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  1. Read the text about Maria’s daily routine. My daily routine

My name is Maria. I am a student at the university. I study 5 days a week. Saturday and Sunday are my days off.

My weekdays are very similar. I usually get up at 7 o’clock. I don’t like getting up so early. I always put on some music. It helps me wake up. Then I have a shower and clean my teeth. I have breakfast at half past seven. As a rule my mother makes breakfast for me. Some cereal, coffee and toast is my ideal breakfast. After breakfast I get dressed and put on some make-up. At about 8 o’clock I leave home. I live not far from the university so I usually walk. My classes begin at 8.30 a.m. I don’t like being late and always come in time. As a rule we have 3 or 4 periods of lectures and seminars a day. At noon I go to the university canteen and have lunch there. My classes finish at about 4 o’clock and I go home.

I like having dinner at home. I usually have some soup, salad and steak for dinner. After dinner I always relax. I like listening to music, watching television, surfing the Internet. At about 6 o’clock in the evening I start doing my homework. It takes me 2 or 3 hours every day. At about 8 o’clock I have supper with my family. I do the washing-up after supper and I am free. I often go for walks with my friends. Sometimes we meet in cafés or bars and chat. At about eleven at night I come home. Before going to bed I often read a book or a magazine. This is the end of my ordinary working day.

On Saturdays I usually do my homework and help my mother about the house. On Sundays I like meeting my friends. Our weekends depend on the season. In spring and summer we often go for picnics, sunbathe and swim in the open air. In winter and autumn we like going to the cinema, meeting in bars and clubs, dancing and chatting.

  1. Find English equivalents in the text.

Помогает мне проснуться, не люблю так рано вставать, одеваюсь и крашусь, не люблю опаздывать, мою посуду, 4 пары лекций и семинаров, помогаю маме по дому, купаемся и загораем на природе, зависит от времени года, включаю музыку, мой обычный рабочий день, перед сном, в полдень.

  1. Answer the questions about Maria’s weekdays and weekends.

  1. What is Maria?

  2. How many days a week does she study?

  3. Does she go to the university on Saturdays?

  4. Are her weekdays similar?

  5. What time does she usually get up?

  6. What helps her wake up?

  7. Does she have a shower in the morning?

  8. Who cooks breakfast for her?

  9. When do her classes begin?

  10. How many periods a day does she usually have?

  11. Where does she have lunch?

  12. Does she go home after her classes?

  13. What does she have for dinner?

  14. How does she relax after dinner?

  15. How long does it take her to do her homework?

  16. Does she stay home in the evenings?

  17. Does she go to bed late?

  18. What does she do at the weekends?

  19. What do her weekends depend on?

  1. Write a similar story about your working days and weekends. Use the questions from the previous exercise to help you. Get ready to speak about it in class.

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