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Imprisonment and False Liberation

Doctorow incorporates the tension between imprisonment and liberation into the struggles of several of his characters. Imprisonment manifests itself in many different ways in the novel: physical, emotional, philosophical, political, and economic. For example, Harry Houdini, a famous escape artist, astounds crowds with his ability to escape from any given enclosed area; therefore, his struggle does not originate in physical imprisonment, but in emotional imprisonment. Publicly, he demonstrates his freedom from imprisonment. However, he does not derive any sense of satisfaction from his feats, because privately, his obsession with his mother, which continues even after her death, prevents him from emotional liberation. Tateh also experiences a feeling of imprisonment during his time in New York, and attempts to "escape" to Lawrence, Massachusetts, Philadelphia, and other locations.


The Nature of Historical Truth

In Ragtime, Doctorow often makes allusions to familiar historical figures and events. However, he often alters certain details or entirely fabricates circumstances. In this way, the novel adopts an element of fantasy as well as addressing the subjectivity of historical accounts. Doctorow rejects one-sided absolutes in favor of a more complex view of history enriched by a multiplicity of voices. To this end, Doctorow's many interconnected characters and events draw attention to individuals' various reactions to similar events and circumstances. Through this method of characterization, the reader gains more profound insight into both the character himself and the broader social trends implicit in the character's reactions.

The Motion Picture and Photography

Imagery plays an important role in this novel. The motion picture, an innovation of the Progressive Era, gains prominence during this time, with the threat it presented to traditional art and culture, and the relatively inexpensive cost of attending a film. Tateh achieves relative well-being through his involvement in the production of movies. In addition, Doctorow's interest in imagery manifests itself stylistically in his writing. The novel also expresses an interest in the increased use of duplication as a result of technological advancements, and the consequent loss of a sense of individuation.

The Ambiguity of the Narrative Voice

In Ragtime, E.L. Doctorow employs a unique narrative style. The narrator seems to be neither an omniscient and uninvolved individual nor any one specific character. Critics have varying opinions on the origin of the narrative voice; most critics agree that the voice appears to be that of an American writing in 1974. The narrator's sense of historical perspective, as well as his use of ironic and rhetorical commentary, seems to support this notion. The narrator's knowledge about the little boy's thoughts and feelings might lead the reader to believe the little boy narrates the story; however, the narrative voice remains in the third person. In addition, perhaps Tateh's little girl provides the narrative voice. Another possibility lies in the notion that the little girl and the little boy narrate the story together. Tateh, Mameh, and the little girl seem to find their parallel in Father, Mother, and the little boy; perhaps each child provides different elements to the narration and to the story line, to produce a more comprehensive image of America at the turn of the century. The recurrent presence of "we" throughout the novel supports this belief that the two voices narrate together.


  1. How do the novel's characters react to changes in their environment? What do their reactions say about their social positions, their historical significance as characters, and their individual personalities?

  2. How does Doctorow address the role of technology in the lives of individuals? What does he imply are the advantages and disadvantages of science and technology?

  3. The narrative voice in Ragtime often seems ambiguous. What could Doctorow have hoped to convey by this ambiguity? Who could possibly be narrating? What insight do they have into the characters' inner thoughts and feelings?

  4. How does Doctorow incorporate metaphors of imprisonment and false liberation into Ragtime? How does imprisonment manifest itself in the novel's characters, psychologically, economically, and physically?

  5. How do some of the main characters serve allegorical roles? What movements or social trends are they intended to represent?

  6. What questions and concerns does Doctorow raise about the nature of historical truth?

  7. How does the struggle for stability and meaning manifest itself in the characters' thoughts and actions?

  8. What is the role of the motion picture in Ragtime? What is its significance as a cultural influence at the turn of the century in the United States? How is the process of "duplication" significant?

  9. Render the role of Motion Picture and Photography in the novel

  10. In which way the author uses a lot of stereotypes of American culture to tell the story ?

  11. Why might the author have chosen to name the characters as he did? Why do some of the characters have general names such as Mother’s Younger Brother while others have proper names like Coalhouse Walker, Jr.? Does this affect the way we relate to them?

  12. Why did the author choose the title Ragtime for this novel? What is ragtime music? What are its origins and how does it relate to other genres of music? What does it reveal about the society in which it was created? What literary devices does the author use to reference or re-interpret ragtime?

  13. Why might the author have chosen not to use quotation marks? Does this affect the rhythm of the story?

  14. Describe the setting of Ragtime. When and where does the story take place? Why might an author have chosen to write about this time period and these places and events?

  15. When was Ragtime written? What was happening at the time? How might readers then have related to the story? How do we relate to it today? Is it simply a historical narrative or does it reveal things about contemporary society?

  16. Why do you think that Mother’s Younger Brother chose to help Coalhouse Walker, Jr.?

  17. Doctorow chooses to incorporate historical figures in a fictional context. Who does he include? Why might he have chosen to include these people? Does his portrayal of them match historical accounts?

  18. The story takes place during a time of technological progress and industrialization. What are some of the innovations represented in the book? How does their presence affect the characters? Is the impact good or bad? Explain.

  19. The quest for freedom and peace is a key theme of Ragtime. How does the author use Harry Houdini to illuminate the complexity of this quest?

  20. While the characters represent different classes and races, they share much in common. Discuss some of these commonalities. How are the characters different?

  21. What imagery does the author use in the first chapter to set the scene? What does it tell us about life in the early 1900s? What might the purpose be in revealing the murder of the architect Stanford White? Does it change our initial impression of American life during this time?

  22. When Evelyn Nesbit meets The Little Girl in the Pinafore, she is tied with rope to her father’s wrist so she won’t be stolen. How does the author make connections between Evelyn, The Little Girl, and Mameh? Why is Evelyn drawn to Tateh and The Little Girl?

  23. When Father returns to New Rochelle, the mirror “gave back the gaunt, bearded face of a derelict, a man who lacked a home.” What does this mean? What has changed since Father left home? How does he adapt to these changes?

  24. Why might J.P. Morgan be so fascinated with Egyptology? Do his fortune and his collection of valuable objects bring him peace? Why do you think he invites Henry Ford to meet with him?

  25. The notion of value is prominent in the book. What do each of the characters value? What consequences does this have for them?

  26. Does Coalhouse Walker, Jr. obtain justice? What does he sacrifice in the process? How do his actions affect those around him? How does this scenario relate to the justice system and civil rights struggles in today’s society?

  27. Why does Tateh reinvent himself as a baron? What does it mean for his identity? How does the style and imagery of the novel relate to the advent of cinema? How does this invention change our perception of history?

  28. Many of the characters struggle for what they believe is right. Are they successful? How are these struggles tied in to the notion of identity or societal definitions of identity?

  29. The author uses his characters allegorically. What groups are represented? Do you feel the portrayals are accurate? Why or why not?

  30. The author presents many representations of family and relationships. Describe some. Which are most successful? Why do you think this is?

  31. Why do you think that Mother and Tateh end up together? What draws them together? How would this relationship have been viewed in the early 1900s? How would it be viewed today?

  32. Why do you think that the author chose the quotation by Scott Joplin as the novel’s epigraph? What does it signify?

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