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To have (got)

28. Use the correct form of have.

1. My father . . . four brothers. 2. We . . . many teachers. 3. My sister . . . a large room in this flat. 4. He . . . good chalk. 5. Our classroom ... six windows. 6. They . . . many English books. 7. I… a new bag.

29. Study the sentences below and say whether the ‘s is is or has as in the example.

1. Jill’s got a good figure. has

2. Tim’s short and fat. _________

3. Greg’s a handsome man. _________

4. Nora’s got long red hair. _________

5. Paul’s got broad shoulders. _________

6. Ken’s bald. _________

7. Jenny’s a pretty girl. _________

30. Write questions and answers as in the example.

1. Emily

× car

√ bicycle

A: Has Emily got a car?

B: No, Emily hasn’t got a car. She has got a bicycle.

2. Carl

× beard

√ moustache

3. Samantha

× blue eyes

√ brown eyes

4. Jane and Tim

× stereo

√ TV

5. Joe

× wrinkles

√ freckles

6. You

× long hair

√ short hair

7. Lucy

× typewriter

√ computer

31. Complete the sentences with phrases from the box and the correct form of have.

A break a walk blue eyes a bad back

A cold drink a shower breakfast a sense of humor

a. It’s so hot! Let’s stop in this cafe and have a cold drink.

b. All the people in my family _____________________ and black hair.

c. Can we stop and ____________________ soon? I’m getting tired.

d. You need to ___________________ in this job – things are always going wrong!

e. Marc’s just ____________________ - he’ll be down in a few minutes.

f. Why is it that you always ____________________ when I need you to help with the housework?

g. I think I’ll ___________________ before dinner – I need some fresh air.

h. I like to ____________________ in a cafe on Sunday mornings, and read all the papers.

There is / There are

32. Put the correct form of the verb to be.

1. In Thailand there … many festivals throughout the year. 2. In Fiji there …. a wonderful beach. 3. There … some popular holiday destinations. 4. There … some interesting people at the party. 5. There … a beautiful waterfall there. 6. In the city there … an ancient museum I’d like to visit. 7. There … a temple and a church there.

33. Translate into English.

1. В нашем городе много школ и институтов. 2. На столе много журналов? – Нет, только два. 3. Сколько штатов в Америке? 4. У меня на столе лежит интересная книга. 5. Сколько полосок на флаге США? 6. В центре города находится театр. 7. В этом тексте есть новые слова. 8. В твоей комнате есть компьютер? 9.

Present / Past Simple

34. Write the third person singular of the given verbs into the correct box.

dive, teach, try, drink, type, fix, write, stay, miss, fry, say, crash, cry.




35. Use the prompts to make sentences, as in the example.

1. Mary / live / in / town / near Dublin.

Mary lives in a town near Dublin.

2. John / not have got / brown eyes.


3. Be / Bob / mechanic?


4. He / enjoy / reading / books / in his free time.


5. Be / there / many festivals / in your country?


6. I / usually / nor work / on Saturdays.


36. Make sentences negative as in the example.

1. E.g. Не works at the same factory. – He doesn’t work at the same factory. 2. My brother tells us nice stories. 3. I speak English well. 4. My sister helps me to do my homework. 5. Those foreign students speak Russian. 6. The librarian helps us to choose books for home reading. 7. We listen to his lectures on Sundays. 8. He reviews the words every day.

37. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present simple.

1. Every year we (to celebrate) New Year.

2. People (to buy) presents for Christmas.

3. His mother (to make) porridge for breakfast.

4. Fred (to like) to play with his pet.

5. Every spring she (to plant) nice flowers in her garden.

6. Nancy (to draw) very beautiful pictures.

7. He (to look after) his little sister.

8. We (to take) our dog for a walk three times a day.

9. Every night they (to say goodnight) and (to go to bed).

10. Our friends usually (to come) to see us on Sunday.

38. Make questions.

1. She helps her mother about the house. (Whom...)

2. We live in Moscow. (Where...)

3. The little boy likes to listen to his mother's stories. (Whose...)

4. On Sundays they go for a walk to the forest. (When ...)

5. The teacher gives the class good marks. (What...)

6. We usually get to the museum by bus. (How ...)

7. My friend is 15. (How old...)

8. He likes cats. (What...)

9. My friend has got a new TV set. (Who...)

39. Complete the extracts with the Present simple form of the verbs. Which is from…

1. a detective story? ---

2. an encyclopedia? ---

3. an e-mail to a pen friend? ---

do help live look own rain

A. We (a) live in Lisbon. My parents (b) _______ a furniture shop, and I (c) _______ them in the shop at weekends. Please write back and tell me about you and your family. What (d) _______ you _______ like? (Can you send a photo?) What (e) ______your parents ______? And what about the weather in England? (f) _______ it really _______ all the time?

believe belong (not) know own think want

B. ‘So who (a) _______the gun ______ to, Smith?’

‘Well, Inspector, we (b) _______ that only three people in the village (c) _______ a gun, but we (d) _______ which of them had a motive for killing the Professor. Let’s go back to the scene of the crime – I (e) _______ to try an experiment. (f) _______ you _______ in telepathy, Inspector Turner?’

come get not drink have not have spend

C. The koala is an Australian mammal. It (a) _______ thick fur and round ears but it (b) _______ a tail, like a teddy bear. Koalas (c) _______ most of the day sleeping. They (d) _______ water, but they (e) _______ liquids from eating eucalyptus leaves. The word koala (f) _____ from the Aborigine word meaning ‘no drink’.

40. Translate into English.

1. Я обычно делаю домашнее задание вечером. 2. Мой друг живет на Севере. 3. Моя сестра учится в медицинском колледже. 4. У них два занятия по иностранному языку в неделю. 5. Он всегда навещает нас, когда бывает в Москве. 6. "Сколько времени вы тратите на дорогу домой?" - "Как правило, я трачу на дорогу домой около тридцати минут". 7. Он теперь редко путешествует. 8. Вы часто ходите в кино? 9. Она никогда не опаздывает. Она всегда приходит вовремя. 10. "Вы чувствуете что-нибудь?" - "Нет, я ничего не чувствую". 11. Его отец - инженер. Он строит мосты. 12. Я не учу французский язык, я учу немецкий. 13. Теперь мы редко с ними встречаемся. 14. Ее муж часто ездит в командировки?

41. Read the following sentences and correct them. Write two true sentences as in the example.

E.g.: The sun goes round the earth.

a) The sun doesn't go round the earth.

b) The earth goes round the sun.

1. The sun rises in the west.

2. Carpenters make things from metal.

3. The River Amazon flows into the Pacific Ocean.

4. Mice catch cats.

5. Ice melts at 100° С

6. Water boils at 0° С

7. Sheep eat meat.

8. Birds fly away to the North in winter.

9. The moon rises in the west.

10. Exercise is bad for your health.

11. Journalists never ask questions.

12. Edinburgh is the capital of the UK.

42. Write the past simple forms of the verbs into the correct box.

laugh, study, travel, pray, stop, close, cry, rob, call, love, tidy, dance, miss, drop, phone, enjoy, try, live, refer, look, carry

+ ed

+ d

y → ied

double consonant + ed


43. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of past simple. Use the list of irregular verbs.

1. Нe (to stay) at the Institute after classes. 2. I (to know) all the words very well. 3. She (to study) English at the Institute. 4. She (to write) the letter. 5. Some years ago she (to live) in the country. 6. She (make) an interesting report. 7. Last year he (to work) at the factory. 8. Yesterday we (to go) home by metro. 9. It (to take) me half an hour to get home. 10. We (to see) the film a week ago. 11. She (to find) time to help us. 12. He (to do) the translation without a dictionary. 13. He always (to do) his best to learn to speak English correctly and understand it. 14. Last night we (to watch) a hockey match on TV. 15. She (to leave) for England the day before yesterday.

44. Make sentences negative.

1. We had our breakfast at the Institute dining-room. 2. He want­ed to go to Kiev during the holidays. 3. Our English class began at 10 o'clock. 4. Last night I got a letter from my parents. 5. My daugh­ter tried to write the letter in English. 6. She made a report last week. 7. It snowed hard.

45. Answer the following questions.

1. Did you go skiing last Sunday? 2. With whom did you prepare your homework? 3. What did you do last night? 4. Did your friend see the new film yesterday? 5. Where did you have supper? 6. Did you watch TV last Sunday? 7. Was the show interesting? 8. At what time did you go to bed? 9. Did you come home early or late yesterday? 10. What did you do before classes today? 11. Did you get a letter from your friend last week?

46. Write different questions to the following sentences.

1. We listened to the latest news over the radio. 2. The meeting began at 3 o'clock. 3. My father left for London last week. 4. I got up late yesterday. 5. We went to the cinema a week ago. 6. We spent the holidays in the country last summer. 7. It was pleasant to bathe in the river in summer. 8. There were a lot of leaves on the ground in the park. 9. He asked the same question. 10. We went in for skating last winter.

47. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of past simple.

1. A: __________ (you/go) on holiday last summer?

B: Yes, I __________ (go) to Hungary.

2. A: Where __________ (be) you last night?

B: I __________ (meet) a friend for dinner.

3. I __________ (call) her house but there __________ (be) no answer.

4. Yesterday, Sue __________ (receive) a package in the post from Tom.

5. A: What __________ (you/do) when you __________ (finish) school?

B: I __________ (travel) through Europe.

6. I __________ (send) an e-mail to Maria yesterday and she __________ (write) back immediately.

7. A: _____________ (they/go) to the football game on Saturday?

B: No, they __________ (watch) it on TV.

8. A: __________ (you/finish) the book I __________ (give) you?

B: Yes, I did.

48. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Past Simple.

1. I (to go) to bed at 10 o'clock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at 10 o'clock yesterday. 3. My brother (to wash) his face every morning. 4. Yesterday he (to wash) his face at a quarter past seven. 5. I (not to have) History lessons every day. 6. We (not to rest) yesterday. 7. My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday. 8. My mother always (to take) a bus to get to work, but yesterday she (not to take) a bus. Yesterday she (to walk) to her office. 9. You (to talk) to the members of your family every day? - Yes, I ... . But yester­day I (not to talk) to them: I (to be) very busy yesterday. 10. You (to come) home at 6 o'clock yesterday? - No, I... . Yesterday I (to come) home from school at half past eight. I (to be) very tired. I (to have) dinner with my family. After dinner I (to be) very thirsty. I (to drink) two cups of tea. Then I (to rest). 11. Your sister (to go) to school every day? -Yes, she ... .

49. Stefano is asking his friend Pietro about his new girlfriend. Complete his questions with the correct form of be, have and do.

Stefano: What (a) __________ your girlfriend’s name?

Pietro: Masako.

Stefano: (b) _________ that a Japanese name?

Pietro: Yes, That’s right.

Stefano: Which part of Japan (c) ________ she come from?

Pietro: Osaka.

Stefano: Uh-huh … so (d) ________ you speak Japanese?

Pietro: No. ‘Hello’ and ‘thank you’, but that’s it!

Stefano: Oh, right. (e) _________she do that English course with you last month?

Pietro: No, her English is much better than mine.

Stefano: Well, how (f) ___________ you meet her, then?

Pietro: At the bus stop – she lives near me.

Stefano: I see, (g) ________ she got her own flat here?

Pietro: Well, it’s her parents’ flat.

Stefano: Oh. (h) _________ they living here, too?

Pietro: Some of the time, yes.

50. Match the questions and short answers.

1. Do you like our new teacher?

a. Yes, they are.

2. Have you got the time?

b. No, he hasn’t.

3. Is it cold outside today?

c. Yes, I did.

4. Did you have a good holiday?

d. Yes, I was.

5. Was there a lot of traffic on the roads this morning?

e. No, it wasn’t.

6. Are your neighbors nice?

f. No, it isn’t.

7. Were you at the football match on Saturday?

g. Yes, I do.

8. Has your brother got a girlfriend?

h. No, it doesn’t.

9. Does it take long to do this exercise?

i. Yes, there was.

10. Was the film good?

j. No, I haven’t.

51. Complete the dialogues with the Past simple form of the verbs in the box.

Cook forget get (×2) go happen

Hear introduce rain ring stay

Not see not tell not want

1. A: Oh sorry, I (a) didn’t see you there.

(b) _________ you_________ the bell?

B: No, I (c) _____________ to disturb you.

2. A: (d) _________ you __________ out last night?

B: No, actually we (e) __________ in and Gary (f) __________ a fantastic meal?

3. A: (g) __________ you __________ about Abby and Rob’s disastrous holiday?

B: No, What (h) ___________ ?

A: Well, the weather was terrible – it (i) __________ every day, and they both (j) _______ food poisoning from the hotel food!

4. A: Why (k) ___________ you __________ me about Marc’s engagement? I (l) __________ quite a shock when he (m) __________ me to his fiancée.

B: Oh, I’m so sorry. I (n) __________ to tell you. She’s nice, isn’t she?

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