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My hobby

My name is Keat Bright and I'm 15 years old. I've got a lot of hobbies but my favourite hobby is collecting records.

On my twelfth birthday my uncle gave me a long-playing record. At first I was a little bit disappointed because I wasn't very much interested in listening to pop music. The title of this record was "The John Lennon Collection". I wanted to make my uncle happy. Therefore I played the record at once. And what a surprise, I liked most of these songs. This was the beginning of my hobby.

At the moment I have 72 long-playing records and 55 singles. I know that it is an expensive hobby but I like it. I spend nearly all my pocket-money for my hobby. Some of my friends think that I'm crazy and they cannot understand my passion.

Last spring I wanted to buy several records. But all my money was gone. So I decided to look for a holiday-job in the summer holidays. A few weeks later I read in the newspaper: "Newspaper carrier wanted". I applied for this job and I really got it. Now I distribute a local newspaper every Thursday and I get $30 for it. That means one long-playing record and two singles! I only collect pop music, of course. I don't like classical music or folk music. And I'm afraid this will never change.

Lesson 12

Act as an interpreter.

Film industry

Richard Stilman, an American film producer from Holly­wood has come on a visit to Russia. Now our Russian film producer is talking with him.

— Ричард, мне бы хоте­лось расспросить Вас о первой постановке фильма «Унесенные ветром». Он ведь был снят на вашей киностудии, не так ли?

  • Yes, you are right. Dav­id О. Selznick, a Hollywood film producer decided to make a film, based on the novel written by a journalist from Atlanta Margaret Mitchell, "Gone with the Wind". By the way, do you remember the plot?

— Безусловно. Это ро­мантический и волную­щий рассказ о красивой молодой девушке Скарлетт О'Хара, о двенадцати годах ее жизни до, в течение и после Гражданской войны 1861-1865 гг. в США.

  • Absolutely right. So, David O. Selznick chose a fa­mous film star of the time, Clark Gable, for the part of the tall and handsome hero, Rhett Butter, but he couldn't find anyone for the part of Scarlett. Не was searching for two and a half years.

  • Извините, что пере­биваю Вас. Я знаю об этом. В конце концов он нашел замечательную мо­лодую Британскую

актри­су Вивьен Ли.

— Yes, when Selznick saw the beautiful face of Vivien Leigh, he decided at once: "She will be Scarlett O'Hara!"

  • Ричард, а сколько снимали фильм и сколько за него заплатил Дэйвид Селзник?

  • Well, as far as I remem­ber, the picture took three years, half a million feet of film and 4.25 million dollars to produce. Don't forget it was 1933.

— Потрясающе! Фильм имел большой успех.

  • Surely. This film won eight Academy Awards, in­cluding an award for the best actress of the year and the best direction. It is consid­ered to be one of the greatest motion pictures of all times.

— Спасибо, Ричард. Было приятно поговорить с Вами.

—You are welcome.