love in the air

They 9 each other close and he 10 her a ring

Both families 11 it 12 the very best thing

Maria 13 that the day 14 when she and Antonio 15 as one

They 16 soon – happy bride and groom

One not summer’s day on the mountainside

Maria stared as a stranger came by

In a shiny car and gold round his neck

She 17 the prettiest girl he’d ever 18

Maria 19 alone on the mountain side in a brand new dress and tears in her eyes

Now the stranger 20 - he 21 a handsome one

Antonio 22 on an out – of – town bus ‘cause now his dreams 23 to dust

He 24 25 away – he’s just 26 for the city

They 27 at a dance in the market square

A romantic night – magic in the air

Both families 28 the wedding 29 off

So near yet so far from a perfect love.

UNIT 8. The Island.

1. Listen to the song and write down all missing adjectives.

The Island

Each night I dream of a 1 Island

Surrounded by beaches and covered in flowers

Butterflies dance through the 2 smelling meadows

And birds sing their love songs for hours.

3 4 water runs down from the mountains

And flows through 5 valleys as a sparkling stream.

  1. sea breezes blow over my Island

While sunshine pours over my dream

Each night I visit the island of my dreams,

Each night I visit I the island, of my dreams,

I leave the 7 world behind,

It’s somewhere 8 in my mind,

Not too easy to find,

The island.

9 10 squirrels play games in the tree tops

And chase through the branches where nightingales sing.

It looks so 11 I wish I could take you

To where each night’s the first day of spring.

Each night I visit the island of my dreams,

Each night I visit I the island, of my dreams,

I leave the 7 world behind,

It’s somewhere 8 in my mind,

Not too easy to find,

The island.