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Questions. Unit b (Something to Think about)

  1. What causes the red color of blood? (Key-Words: hemoglobin)

  2. What is hemoglobin? What is its function?

  3. What are blood types? Why is it important to know what your blood type is? (Key-Words: A, B, AB, O, to transfer blood safely, to mix, the blood cells in the donated blood, to clump together)

  4. What is the Rh factor? What blood is called Rh-positive / Rh-negative? (Key-Words: substance in red blood cells)

  5. What is lymph? What is its role? (Key-Words: clear and liquid part of the blood, to carry everything that the cells need, to carry away wastes from the cells)

  6. What are lymph nodes? Where are they found? What are their functions? (Key-Words: small structures along the lymph vessels, to form some white blood cells, to kill off disease organisms)

  7. What sound is known as heart murmur? Why does it need medical attention? ( Key-Words: the sound of closing valves, not to close completely, to tell the doctor that the heart disease is present)

  8. What is pulse? What is pulse rate? (Key-Words: heartbeat, a wave of blood, to start out from the heart, to move through the arteries, the number of times the heart beats each minute)

  9. What does the normal pulse rate average about in males and females? (Key-Words: 80 beats per minute in women, 72 beats per minute in men)

  10. What may lower and increase the pulse rate?

  11. What is the origin of the word “capillary”? (Key-Words: the Latin word “capillus”, “a hair”)

  12. What are precapillary sphincters? What do they regulate?

  13. What is serum of the blood?

  14. Are all parts of the body vascular?

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