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3) The Object. A.

to promise

to offer

to remember

to forget

to agree

to decide

to pretend

to want

to mean

to do smth

to be doing smth

to be done

E.g. She did not want to be seen in such a company.

Exercise 6. Complete the following sentences by adding an objective infinitive:

1. Why did you pretend … ? 2. We agreed … . 3. Who wants … ? 4. I did not mean … . 5. Finally it was decided … . 6. He offered … . 7. Don’t forget … . 8. You must always remember… .


to be







to do smth

to be doing smth

to have done smth

to have been doing smth

to be done

to have been done

E.g. 1. I was glad to be taken to her. 2. They were astonished to have found me there. 3. He was afraid to be seen with me.

Exercise 7. Complete the following sentences by adding an objective infinitive:

1. Why were you so angry…? 2. Were you glad… ? 3. She must have been pleased… . 4. They were simply delighted… . 5. She was not really angry… .

Exercise 8. Translate into English:

1. Ми були раді, що запросили його провести з нами вечір. 2. Не забудь відправити лист. 3. Дівчинка боялася, що її поведуть до зубного лікаря. 4. Ми були дуже раді, що поговорили з деканом. 5. Ви дуже засмучені, що втратили цю можливість? 6. Вона завжди дуже задоволена, коли її приймають за молоду дівчину.

4) The Attribute. A.





to do smth

E.g. She was the first to pass the examination. Who was the last to speak to him?






to do smth

E.g. 1. I have nothing to give you. 2. Have you anything else to say? 3. There was nobody there to show him how to do it.





to do smth

E.g. 1. He is just the man to do it. 2. It is not the right time to discuss the subject. 3. It is just the book I read in train.

Note. The attributive passive infinitive may have a future meaning.

E.g. The houses to be build here will be of the same type.

Exercise 9. Replace the attribute clause by an attributive infinitive.

Model: He is the only man who can do it better than I.

He is the only man to do it better than I.

1. There was a long argument over the trees which are going to be planed in the schoolyard. 2.Her mother was the first who kissed her, and wished her luck. 3. there is simply nothing anyone can do about it. 4. It was one of those incredible opportunities where you could get something for nothing or for next to nothing.

Exercise 10. Translate into English:

1. Не така вона людина, щоб змінити свою думку. 2. Йому більше не було що сказати. 3. Ось план кінотеатру, який буде збудовано на цій площі. 4. У дитини немає нікого, хто б міг потурбуватися про неї. 5. Дайте мені час подумати. 6. Я не пам’ятаю, хто перший це сказав. 7. Я не маю на що жалітися. 8. Є ще одна справа, яку треба зробити.

5) The Adverbial Modifier of Purpose

to do smth

to help smb

to get smth

to be given smth

in order to get smth

so as to be given smth

E.g. I have come here to help you. She pretended to be quite well not to be taken to the doctor.

Exercise 11. Translate into English:

1. Я прийшла сюди не для того, щоб зі мною поводились як з дитиною. 2. Він біг всю дорогу, щоб встигнути на поїзд. 3. Він приніс в клас карту, щоб показати нам маршрут експедиції. 4. Діти стояли на подвір’ї і не йшли, щоб їх теж взяли з собою. 5. Я все це кажу, щоб мене правильно зрозуміли. 6. Він зупинився, щоб уважно подивитись на мене.

6) The Adverbial Modifier of Result







to do smth

to be done

to have done

to have been done

E.g. He knows English well enough to read books in the original. The problem is too complicated to be solved at once.

Exercise 12. Complete the following sentences by adding the infinitive of result to them:

1. Who of us is brave enough…? 2. The weather is too fine … .3. You are old enough … .4. She’s too young and pretty … .5. The story is much too long … .6. The problem is too complicated … .7. The problem is too deep-rooted … .8. She’s just not clever enough … .9. She is by far too clever … .10. Do you know him well enough …?

7) Secondary Predicative










to do (at, with)

E.g. Is she nice to work with? His story is hard to disprove.

Exercise 13. Translate into English:

1. З нею важко сперечатися. 2. З ним приємно мати справу. 3. Його словам важко повірити. 4. М’яч було дуже важко впіймати. 5. З вами небезпечно сваритися. 6. Її нелегко було втішити. 7. На неї було приємно дивитися. 8. Цю книгу неможливо дістати.

Exercise 14. State the functions of the Infinitive:

1. The article to be translated is interesting. 2. Our task is to pass all exams with good and excellent marks. 3. To solve the problem in time is necessary. 4. We have come to speak to the teacher. 5. The question to be discussed at the meeting is very important. 6. To succeed takes hard work. 7. To work well means to live well. 8. Our students know English well enough to read newspapers. 9. There is nothing to worry about. 10. A foreign language can’t be learned without a great deal of repetition.

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